
December Daniels

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Vampire Blood Core
December had been excited by the prospect of being in a normal school with people her own age rather than spending all her time with her father and who ever he was working with at the time. The reality however of being at school was terrifying, she had never been surrounded by so many people before and the fact that she was in a school with so many beautiful young girls, some of which were part velas, made her slightly uncomfortable and very insecure. Lacking the basic social skills of some of her classmates she was yet to really make a friend and it was upsetting for her.

The school itself was truly beautiful and her lack of friends had meant she had had plenty of time to explore during her time at the school and all that she had seen of the school made her love it all the more. The aesthetics at least. Easily one of her favourite places thought was the library, it allowed her the peace and quiet she craved and she was able to study and keep up with everything. The pressures of being in a real schoolbwere greater than when she was home schooled and she was still adjusting to the academics on top of everything else.
Isaac was one hundred percent sure that he'd never get tired of Beauxbatons. The fact that there were always so many people around to chat with, have some fun with or get to know a bit better was something that he had enjoyed ever since his first year. Then ofcourse there was the school itself, which was absolutely gorgeous, which is why the boy, who loved being surrounded by people, found peace in sitting outside and just observing the building from time to time. Those were the moments he truly felt at ease, the moments at which he didn't mind the silence of sitting alone.

Always in for a chat Isaac found himself making his way through the hallways of the school, greeting some of the people he came across and shooting them his signature bright smile. He almost always seemed to be smiling, but up and till now there just hadn't been a reason for the kid not to. Sure, his parents had seperated over their break and he had moved to an entirely different country, for him that seemed like another adventure. In his eyes changes aren't always bad.​

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