Closed Adventure seeking

Alexis Rodes King

The Rodes are not easy to get on your side.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 12 1/2" Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
"what does one do around this place if they want a bit of fun?" Alexis thought to herself as she made her way through the dungeons. She was thinking about causing some mischief but decided against it because after all classes haven't even started yet. She slowly walked through the dungeon making mental notes of certain areas.
Liusaidh had gotten bored of the dorm, and ended up in the dungeons. She had to admit she did prefer her home, but this would have to do. She spotted someone, a first year, the girl who had walked out of the dorm before Liusaidh could suggest her fun game. "Hey, watcha doing?" she said with a thick accent, skipping over to the girl to see what she was doing.
Alexis turned around after hearing a voice call out. A girl she had noticed in the dorm was skipping towards her smiling. "Oh hey. I was just looking around. Was wanting to see if the stories were true about this place. My godfather has a very exaggerated view on things. I'm Alexis Rodes King by the way. Sorry I didn't catch your name." Alexis said presenting her hand for the other girl to shake.
Liusaidh shrugged, "Whit stories ye heard?" she was a little curious but mostly because she had heard things about this place too. Her brothers hadn't really over exaggerated to her though, it simply just didn't matter to her. "I'm Liusaidh, Liusaidh Fergusson," She didn't take the girl's hand but instead just giggled lightly.
Alexis have a cheeky smile. "They're really unbelievable stories. My godfather said these dungeons housed gigantic spiders that fed on reptiles. Specifically snakes since this is where the Slytherin house is. Of course he was being outrageous as always." Alexis shrugged. "He mostly told me stories like that to get me to listen to him. Not that it changed much. However he was right about the place being cold and dark. Kinda feels a little like home." Alexis quietly cursed herself for revealing the last part and started walking back towards the dorm.
Liusaidh narrowed her eyes as the girl spun some stories of what her godfather had apparently said. She shrugged a little at the last statement, "Its no bad though, like its cool." Liusaidh knew her home was warmer and better than clearer this ones was, but she skipped after her, "Dae ye wanna know what ah heard about this school?" she asked in a very bright tone, hoping to draw the girl back in with it.
Alexis stopped and heaved a breath. "I'm sorry sometimes I tend to spin off unnecessary information. Yes I would like to hear what you were told." Alexis smiled and sat down against a wall.
Liusaidh kept the smile bright, "It's okay Alexis, we're pals, ah can keep a secret," she said in a sweet tone, but she wasn't necessarily being truthful, she liked having fun and at the end of the day these girls she was around weren't going to be in her life much. "Ah heard theres a giant eel in the lake, no a squid like the other hogwarts, but an eel,"
Alexis smiled half-heartedly. "Wow interesting. Giant eel. Would you like to prove that one of these days."
Luxen left the dueling chamber after practicing a few spells he'd learned the year before since he had not been able to practice over the summer. As he did so, he noticed a few of the the first year girls wondering around. Luxen was still annoyed with how loud they had been while in their dorms and decided to give them a little peace of his mind. "You know, first years really should just be seen and not heard" he said coldly to the pair.
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Alexis looked up from where she was sitting. Her interest peaked at the bLunt rudeness of a boy that seemed to have come out of nowhere. "Please confirm what accusations you are making and who you are addressing before pouncing to a conclusion." As usual she wasn't sure if he heard her, but that's just how she was. Her voice soft yet stern. It's why she utterly hated being accused of being loud. The only time she ever got loud was when she was doing a speech in front of people. She stood up and walked in front of the boy and crossed her arms over her chest. "Accusing the wrong people isn't a nice thing to do. Besides neither of have done anything to put you in a bad mood. And if we were loud you could have just asked us to be quieter. Something I highly doubt I was doing was being loud." She mumbled the last sentence to herself and went back to her seat on the floor.
Luxen found the young Slytherin's comment annoying. She obviously thought she was being clever. "Oh no! Someone thinks she's a Ravenclaw, well here's a concept your bird brain might understand. Guilty by association, your dorm was loud enough to wake the real Ravenclaw's up in their towers" Luxen said snidely as he began to walk forwards.

He wasn't interested in picking a fight with a couple of first years that were unable to defend themselves magically. At best and without lessons the most they literally could do was the simple Lumos spell. He on the other hand had a whole arsenal of tricks at his disposal. The fight was simply too one sided for his taste.
"Little firstie, if you're as smart as you think you are you'll take my advice and tell your mates to shut up at night before someone less 'friendly' decides to actually teach you a lesson" Luxen said as he simply walked past.

"By the way, tell whoever was singing, she sounds like a merperson above water and needs a good muzzle" he added with a smirk as he walked on.
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Alexis burst out laughing at the boy's last comment about the girls singing. She couldn't disagree. The girl really wasn't that good. "Hey." She called out after him getting up. "The advice is appreciated thanks. And if you wouldn't mind I could point you to said girl so you can tell her that yourself. I'd love to see the look on her face when you say that." Granted Alexis wanted the girl put in her place. Respect should come before pride.
Luxen ignored the first year girl's comments, if he had wanted to find the horrid singer than he would find her. It really wasn't worth his time to pick up on first years when he really wanted to go back to the common room and pick up one of the book's he'd bought at the beginning of the summer but had not yet managed to finished. Several of them had to be read over more than once which had annoyed him but at least he understood the concepts better and he was no longer reliant on just the books in the library. If only books that actually taught the dark arts were available to him then he believed he could actually make some progress in understanding all aspects of magic which was one of his personal goals. "Whatever" was all he said in response as he continued on his way.
"well I don't know what got into your butt." Alexis rolled her eyes. "What the fudge cake was up with all these second years." She thought to herself walking behind the guy. "Look can I just ask you something and get a straight answer. I will leave you alone after promise."
Liusaidh had been about to suggest they go now, and look for it. That would be more interesting that anything they might do in the common room. But an older boy appeared, only a little older and said that they should be seen and not heard, which only caused Liusaidh to laugh. Alexis seemed to want to bite back about it, being more snappy about it. Liusaidh didn't think she needed to bother, but it was a little entertaining. "The girl's name is Banshee, cause ye know she screams so loud ye'll think ye've died," Liusaidh giggled lightly at it. She would've continued to annoy the boy but Alexis seemed to have one last question. "Oh no, but ah have more questions, like where are ye fae and are ye a third year and whats yer name?" She skipped her way over to the older boy as she said it. She wasn't actually interested but she could waste some of his time.
Luxen didn't respond, both girls were annoying and if they kept talking like they were under a babbling spell, he knew he'd end up being the one to teach them a lesson they wouldn't forget. It wasn't worth his time or his energy since he still had a lot of studying to do before classes began. Perhaps they would enjoy the same thing he gave Stankypuff, he couldn't enter the girl's dorms but if timed right it would be easy for Obsidian his Raven to fly up and release a few dungbombs or fireworks among them. The thought alone made him chuckle to himself as he wondered if @Rai Mckenna would be interested in joining his prank idea. He'd have to ask about it when he was back in the 2nd year dorm.
Alexis noted the boys silence and rolled her eyes. "Whatever." she thought to herself and turned on her heal. She walked off towards the kitchen with no intention of actually going there. She just wanted to wonder around a bit more before heading back to the dorm.
Liusaidh laughed lightly as the boy disappeared away and then the girl, Alexis seemed to have enough too, "A'right fine then, ah guess ah'll go have fun on ma own then," she called after her. Though really Liusaidh didn't mind that at all. She'd find something to do.

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