Open A Wrong Turn

Ernestine Physwick

time makes you bolder
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Ernestine had obviously taken a wrong turn. The alley was getting narrower and narrower, twisting like a gnarled branch, the ground slippery with dead leaves and detritus. Getting mugged hadn't been on her to-do list that evening, but if she didn't find her way back to the harbour soon, it was practically inevitable.

A rustling sound made her spin around. She had been reluctant to light her wand, lest she attract any more attention to herself, but she did so now impulsively, holding it out in front of her to illuminate the damp bricks. "All right," she said. "Whoever you are, I don't want no trouble. So you keep out o' my way, and I'll keep out o' yours - how's about that?"
No, that's not where she'd meant to go. She knew this area like the back of hand. Something had pulled her to come down this path, not her usual route at all. The necklace against her chest felt like it was throbbing on her skin, the sensation of the heavy cool metal attracting her focus. Dressed head to toe in black, a heavy hood with a lace lining covering the womans features, it was easy to slide in and out of the alleyways of bleak street, a place she may as well call home.

Another. Another one up ahead. She was spotted. They'd called out to her, was an interaction required? They were alone. She was the one being spoken to, not a doubt about it. "Keeping out of one's way is word to the wise round here," she called out. Could she hear? She looked harder. She couldn't really see. She'd stopped in the street now. "Five galleons and you can be on your way," she held out her hand, her luck was trying.

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