Open Admiring Looks

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Kiara Thompson

perfectionist • growing • princess of plants 🌿
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Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
10/2043 (17)
While Halloween hadn't exactly been her cup of tea, Kiara had chosen to believe her brother when he had told her that there was no way she wouldn't enjoy the yule ball. There would be music, food and everything and everyone would be all dressed up. That's what she had gathered from all of the stories her cousins and brother had told her over the years. She also knew that it was the kind of party a lot of people brought dates too and she wondered whether she should've just asked some of her friends if they could go together. At least that way she wouldn't have to wander into the hall on her own. Kiara took a moment to look around and take it all in, smiling at the snowflakes floating down without ever truly reaching her. With so much to see she found it hard to focus as she made her way through the hall, admiring the decorations while simultaneously trying to figure out what to do. Admittedly, she looked a little lost.
Felix wasn't sure how Leo managed to get dates two years in a row. He didn't mind going to dances or whatever by himself but he was starting to wonder if he was missing something. He pulled at the collar of his suit and wished he had gone for a more casual look. He understood why the girls were dressed up. They could wear dresses of all kinds of shapes and sizes yet he and all the other boys were stuck wearing the same old suits. It hardly seemed fair. He was already making his way towards the snack table when he noticed a younger girl looking around lost. It was hard to be lost in the middle of the great hall but he went up to anyways. "Are you ok?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "The snacks and drinks are over there if you were looking for them." he said and pointed over her shoulder. Felix wasn't sure what she was looking for be he figured that advice wouldn't hurt. He knew it was always his first stop at dances.
Kiara had been focussed on trying to see whether the baubles were hung up by strings or just made to float around when her attention was pulled away from everything happening above her head by the sounds of a voice. "Oh, uh- yeah, completely fine." She responded softly, now wondering if she had looked silly just staring up at the ceiling like that. It was hard not to though with how wonderful the decorations looked and how long it had been since she had seen snow. Even if she knew the snow above her head wasn't real. "Right, thank you." Kiara nodded with a shy smile. She hadn't specifically been looking for the snacks table but she figured acting like she was would make her feel less uncomfortable than having to tell the boy she hadn't. After looking backwards at the snack table for a second she turned her attention back to the boy, forcing herself to try and be outgoing rather than to just hide in the comfort of her own thoughts. "Your suit's very pretty. The blue kind of matches the theme."
Felix was relived when she said she was fine. He wasn't sure if he would know how to help if she had been in trouble and let out a breath before looking up where she had just been staring. Now it was his turn to get stuck looking at the falling snow and baubles until he heard he her compliment his suit. "Oh this?" he said and looked down at his outfit. The blue color did seem to match with the decorations rather well. "Thanks. I guess it is. I didn't really notice." Felix said with a laugh. "Do I blend in?" he asked teasingly as he struck an awkward pose and held out his arms. He laughed and gestured to her. "Your dress looks nice." he said with a smile. "I'm Felix by the way."
Kiara tried to suppress a giggle when she noticed the boy stare up at the baubles and the snow above their heads just like she had. At least he didn't look specifically silly doing it, which made her believe that she hadn't either. "Maybe a little." She laughed when he struck some sort of pose in an attempt to blend in with the decorations. While the blue of his suit did match the evening's theme it was a lot darker than most of the blue shades used in the decoration. She liked the darker blue better, but she could see how that didn't fit the whole icy idea. "Oh, thank you." Kiara replied with a shy smile. "I reckon I could blend in with the snowflakes." She giggled. "I'm Kiara."
Felix smiled as she laughed at his joke. "Probably." he said with a laugh when she mentioned blending in with the snowflakes, the lacy pattern of her dress would fit right in. "Nice to meet you." he said and gave her a little bow for extra flair. "Are you a first year?" he asked, unsure. Felix didn't recognize her from lessons and she didn't look to be any older than him, but he thought asking was better than just assuming. "How are you liking your first ball?" he asked next. "It's pretty cool right? They also have the best snacks tonight." he said with a solemn nod. These were important tips that he thought he should share.
Kiara glanced around to see if either of her brothers were anywhere nearby, a habit she had developed ever since she had started trying to make new friends. She just wanted them to be proud of her really which had lead to subconsciously looking for either of them whenever she was talking to someone new. She giggled when Felix bowed after she had introduced herself before nodding when he asked her if she was a first year. "I love it!" Kiara responded excitedly. "It's all so pretty, way better than all the scary stuff at Halloween. And I guess it's nice to be able to dress up." She added with a small smile. Dressing up fancy had something to it and she had to admit she liked it a lot. It made her feel pretty. "Really? What's your favourite?" She asked curiously when he mentioned the snacks for the second time in their conversation, which meant they either had to be really good or he just liked snacks.
Felix smiled at her excitement and nodded along. He glanced around, mirroring her movements even though he wasn't sure what she was looking for. "I like Halloween, but mostly for the costumes." he said. "Usually those are more fun than having to tuck in your shirt." he laughed. "That's the kind of dressing up I'd rather do." he joked and sighed. He was still a little disappointed he hadn't won any of the costume contest prizes. But he was quickly excited again when she asked about his favorite snacks. "Well they have these cookies that are covered in powdered sugar that make a huge mess but a so good." he said excitedly. "But I guess you wont have to worry about that much." Felix laughed since she was wearing white to begin with.
Personally, Kiara thought dressing up for the yule ball had been a lot more fun than dressing up for Halloween. She could understand why Felix might think otherwise though since he sounded like he liked Halloween in general. Plus, it seemed like there weren't as many options to dress up nice for the yule ball for boys than there were for girls. "I guess it could be fun. I just didn't like getting spooked by everything while barely recognizing anyone at the same time." She responded with a shrug. Maybe she should just try again next year but make sure to go with a friend. At least that way she'd have someone familiar nearby. "Sounds good." Kiara nodded when Felix mentioned the cookies, letting out a soft giggle when he mentioned the powdered sugar making a mess. "Want to go get some?" She asked cautiously, glancing over at the snack table.
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