Activity increase.

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Stefan Vanderzuk

Active Member
I'm looking for an increase in activity for Stefan and Eva. Things are a little, boring for them right now.

As he is an accountant, I had a thought about sending Stefan out to work with a client; but I know nothing about accountancy, and the role-play would be severely dull.

Random role-plays are all that are likely to happen at the moment, as I have no plots ready to involve others. So that means the general friends/enemies/e.t.c.

Fellow Death Eaters are welcome. Along with any ideas and such. :)
I have some people around their age. You can choose out of them if you want any.

Kevin Cameron: He's a nice guy. He likes to act sort of cchildish but is retty mature most of the time.

Tracy Caine/Rouge: She's pregnant at the moment so she's more emotional than usual. In future she will become a death eater so it could be helpful if she made friends with some death eaters other than her future husband before she did so is more likely to become one.
hmm, that's a point.

They could meet when Jay (Her husband) is meeting with other people and she tags along or something like that? He is a death eater already.

That's the only idea I have atm. :)
Their status won't be openly revealed to a person they have never met, even if it was obvious to her they would be Death Eaters. xD :p

And even then, I would prefer her to be a Death Eater first; before she 'finds out'. (Just in case). ;)
Yeah, that's a point.

hmmm, I really don't know then. The last place she met someone was a shop but I don't think that would work for them.
Stefan is likely to be working more days than not. So Eva would be the one to meet, but she is becoming twitchy; looking to kill someone. =))

Plus, with Tracy being pregnant; would that limit anything?
Unless they meet after she gives birth, it's around that time that she becomes properly nasty and, after a while, becomes a death eater?
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