Accio Rules!

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Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
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Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Welcome to the rules of Accio!

Please post your pictures to the appropriate thread for your Class year. As always, if you have any questions about the yearbook, feel free to contact any of the Yearbook Staff, which you can find here.
We are asking once again to use your characters celebrity play-by for the images for the yearbook. There are a few guidelines that you are asked to follow in posting your photos:

  • Make sure you post with the account that you are picturing for. For example, Bryce would be posting for Bryce, not for Bryce, Sergei and Damon. This will ensure accuracy and ensure the accounts are active. If you post with multiple characters with one single post, then it will be at the page maker's discretion to picture all of the characters in that one single post. So use one account named Mary to represent the account named Mary.
  • With this being said, it might be wise to have your pictures rehosted on tumblr, imgur, imageshack or tinypic. Some sites can go down, and without rehosting, your picture will be broken and you will not be pictured in the yearbook.
  • Make sure to post your pictures in the correct categories. There will be threads for each year as well as various clubs. I will be pm-ing those in charge of the various clubs for a member list as well as a color scheme for clothing if needed.
  • Before posting your picture of choice make sure it's suitable and check out this quote from the Netiquette guidelines.

  • In real life you only have one chance at your school photo, so keeping in the spirit of school life, limit yourself to one image. If you are not sure that an image will work, post it and shoot an Accio staff member a PM. We can look at it and let you know if you need a 'retake'.
  • Choose your playby (and your specific picture of choice of them) by the way you picture your character visually: think of facial features, hair, expression, clothing choice and of course age.
  • Please post your picture as you would like it to be to represent your character. This means having your eyes and hair the colour you would like and any writing you'd like removed, removed. Some of us are able to be photo editors BUT we don't plan to do things like that for you. The picture you submit, as you submit it, is the picture we'll use. No editing done to the person in it. If you need any help with editing your picture there are several talented and friendly photo editors around that may be able to help you, found in the graphic requests forum.
  • Please post an original picture of your playby (except for edits explained above) rather than just posting your signature.
  • Although the mugshot photos don't actually end up too large in the yearbook, bigger is actually better. It is easier to shrink an image down to the size we need and maintain the quality of the picture than it is to enlarge it.
  • If you do not post an image, you will not be pictured in Accio. We do have real life responsibilities and don't have time to search for images for everyone. There will be reminders but if the deadline for photos arrives and you have not turned one in, we will have to simply skip your image.
  • Have fun and if you have any questions don't hesitate to let me or one of the other yearbook staff members know.

Have fun with your images!

~ The Accio! Staff
Most of this was written by Pat with some minor details added by Kaitlyn.
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