Add and Ald Meet

Adalyn Jez

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Adalyn Jez walked down the halls of the one school she has only ever attended. The halls and walls were always the same, different faces passed by her everyday, most judgemental even if they think her outfit is cool. She dislikes them all, judging her for what they see. Everyone was just about the same to her, crazy lunatics each with their own definition of normal. Adalyn considers herself to be human, not different or normal, for if you say your one you have to have a definition of both and she couldn't offer any suggestions up.

Heading out the main door, Adalyn walked along a fimilar path taking her out into the fields that surrounded the castle. The day was still warm, despite it being November and them being in a cold country. She was wearing a number her brother just put together, he took an old t-shirt of his and called it a dress and told her what boots to wear, or to wear leggings and accessorise as she wished. Of course somedays she didn't always follow her brothers directions, she wasn't a model afterall. She liked having her own style it made her unique.

Settling down next to a tree Adalyn pushed her long hair back and leaned her head back against the trunk of the tree. She didn't have a clue what to do, her classes were down for the day. Plus she didn't know where any of the people she knew were. SO Adalyn found herself out in the fields removed away from school, which actually put her in a good mood.
Aldrich was bored. Nothing interesting seemed to come his way these days. School works, school works, those were the only things that he was able to do. And of course, that bored the life out of him, who would want to just stay pin upped in ones chair, doing all the readings and all the writings that they do? No one, right? Really, what did their professors expected them to be? geniuses?

Trying to escape that busy world where he was living, Aldrich had found his way to the wast fields of his school, the school that had been a part of his life for four whole years already, not that he didn't like it, for actually, the school was what he would consider his home, rather than the one that he had back at his hometown. Climbing up a tree, Aldrich had settled himself leaning against its sturdy trunk, making sure that the branch where he sat into was strong enough to support his weight, and of course, making sure that he wouldn't lose his balance. Closing his eyes, he started to hum out a tune, surely, he's not planning to sleep there, he just wanted to have some free time to relax himself out and to at least think of anything fun that he could possibly do.
Adalyn smiled as she heard someone humming a tune. It wasn't familar to her but it sounded nice, though it wasn't really something she would sing. Listening to it for a while she began to add alittle harmony. She opened her eyes to look where the person who was humming was, it was a guy for no girl could get as low as he was getting. Adalyn didn't see anyone near her and wondered if she was going crazy. Leaning her head back she kept her eyes open and they landed on some fabric of clothing that was up in the tree. She felt like saying 'a-ha!' considering she had found the source of the humming. Though she didn't know the person, and she wasn't a very outgoing type of person off stage so she didn't say anything. Adalyn only wondered if the guy had heard her humming along.
Thinking that it was just his wild imagination as well as the effect of the wind, Aldrich decided to pay no heed to the sound that he heard along with his humming. He didn't expect to see anyone there after all, for if there was indeed someone, then that someone would have pointed out that what he was doing was dangerous, not that he cared of course, he just liked being situated in high places. At the end of the song that he was humming, as if on cue, he opened his eyes, stretching a little while still trying to maintain his balance. Just as he was about to get down, a bright hue of gold below him had caught his attention, thinking that it was just the sun's light playing with him, he tried to look closer, finally noticing that it was actually a hair of a girl's. Feeling the need to face palm himself, Aldrich ahd almost lost his balance, almost fall of out of the tree where he was standing, at least, just Almost, for if he did, then he's sure to have some injuries. "That was a close one." He muttered, his heart still beating quite fast after what had just happened.
Adalyn watched as the boy above her tumbled out of the the tree. She leaned away not wanting to get wacked by his flailing limbs. "Watch it," she said as she noticed his balance didn't seem completely right yet. Her heart was pounding as she looked up at him from where she was sitting underneath the tree. Know she had a better look at him, and noticed they shared similar traits, blonde hair she was sure his eyes were blue or maybe hazel,she was too far away to see. Adalyn didn't know what else to say to the guy who had almost toppled over onto her from a tree. Her long legs were streached out infront of her her ankles crossed as she leaned back her head to look up at the guy.
Finally regaining his balance, Aldrich let out a deep sigh, honestly, he had panicked earlier, blame that on his recklessness then. "Pardon if I had disturbed you." He said to the girl situated just below him, a sheepish smile appearing on his face, he surely didn't know what he would have done if he had indeed fell of that tree, surely, he didn't want to be the cause of any injury of the girl, right? Looking at the girl closer now, Aldrich noticed that she was probably just about his age, but he didn't recognized her in any other way, "You are?" He asked, voice full of curiosity, not even minding if he was being rather rude to her now.
Adalyn raised her eyebrows at his statement, it seemed more as if he distrubed himself more then her. She had already known he was there, but something had to of suprised him into almost falling. "Oh no. Completely fine down here, don't worry," she said tilting her head as it was starting to cramp up. His question was very blunt, very much something she wouldn't of asked if their posistions had been reversed. "Adalyn Jez, you?" She asked her tone straight forward, she wanted to know who it was that was humming an almost decent song.
"Aldrich Rousseau", Aldrich stated, his eyes fixed at the skies above them now, his other hand shielding it in protection of the sun's light, while the other was steadying himself up on the tree. Usually, he would have started being rather talkative, but at the moment, he was in no mood to do so, even the girl who called herself Adalyn seemed to not want to talk a lot at all, which he didn't mind, though if he was being his usual self, then he would have annoyed her already by his constant ramblings. "Were you the one singing.. or more so, humming earlier?" He then asked, still not looking at her, finding some sort of amusement on the clouds looming above the horizon, shaped differently and were just traveling where ever the wind would bring them.
Adalyn was getting annoyed with him not looking her. Sighing she stood up and jumped glad for her height she was easily able to get up next to him. She had to straddle one of the branches and use her hands to support her but now atleast she was in his line of vision. Not that she really wanted to talk, unless he happened to be one of the rare people who could speak her native language. "Were you the one who started the humming?" She asked not denieing or comfirming her own humming.
Aldrich was surprised when the girl climbed up the tree as well, he didn't expect that at all, and it was rare to see someone like that, much less a girl. "You didn't answer my question at all." He replied to her question, facing her now, an eyebrow raised in full curiosity. He wondered if he had seen the said girl before, or if she had wanted something from him, either way, it's fine. "But to answer your question, well, yes, I am the one humming earlier..." He said with a smile, finding amusement as he swing his feet back and forth not really caring if that would cause him to loose his balance one more.
Adalyn rolled her eyes at the boy she knew she didn't answer his question. She didn't like to be the first to answer things. "Well, yes I was humming," she told him after he answered her questioned. Leaning back she put one of her hands above her to hold herself steady. In all it wasn't very comfortable and she decided to lay back on the branch putting her feet on the trunk to steady herself. Now she could still see the sky and if she turned her head the guy as well. Adalyn never knew how nice it could be to sit in a tree.
Aldrich watched in amusement as the girl tried to make herself comfortable, for honestly, it was quite a sight. Most girls would not do what she was doing by then, they would think that it was too inappropriate for a lady to do, yet, here she was, up in the tree with him. "Be careful not to lose your balance." He told her, laughing to himself as he thought about how weird they must have looked.
Adalyn let out a laugh at what he told her. She has climbed her roof at home multiple times throughout her childhood, this was much easier. "Right, so what are you doing here?" She asked the boy looking over at him. Adalyn wasn't what attracted her to talk to him, most likely it was because he had been humming a song and she always found it easy to talk with people you were into music like she was.
A smile had formed into Aldrich's face as the girl started to laugh. She was pretty different from the others that he had met before, she had a different style of clothing, and definitely, a different sense of humour it seemed. He just had to shrug as the girl asked for the reason why he was currently situated at the top of a tree, carelessly sitting there as if it was the most normal thing to do. "Nothing really, just escaping that old and cruel world out there.." He said, laughing a little as he pointed to the only visible building structure on his view. It was true though, for just sitting there, he felt as if he was free from that busy and hectic life that he had always lived, he was just a normal kid, of fourteen years of age, yet, here he was, having the life of an adult by having too much to do. If he could have even a day just for himself, he would happily exchange it with anything. "What about you? What are you doing here?"
OOCOut of Character:
Jeez.. a month had past since I last replied to this right? Sorry...

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