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- Full Name: Adora Dawn Lafay
- Birth Date: Dec. 17
- Current Age: 11 Years old
- Basic Appearance:Slightly on the short side. Long blond/brown hair. Dark green eyes that sometimes change colors. Very Pale skin with freckles after summer.
- Parents: Mother:Amarante Belle Lafay a french muggle
Father: Blake Chatwin an English wizard they are not married
- Siblings, if any: Brittany Chatwin, half sister, she is a squib
- Pets, if any: none
- Area of Residence:Auray, France near St. Goustan Harbor
- Blood status: Half blood
(If your character is a sorted student
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):
(all characters
- What would their Patronus be? Her patronus would probably be a butterfly, with her incredible desire to be independent her patronus reflects her need to be free and her want to be successful and beautiful.
- What would their Boggart be? Her boggart would be a snake. She has been afraid of snakes ever since she was four and almost died of a snake bite.
- What would their Animagus form be? Her animagus form would be a lynx, strong beautiful and clever.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? She would see her parents together and in love, their arms around her.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? One of the few happy memories she has with her father. Before her sister Brittany was born her father took her to a park. She sat in his lap eating ice cream and watching butterflies.
- Write an example roleplay by your character:
- Birth Date: Dec. 17
- Current Age: 11 Years old
- Basic Appearance:Slightly on the short side. Long blond/brown hair. Dark green eyes that sometimes change colors. Very Pale skin with freckles after summer.
- Parents: Mother:Amarante Belle Lafay a french muggle
Father: Blake Chatwin an English wizard they are not married
- Siblings, if any: Brittany Chatwin, half sister, she is a squib
- Pets, if any: none
- Area of Residence:Auray, France near St. Goustan Harbor
- Blood status: Half blood
(If your character is a sorted student

- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):
(all characters

- What would their Patronus be? Her patronus would probably be a butterfly, with her incredible desire to be independent her patronus reflects her need to be free and her want to be successful and beautiful.
- What would their Boggart be? Her boggart would be a snake. She has been afraid of snakes ever since she was four and almost died of a snake bite.
- What would their Animagus form be? Her animagus form would be a lynx, strong beautiful and clever.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? She would see her parents together and in love, their arms around her.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? One of the few happy memories she has with her father. Before her sister Brittany was born her father took her to a park. She sat in his lap eating ice cream and watching butterflies.
- Write an example roleplay by your character:
Adora sat on her bed. Her back perfectly straight the way my mother had taught me. She hummed so softly. Breathing steadily and slowly, feeling the vibration in her throat and lips. Her father used to love to hear her sing, when she was little he would fly here from Britain to come see her. Then he got married to some strange woman. Adora hadn't seen him since.
She had so many questions that he could have answered but of course he wasn't there. She stopped her humming and collapsed on her plush bed t cry. Sure she was never lacking in money with her mother being a singer and a good one at that, but she knew she was different than every one else. Strange things always happened to her.
When Adora was 9 she spent a year at boarding school. It was meant to be longer than that but there was an incident. Things had become to come up missing among the girls in the neighboring dorms. After a few months the minders came and checked all the dorms. Adora had just been in here closet not even a min before they check it and saw no one go near it, but when the minders opened the door there it was. All of the missing stuff. She was expelled that very day and shipped home. She tried to explain it to her mother but she didn't understand how all that could just appear. That wasn't the only time things would come up missing and randomly end up in Adora's possession, but no matter what after that she tried to ignore it. She wanted nothing more than to prove to every one that she was a good person. Just before her eleventh birthday something really strange happened to her. She was crying that day too.
Amarante, Adora's mother, walked in to the den to find her daughter sobbing. Blood was running down Adora's shirt as she cradled something in her arms. Amarante looked up to see that their bird, Dori, was missing from its cage. "Adora why are you crying, Mon petit angle parfait?" She bent down to see if her suspicions were true. Cradled in her arms was Dori, dead and covered in blood. "Oh Adora what did you do to our poor Dori. What happened?"
"Oh ma mère, je le point savent!" Adora spoke frantically. " Mère, one minute she was in her cage and then she was laying on the floor. Oh Mon Mère, please help Dori."
Amarante placed a hand on her daughters shoulder. "Oh Mon petit angle parfait, there is nothing you can do for her now, but you must own up to what you have done, or Dori's esprit will never find please. Tell me what have you done."
Adora burst out angrly. "I have done nothing!" and stormed to her room leaving her beloved friend on the ground."
Her Mother's sweet voice awoke her from her nightmarish thoughts of her past. "Adora you have a letter."
Exicted she rushed down hoping to find a letter from her father, but istead she resieved something way better. A new life.
As she got down stairs she saw the envelope on the counter. It looked of aged parchment and was sealed with a green wax emblem. On the front was her address. There was no return address. She open the letter carefully and pulled out to peaces of paper. One was a list of books, impossible books, that she had never heard of before. The second peace of paper had a letter on it. She read the letter, rereading it to make sure she wasn't insane, then turned to her mother with wide eyes. "Oh Mon Seigneur!" She began to read allowed. "Congratulations!...."
After she finish reading the letter allowed she grimmanced, the school was so far away. "Mother this explains why so many weird things have been happening to me. Father must have been a wizard, which makes me a witch!"
Amarante grimmanced, "You are not going, things such ahs this do not exist!"
Adora looked at her mother in despair. "Mother you have to let me go. I need to learn to control this. Please Mother!"
Amarante sighed. "Très bien,but i do not want to hear about it when your fantasy is crushed. You may go. go up stairs and begin packing your things, and we'll try to figure out this weird directions together." She walked a way muttering something to herself about a three quarters platform. Adora raced up, excited that she was going somewhere where she can get the hel pshe needs.