Closed Adrenaline Rush

Raawhiti Te Rangi

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (18)
Rāwhiti could still feel the ghost of the snitch's wings fluttering against his hand as he bounded out of the pitch to join the throng of people leaving the pitch, still clad in his sweaty quidditch leathers. He had taken a moment to celebrate with the team, then abandoned them as they went back to the lockers. He couldn't bring himself to change and cool down yet - he didn't want this to be over. The buzz of finally, finally winning. He didn't even know who he was looking for - maybe he'd run into Marama or Auntie Kahu to celebrate with, he knew they had both been in the stands, but all those thoughts were abandoned as soon as he spotted a familiar blond head amongst the crowd. "EMERY!" He bellowed, bouncing and elbowing through the throngs to get to his best friend.
Emery had given up on pretending he didn't go to these matches just for Raawhiti and made no effort to hide as he saw his friend come over to the stands. He had been lingering, waiting for the annoying crush of people to lessen. He had to admit, as stupid as the sport was, the moment Rāwhiti was going after the snitch Emery was on the edge of his seat, watching him. This was not something he would ever tell him. Even now, he looked back down at his book until he heard his name being called. He hadn't been sure Rāwhiti had been looking for him, but something about how he called his name made Emery's heart jump. He looked up, startled. "Yes?!" He called, feeling oddly alarmed.
The buzzing joy under his skin drove Rāwhiti on as he crashed into Emery, easily lifting him off his feet into a tight hug. "I DID IT!" He cried out, spinning Emery around and pressing a rough, smiling kiss to his lips. "I did it, I did it, I won! I caught the snitch! We're going to the championships!" It was only at that point that his brain caught up to his body and he realised he had kissed Emery. He froze as the realisation hit him - he had been so driven by adrenaline and excitement that he had just done it, and now...
For a moment, Emery thought Rāwhiti was going to crash into him and send him crashing into the bench behind him, he braced for impact. Instead, he got lifted on his feet and spun around, which he was not prepared for. "Hey-" He started, trying to protest to being picked up like a bag of flour, but he was cut off as Raawhiti kissed him, on the lips. Emery froze, hanging limp in the Gryffindor's arms as he watched the same realization hit his friend. Emery blinked a few times, one hand coming up to lightly touch his lips. "You- you made me drop my book..." he said weakly as he felt his face flush bright red.
Emery seemed just as dazed as Rāwhiti felt, but at least he wasn't freaking out. That was something. Or... wasn't panicking about it. "Oh..." Rāwhiti said, lowering Emery back to the ground easily. "Here..." He ducked down, quickly picking the book up and handing it to him. "Sorry..."
Emery's brain was in complete shock and had trouble making sense of what happened. He felt a twinge of disappointment as Rāwhiti lowered him to the ground. Had he known the other boy could pick him up so easily? Emery knew his face was still flaming red as he took the book from Rāwhiti. "Um. Were you aiming for someone else?" He asked, attempting to make a joke out of it. It sounded weak and uncertain, even to his own ears.
Rāwhiti couldn't help wishing Emery hadn't broken the trance-like uncertainty between them, a weak laugh escaping him. "Wouldn't... wouldn't be much of a seeker if I couldn't even tell who I was pashing, would I?" He asked, trying to lighten the mood, but his throat caught a little on the word 'pashing'. Well, he'd definitely ruined everything forever.
Emery blinked a few more times, his heart still beating fast in his chest. "So that makes me... the snitch?" He asked, too dazed to pretend he didn't know what it was called. He cleared his throat, glancing up at Rāwhiti, eyes lingering on his lips. "So- so it was on purpose." He said, still feeling very startled.
Rāwhiti couldn't help a nervous laugh when Emery actually called it the snitch. Liar. He was totally gonna use that next time Emery pretended not to know what the balls were called. His laugh died at the next question though and he nodded, still feeling a little like he was in a trance. "I, uh, it wasn't planned, but... yeah. I wanted to." He shrugged, refusing to consider whether or not this was actually a good idea. Nuance had never been Emery's strongest suit, and trying to make excuses would only make things worse now. He might as well be honest about his feelings, and if Emery didn't return them... well, he'd just have to come up with some obscure Gobstones trivia to ask about and it'd be like this never happened.
Emery snorted in amusement. "Of course, it wasn't planned- you don't plan." He said, though he still had some trouble wrapping his mind around things. He reached over and straightened Rāwhiti's quidditch robes. "Why?" He asked him after he said he wanted to kiss him. He hesitated. "I don't get it."
Rāwhiti snorted and leaned back slightly. "I plan stuff! I plan stuff all the time!" He said insolently, though Emery's next question then took him further aback. "I - because!" He said, struggling for words. "I - you know! Usual... usual kissing reasons! That's why."
Emery couldn't help laughing and leaning in slightly as Rāwhiti leaned back. "Name one thing you planned, ever." He teased, much more comfortable teasing Rāwhiti in this familiar way than he had been with the other topic. Still, he needed to know. "Elaborate." He simply said, crossing his arms.
Rāwhiti's heart hammered in his chest, far faster than it had when he had been chasing after the snitch. Somehow Emery had come over all cool and confident, while Rāwhiti felt a little bit like he was going to be sick with nerves. Still, he did his best to match Emery's energy, giving a soft snort. "Remember last week when I almost beat you at gobstones with the Reverse-Chesterfield maneuver? Planned that." He said, raising an eyebrow. His eyes flicked back down to Emery's lips and after an indecisive moment he decided... well, he'd already come this far. "And I planned this." He added, pulling Emery into another kiss.
Emery's heart did a little jump when Rāwhiti mentioned the gobstones match from last week when he had nearly beaten him. Him naming the maneuver he did nearly made Emery want to kiss him this time, though he didn't. Still, it meant Rāwhiti had actually listened to him and remembered what he had said, which was wonderful. Emery squeaked as Rāwhiti pulled him into another kiss, but this time, he kissed back. He still wasn't sure he understood, but he was starting to get the idea. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around his neck.
Rāwhiti had never been one for second-guessing his own actions, but even as he pulled Emery into the kiss he wasn't sure it was the right call. Relief flooded through him a moment later, when the feeling of Emery's lips pressing back informed him that it had, very much, been the right call. He pulled Emery closer, arms winding around his waist as he relaxed, slowing down and letting himself enjoy the moment. He was kissing Emery, a desire that had been growing quietly in the back of his mind for months now, and it was just as good as he had hoped.

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