🌹 Rose Giving Accio Yellow Rose!

Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | class of '62
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (18)
Once the first rose had been handed off, Aurora turned to her sister as they moved away. "Hazel is one of your accio people right?" Aurora said, before starting for the accio room. She went in after Rosie did and there was one girl, and a quick glance at Rosie confirmed this was the right girl. "Hazel, we have a rose for you!"
Rosie nodded to Aurora's question, but was beginning to feel a little worse than she had before. Rosie didn't know what was wrong. She walked into the accio room and was glad to see Hazel there. "Hey, we have a rose for you!" she plastered on a false cheery tone.
Hazel had decided it would be smart to look at ACCIO archives of old yearbooks for any people she didn't know, she was leafing through one when she heard her name. Hazel looked up to see Rosie, the Accio editor, and her sister. She straightened up and smiled. "Oh, really?" She asked, scanning the roses the girls were carrying eagerly.
Aurora smiled at the girl and nodded. "Yeah, it's a yellow one," she said as she took the yellow rose and held it out for the girl to take. She seemed a little young to already be on accio, but Aurora knew that was up to her sister to know.
Rosie smiled as best she could at Hazel and then took out the accompanying note. "It came with this," she said, holding that out as her sister held out the rose.

Happy Valentine's Day!
[Includes pencil drawing portrait of Hazel, and a black feather]
xoxo Elise
Hazel took the rose from Rosie's sister and then the note from Rosie. "Why do you guys do this together?" She asked curiously. "Does that mean you have double the roses?" Hazel opened the note and picked up the black feather as it fluttered out. She gasped softly at the portrait, then proudly showed it to the sisters. "Look at this!"
Aurora nodded, "Yeah, and it should, but we just get like one or two more to do," Aurora replied. She knew that it was overkill, likely to do it the two of them, but she didn't mind, and especially today, she was happy to spend the time with her sister. "Oh that's so cool," she said peering at the picture.
Rosie nodded in agreement with what Aurora said and then glanced at the picture. "Oh that's such a lovely drawing, and gesture," she couldn't help but think it was really sweet for the person to have done that.
Hazel smiled and shrugged. "It does seem fun, I kinda wish I had a twin." She said. "All I have is a stinky younger brother," she added with a sigh. Hazel preened a little at the attention the little picture got her, thanking Elise silently. She had two seventh years interested in something she had, that was amazing.
Aurora gave a little giggle, "We've got an older brother, he used to be pretty stinky," Aurora commented lightly, a little smile on her face. She did think that the picture was nice. "Right, we should be getting on,"
Rosie nodded in agreement, though she did miss Branson nowadays, they just didn't get to see each other nearly as often any more. "Yeah, Happy valentine's day, Hazel," Rosie said warmly.

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