Admist The Craziness

Margaux Snow

Well-Known Member
Rosewood, 9½" Essence of Veela Hair
Margaux paced around the room anxiously as she waited for news that the next photoshoot could begin soon. Her daughter and the younger aged models had already gone and done their shoots earlier in the day so Margaux knew she could rest easy for that part of the shoot. But the shoot for the older models was going a bit hetic due to verious issues that for some reason seemed to keep getting worse. Marguax paced for a few more minute's before she stopped and glared at her lounging daughter. Her shoot was up so now she thought she could be lazy, which was far from the case.

"Alyssa Christelle Snow could you please do something other than sit there!" Margaux placed her hands on her hips and shook her head quickly before she walked off to check and see if the lighting would be okay for the shoot.

Alyssa smoothed her Dress and straightened out her Cardigan before she decided to stop ignoring her moms annoying pacing. Alyssa honestly couldn't figure out why her mom was being so frantic about this, she was going to give herself early wrinkles if she kept worrying over small things like this. Uncapping a small bottle of water Alyssa took a small sip before she re-capped it and smiled at her mom softly.

"Why should I help when your doing such a good job!" Alyssa hoped her mom could sense her sarcastic tone and relax a little bit. All the excitment was really giving Alyssa a big headache an it wouldn't only be a matter of minute's before she wandered off to do something more exciting.
Margaux rolled her eyes at her daughter's behavior. Ever since Alyssa had returned from school her attitude had been nothing but snappy and rude to everyone. Marguax would've questioned it but Alyssa had only been home in her prescence for a few hours. Then again it never surprised her how snobby her daughter could be. When Marguax returned from the lights walked off into another direction to see if the hairdresser had finally arrived and was ready to go. "Please Alyssa just get over your attitude and help me." Margaux said as she walked by her daughter once more. For once Margaux was thankful that Theo wasn't here as he was often ten times worse than when he was in a bad mood. Those two often fought as well.

"Does anyone know where the hairdresser is?!" Margaux asked loudly. She was beginning to lose her sanity from all of this.
Alyssa sighed and leant back against the lounge couch and brought a hand through her straightened blonde hair. Although Alyssa sualyl would do what her mother asked of her she was in a rather foul mood and didn't want to get involved in all the stress that her mother was going through, in fact as far as Alyssa knew her mother wasn't informed of the bullying that Alyssa had gone through in the past month. But it's not like she would ever tell her mother she got her nose broken by some girl who can't even keep her hair a normal color for more than a week. It was low and she knew her mother would be ashamed of her not fighting back.

With a small sigh Alyssa took another sip of her water. "Mom......leave me alone." Alyssa snapped as she re-capped her water and closed her eyes.
Vincent entered the room, his hair styled with gel in a rather spiked motion, wearing an Abercrombie sweater and jeans. The color of white and navy blue really make his sapphire eyes stand out against his skin. He had a smug look on his features, and his hands found his pockets. Vincent glanced around, and it wasn't long until he caught the sight of a gorgeous girl. His heart did a flip, and thought that it felt rather odd. Vincent froze, and listened to the snap. Though Alyssa seemed to have an attitude, Vincent thought it was quite cute, and adorable really.

Stepping into view, he reached out to place a hand upon the shoulder. He cooed, "It's not nice to quarrel with mothers, you know." His voice had a soft, assuring tone to it, as if to reassure her rather than the mother. Vincent was prepared for anything, like any auror should be. After all, it ran in his blood...
Alyssa had begun to doze off when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Not knowing who is was and what they wanted it took less than a moment before Alyssa flew off the couch at a speed unknown to her and fell to the floor with a small thud due to klutzy balance. With a light groan Alyssa stood up angrily, about to tell off whoever was creepy enough to pop up like that without notice. When Alyssa stood and pushed the hair from her face she gasped quickly when she saw who it was. She was about to tell her crush off and worse she pretty much fell to the floor right in front of him.

"Geez Vince you scared me half to death." Alyssa turned beat red and ran her hands over her hair and dress to make sure they look nice. The last thing she wanted was to look trashy in front of her mother and her crush. It took her a moment but she regained from her embarassment and frustration before she put on a small smile. "What are you doing here?"
Vincent only laughed when Alyssa flew to the floor. Just as he was about to assist her up onto her feet, she did that on her own. He folded his arms across his chest and he put on his signature smile, "I think you know why I here." Vincent flashed another smile. "Break from Beauxbatons, my dad is around, and well... I landed here." Vincent's blue eyes twinkled with excitement to be here with Alyssa. Though as much as he wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend, he had no idea how to do it. It was obvious that he liked her just by the affectionate stare he was giving her.
Suddenly a sly smile made it's way onto her pale face. Alyssa was never usually so nice to a boy, especially one that had just came in unannounced. So Alyssa must like this boy and guessing from his smile he liked her back. Oh...there was some fun to be had here. It wasn't often that you saw Alyssa liking a boy and bringing home one that was handsome right on top of it. Margaux was proud of her daughter. "Oh Alyssa who is this handsome young man." Margaux gracefully made her way over to the young man and her smile brightened. Margaux definantly approved of this one, a lot more so than she did some of the other boys Alyssa ended up taking a liking to.

"I'm Margaux Snow, Alyssa mother. It's an honor to meet the boy that she's been talking so much about." Margaux vaguely remebered Alyssa talking abot him quite a bit while they were on vacation in Switzerland. Alyssa definantly liked this boy and there was going to be no way around it. "Who is your father dear boy?" I believe you look familiar somehow.

As if it wasn't embarassing enough that her mom was there already all of a sudden she was all over him and telling him about Alyssa's rantings of him over vacation. Her mother was going far out of line and she needed to stop before she humiliated Alyssa completly and Vincent thought she was a total creep.

"Moooom. Get awffffff him!" Alyssa stomped her feet and whined loudly attempting to throw a fit and get her moms attention.
Vincent almost took a step back when Alyssa's mom approached him. But he held his stance. He flashed a smile, "I am Vincent Chevalier, and my dad is Amauri Chevalier. He is right back there somewhere." Vincent pointed toward the back, behind him. "Doing some sort of business." Vincent gave a lazy shrug of his shoulders. He smiled at Alyssa's little fit, and he laughed, "Don't worry, I think my dad would have said the same." He gave a roll of his sapphire eyes.
"I remember your father. I believe we have worked together before. Maybe I should go and say Hi." Margaux patted Vincent's head quickly fefore she stood up and headed towards the direction that Vincent said his father was in. Before she complete left the room she turned around and smiled at the two. "Try and behave yourselves." She said in a sly voice before she turned around and left the room.

Alyssa rolled her eyes after her mother left. There was no possible way she was going to be able to live this one down. Basicly her mom just revealed to Vincent that Alyssa talked about him a lot and that was an understatement. Theodore and her mother probably knew almost as much as Alyssa did about Vincent she tried her hardest not to talk about his but his name just came out without her noticing most times. It was weird but it still made Alyssa feel giddy at times. But maybe thats how your supposed to feel when you really liked someone.

For some reason Alyssa wanted to walk over and hug Vincent, but the moment she took a step she remembered the dark mark that Hoshi had drawn on her arm. It was still there, as bright and clear as it was the day it had been drawn. What would Vincent think if he saw it....his dad was an auror after all. Alyssa made sure to pull her sleeve down and hold it with her nails before she stepped over and hugged Vincent lightly. Since he was still quite a bit taller than her she had wrap her arms around his torso. "I'm really glad you came. It's a lot more fun when your around!" Alyssa said and although she didn't really want to, released the hug.

Alyssa decided to tell Vincent that he smelled really good but instead let her smile grow even bigger than before. "How have you been lately? You've been staying out of trouble right?" Alyssa asked teasingly.
Vincent returned her hug with one of his own, and he smiled down at her. His smile broadened when she said what she did, and released her from the hug, though he did not want it to end. Vincent grinned, "And I do tend to enjoy my day a lot more when you are around. You kind of bring the light into day, so to speak." Vincent bit his lip at what he said. Now she is going to think that you are a complete loser! Good job, french boy. Vincent thought harshly of himself. His sapphire eyes trailed from thought and focused on Alyssa.

Vincent answered, "Been good. Would be better if I saw you every day. Most girls at Beauxbatons are not nearly as fun as you are. That sounds wrong, but you know, fun to be around and talk to. And of course I've been out of trouble. Okay, I got in trouble once for being out after curfew, but the Quidditch practice had to go on." Vincent laughed jollily. "And what about you? Staying out of trouble?" He sure hoped so.
Alyssa smiled but decided to omit the fact that she wanted to tell him that she thought Quidditch players were hot or that she wanted to jump him. He was just so cute! But Alyssa was raised as a proper girl and she was going to try her best to seem that way when she was in the prescence of another person. When Vincent asked her if she had behave she let out a high pitch giggle before she looked around the room with shifty eyes. "Uhhhhm. What do you define as behaving?" Alyssa asked as she scratched her cheek shyly, she felt like a little kid that had just been caught taking cookies from a cookie jar.

Although Alyssa would never lie to Vincent she still didn't want him to know about the mark or tha fact that she had gotten beaten up. She wasn't sure what he'd say or think if he found our how weak she had let herself be. Alyssa tried to think of something to say or do that could take his mind off the subject so there wouldn't be questions, but she couldn't think of anything.....except one thing that she wasn't sure was going to be a good idea.

'Well if i get smacked for this at least I'll know if he likes me or not.' Alyssa thought to herself quickly before she took a few quick steps foward and grabbed the collar of Vincent's shirt and pulled it so it would pull him closer. He was much taller than her so she wouldn't be able to just lean up and kiss him. However Alyssa didn't really think about moving slow like she probably should've have and soon she felt Vincent's forehead smack against hers roughly.

Alyssa let his collar go as she took a step back and brought a hand up to cradle her head. "Ouch! Vincent your head is so hard." Alyssa yelped.
Vincent smiled, “When you receive detention.” Though Vincent was startled and intrigued at the same time when Alyssa firmly grabbed the collar of his sweatshirt. Oh wow, she is perfect! As soon as the thought finished, it ended in a thump, literally. Vincent’s went to his forehead, and he closed his blue eyes. He was laughing in his mind, and he shook his head. “Runs in the family,” Vincent winked at her. He took a step closer to her, and he smirked slightly, “Would you like to try that again, or wait until your head stops hurting?” Vincent lightly patted the blonde hair, careful not to mess it up, and then rested his hand at his side once more.
Alyssa almost wanted to crawl into a ball and cry her eyes out from embarassment. But when Vincent uttered a setence that Alyssa had never quite heard a boy say to her before she almost felt her face heat up to the color of a tomato, but there was some part of Alyssa that dared her to try and kiss again. Some dared her to be like one of those girls in chick flicks that always got the guy. So instead of running away in embarassment she what Veela's did best, smile and flaunt the beauty that life had giften them with. "If I didn't like you so much I'd call you a loser..but since you put it that way....." Alyssa gripped the collar of Vincent's shirt once more brought him down far enough so she could lean up and press her lips roughly against his.
Hoshi so did not want to be at the photo shoot but she had a choice between going with her mother or being under house arrest for the rest of the summer. She had to keep of another way of keeping her mother happy for a few more months so she could enjoy her winter holiday without having to tare the walls down at her house. This didn't mean that she would be behaving at all. Hoshi put on her best gothic style to make most of the girls at the photo shoot turn their noses up at her. They got there a like half way though the photos because they hadn't been called until then. It wasn't that they where no good it was just that the other team didn't show up and Haruhi said that she was doing a favor for a friend.

Hoshi could have screamed that the friend and her could go shove themselves off a cliff for all she cared. She had a whole list of things she would have rather been doing than seeing the girls and guys here parmade like dogs in a show. Hoshi walked around looking at all the seat up which wasn't bad. She had a few ideas for the lighting though. It would make the models look so much better and they would have to work so hard to get the shadows right on their faces. Dispite her anti-convetional beauty thing Hoshi could make things look good when she wanted to. Or people. She just didn't like it that people like these where who told everyone what was pretty and wht was not.

It wasn't until she saw Alyssa and the manican man kissing that her day really darkened. "Oh barf, Barbie and Ken making out." She said tossing a dark fusha pig tail then turned when music turned up. It mean only one thing. They where here. Hoshi put her hand on her forehead and begged for the heavens to take her now. Or make it so she was adopted because there was no way she was related to the woman that had just walked though the door.
Alyssa had been highly enjoying herself to the pont where she wanted to get on her hands and knees to thank the heavens for blessing her. But of course life would have be to cruel to her in some sort of unusual way. Some cruel hearted person decided to ruin the kiss that Alyssa and Vincent were sharing and somehow Alyssa reconized the voice more than she wished she had. Reluctantly Alyssa stopped kissing Vincent and removed her grip on his collar so she turn snap at who interrupted. When Alyssa turned her crystal blue eyes immediantly widened and a small gasp sounded from her mouth. Why in the world was Hoshi Koshiba at this photoshoot. At the sight of her mortal enemy Alyssa felt herseld almost die a little inside, and what's worse was that this girl pretty much ruined Alyssa's first kiss with Vincent,

What, are you doing here? Better question is....who let you in wearing that?" Alyssa asked when she saw Hoshi wearing what she was wearing. What's worse was that Hoshi insulted Vincent when she didn't even know him. All the things that Hoshi had done to her in the past and her being hear made Alyssa's anger rise to a boiling point.
Haruhi walked in just as the girl Alyssa was insulting her daughter droping her bag and pointing her wand at the door so that it would slam behind her and make her freshly redone streaks of pink in her jet black hair blow around her Haruhi walked over to Hoshi gave her a hug and said. "I believe I was the one that told her that she could wear whatever she wanted and she is her because I asked her to come with me. Now I would ask you who you were but you must be Alyssa Snow. Iam Haruhi Koshiba I will be your stylist but I must warn you talking about the daughter of the person that is doing your hair and make up could go very bad for you so I would like it if you told my daughter you were sorry and kept your mouth shut about her for the rest of the time that Iam here. Do you understand me?" With that being said Haruhi took a seat and ponited to the seat next to her so that Hoshi would go and set next to her.
Hoshi rolled her eyes. "Stuck here looking at your sudo-pretty face for the rest of the afternoon it looks like. Just when I thought I could save my day." She said putting a hiss on the word noon so Alyssa would know how much she didn't want to be here. Her mother came over and gave her a hug then told Alyssa off which made Hoshi smirk. Her mom could be cool sometimes after all. "You can forget it if you think this uber snob will ever come up with the words I'm sorry." She said this time mocking Alyssa.

She went over to where her mother was sitting and crossed her legs while spreading her arms wide. Hoshi and her mother where poler oppocests because Hoshi had made sure she didn't looks anything like her but there was a resemblance in the way they sat, back straight, with an attitude that said they didn't care what anyone else said. "Thanks... Mom." She whispered with the right corner of her lips turning up in a smile.
Alyssa placed a hand out as if to silence the two before she used it to push the bangs out of her eyes, The woman definantly was Hoshi's mother, they looked alike, and even talked with the same amount of disrespect, to Alyssa it was almost an insult to be in their prescence. Alyssa took her newly manicured nails used them to push more of her bangs away from her hair, this lady had no authority to tell her what to do. She wasn't her mother and nor did she even know her well enough to assume that she was actually going to apologize.

"As if I would ever let you touch my hair." Alyssa smirked snottily as the woman before she gave a sneering look at Hoshi. "Besides, your daughter's a harpie, she doesn't deserve an apology." Once Alyssa was finished with her insults towards the two she turned back to Vincent and gave him a small smile.
Vincent was enjoying the kiss so much, he did not even see a girl enter. That one thing the girl, the really unattractive gothic girl, said really made Vincent sneer at her. "Oh, go sacrifice a cat and mind your own business," replied Vincent in a dark tone. Vincent got even more disgusted when the mother intervened. Vincent thought, You have got to be kidding me! Vincent gave the woman the coldest look he could give. His eyes practically turned to ice. Though since no one in his family has ever been evil, it just made him look like a stuck up snob.

Vincent snapped at the woman, "Excuse you but this daughter of yours started it. You have no business to threaten Alyssa for you are not her mother! This girl," He pointed at Hoshi, "needs to apologize to us for butting into business that was not her own. Not the other way around. Unless you count, Oh, I'm sorry you are such a moron or I'm sorry that you exist. Take your pick of the two. Otherwise, unless you make your daughter apologize for starting crap and letting mother dearest finish it, then you are just snooping down to her level." Vincent finished, and turned to Alyssa. He bent down to her ear and whispered, "Like that, Miss Snow?" Vincent gave her a kiss on the cheek, and smiled.
Margaux walked into the room and rolled her eyes gently at her daughter's reaction. It was one thing that Alyssa was mouthing off to an elder but she was getting Vincent all riled up as well. "Alyssa Christelle Snow, watch your mouth young lady!" Margaux snapped as she walked into the room. She stopped to give her daughter a stern look before she walked over to Haruhi and a young girl that looked greatly like her old friend, which game Margaux the impression that this was her daughter, she gave them both a beaming smile before she shook Haruhi's hand.

"This woman is a very dear friend of mine so I'd appreciate it if you showed her some respect! By the way, it's very lovely to meet you Hoshi!" Margaux smiled at the young girl before she beckoned her friend to follow her into the back room so they could finally get some of the models hair finished. They were far behind and needed to catch up quickly.

//Which means Margaux left with Hoshi's mom//
Alyssa was extremely proud, in fact she could've have hugged him if her mom hadn't come in yelling at her about being respectful. The only reason Margaux was being kind at all was because she didn't know about all the nasty things that Hoshi had done to her during school, and all because of some dumb boy, When Margaux announced that she and Hoshi's mother were good friends Alyssa slapped a hand over her face and growled in slight frustration, there was no way her mother was going to be best friends with that beast's mother. Once her mother and Haruhi left Alyssa removed her hand from her face and stared at Hoshi with an annoyed look.

"Seriously! Isn't it enough that you torture and humiliate me at school? Now you have to do it here too!?" Alyssa almost thought she said to much, but she was tired of getting beaten up on for her own opinion. She especially didn't want to become a Victim in front of Vincent.
Hoshi rolled her eyes. "Can it Ken before I consider making you my sacrafice. The spirits take kindly to the blood of pretty boys." She said mocking tone. She didn't really spill the blood of anyone.. If she could help it. Alyssa had been a laps of better judgement but then she had to go there. Hoshi put the insedent out of her mind already. A young model she knew from another trip like this that she was forced to talke with her mother was there. The girl gave Hoshi the 'rock on' sign so Hoshi gave it back to her.

She was getting bored with this already. Maybe not really bored but more she had given up on saving her day. Ruined beond repare as fare as Hoshi was conserned. She watched Alyssa's mother leave with Haruhi. "Seriously!" She said in a mock Alyssa voice. "I don't want to be here. It was either come or kiss my winter brake good bye. Now if you have a brain in that blond skull of yours you will leave me the hell alone and take that supermodelkin with you." She said irratated beond belife. She had been draged from a perfectly good day in which she could found Adira and Larissa and caused some havock but noooooooooo her mother just had to drag her along. Now she come acrosse the yapping beany baby barking at her like she where someone's gaurd chewawa. Her day could not get worse.

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