A World Of Mistakes

Felix Garcia

former hnz nurse | father | prankster
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 15" Unyielding Elm Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Felix had a day off, or well, he'd just finished up his work and it just happened to fall at the exact time he had a few days off from both of his jobs and Felix was absolutely making the most of it, which was why the nurse had found himself in a magical salsa bar with a few of his old friends, who were also magical like him, knocking back the shots of tequila and goodness knew what else. He didn't make particularly good decisions when drunk, the man had a tiny little dog to prove it, a little dog called Manny whom he loved. The man had been having a great time splitting his time between New Zealand and Spain, it was definitely hard, but it was rewarding, he got exactly what he needed from the job at Hogwarts in helping the kids and learning more and more about magical healing and he also got exactly what he needed from the army, it was the perfect balance of the two worlds he currently lived in. Felix was grinning to himself as he noticed a girl sitting seemingly alone at a table, he wandered over as a new song played loudly over the speakers, "A dance?" he offered with his hand out his Spanish accent hitting the few english words even more given how much he'd had to drink so far, but there was little indication that he was drunk, more that he was a smile excitable man he really loved dancing, and hoping the girl would too.
Arriving in New Zealand over a month ago, Catalina was excited about the prospect of a new life away from Colombia. Her home country held too many memories for her and after the tragic death of her little sister, Catalina had decided to finally take that trip that they had planned so long ago. Catalina had made it to New Zealand nearly six months ago, she'd enjoyed her stay here and so she had finally decided to try and make a new start and so she was currently in the process of opening up a dance school here. It would be hard and strange to be without her sister, or her other family for that matter, but they had greatly understood her need to be on her own, to start a life away from the painful memories of a family that was no longer complete. She knew her sister would be happy for her and that was why she was happy to be here, to show Sofia all the things she couldn't see when she was still alive. The dance school was named after her sister too, she didn't want to keep the original name. She didn't mind whether she was associated with her own sister school or not, but as long as she had some way of honouring her sister she was happy.

Catalina sat in a salsa bar, sipping a drink of some sort. She never really cared much to know the names of alcohol, she didn't care enough. She also wasn't sure why she was sitting in a salsa bar, you danced here, sitting wasn't allowed. She was glad she wasn't the owner of the bar or she'd be slapping herself on the wrist for sitting down in a salsa bar. Still, it did mean that when she was approached, she wasn't too tuckered out to accept his offer of a dance. He was obviously Spanish, which wasn't all that surprising. There were a lot of Spanish people in New Zealand she had found. She did find herself wondering where he'd grown up though. She smiled at him and took his hand. "I would love to, thank you." Studying English as a teenager had paid off, but she found she was often a little formal when she did speak it, just to ensure she was getting the words right. It didn't matter much to her though, there was nothing wrong with formality. She quickly leaned over to finish her drink so it'd not go to waste. "I must admit that your accent makes me feel a little homesick."
Felix was definitely feeling pretty good about this night, he had vowed to not drink as much as the last time he'd drunk a lot, the man had no intentions of ending up in another country he barely knew with a brand new dog along with him, as much as he loved little Jose, it wasn't like Felix really wanted to repeat such events, the following days had been pretty horrible and all he did have to take care of the dog, he didn't need a repeat of that. So, he knew that a little bit of dancing in this salsa bar would really help it, and he was more than thankful when the woman he'd asked to dance actually agreed to it, though he allowed her the time to finish her drink, knowing better than letting such a drink go to waste. He smiled happily, and then took her hand taking her out to the dance floor, with a small smile, Felix put an arm around her waist and brought her to stand far closer to him, just so that they could really move to the latin salsa music with ease, Felix was always energetic in school, he'd taken the time with his father growing up to learn to dance, and he really was thankful currently for that,

"Oh yeah?" he said, switching easily to spanish, "I'm from Spain, a town a little outside of Barcelona, what about you?" he knew both Catalan and Spanish, though his Spanish was now far stronger, and he opted for that when talking to this girl that he didn't know, "I'm Felix," he told her leaning in closer so that she would definitely be able to hear him properly. A bar with dancing perhaps wasn't the best place to start a conversation, but he loved meeting people he could speak to in Spanish, given that he really couldn't in many occasions in this country. Though he spent half of his time back home in Spain, the army medic's original and first language were the more important languages to keep up.
Catalina was born and raised in Bogota, Colombia, so she was surrounded by people all of her life. Close quarters dancing and crowds did not phase her in the slightest and so when she was pulled closer to dance, she welcomed it, rather than being annoyed or shocked. Dancing was, or had been, her life. Things were a little different these days with the death of her sister, but for the most part, she still enjoyed dancing and being danced with. The last proper dance she'd had was at a wedding and even then it was different. The beats of the music helped her move with ease and the sight of all the movers on the dance floor brought back some pleasant memories for Catalina. She'd definitely missed this. He leaned in closer, she assumed to speak, and told her that he was from Spain. That made sense, she'd assumed as much. She moved her mouth closer to his ear and moved her hands up to his chest. "Born and raised in Bogota, Colombia, I only left once and I visited Argentina, though I have always wanted to see Spain." The slight differences in dialect shouldn't stop easy communication, it was like learning different variants of english she thought.

She smiled at his name. "Catalina... well, that is the beginning of my name anyway," She had such a long name, though she would never change it it could be difficult to say in a loud place like this. Then of course she would feel the need to explain each of her names, if only for more conversation. For now she was content to dance and watched the way her partner moved. It was obvious he'd had training, she was lucky. "You dance so well!" Though she did not consider herself a professional dancer, she knew several versions of dance and had studied them since she was a child. Her sister was much more adept at it than she was and that was what made everything all the harder. But she would always live to dance and this was her way of remembering her sister. "I think I want another drink, give me a moment."
Felix missed living and spending all of his time in Spain with his friends, but he knew that the things he was learning in Hogwarts about being a magical nurse were things that would always be beneficial to him but listening to music that reminded him of home, and speaking to a girl who was sort of like him, a little bit of linguistic differences wouldn't matter. He listened closely to her response, leaning in to hear her properly, and then leaning out and smiling at her, he'd never been to Colombia but he loved Colombian girls, and she was as beautiful as the other girls that he'd seen before. The nurse just smiled, "I've always wanted to visit Colombia," he told her honestly with a drunken expression clear on his face, but it didn't make his spanish any worse, his ability to speak english was probably be gone. The nurse grinned at her, especially as she then introduced herself, Catalina, and he couldn't help but chuckle at the name given that he was from Catalonia, and the similarity in the two to his drunk and fuzzy mind.

The man just smiled at her and made sure to dance with her, dancing to the lovely music and just letting his drunkenness carry the tune through his body, he was obviously trying to impress her and he knew that his dancing skills weren't awful at all, that he would probably manage quite easily despite the fact that he was drunk. The man smiled at her and just shrugged at her, "So are you," he complimented easily, even if she wasn't he wasn't going to say that he was good and she wasn't that was just rude, they were dancing in a club there was hardly person in this place that could be said to be good at it currently. As she said the words another drink he nodded, cheering in agreement, "More drinks! Yes!" he was pretty excitable when drunk and moved past her creating space so that they could get to the bar and then easily got the barman's attention, "Tequila shots good for you?" he said to her in a loud voice over the noise of the bar, before ordering several rounds of tequila shots before she could really get the chance to answer, and once they were in front of him, he handed one to Catalina and held it up, "Salud!"
Catalina grinned at the man. He seemed pretty genuine and regardless she'd not had a conversation with a fellow hispanic in such a long time. They would have a similar view of he world, she thought, and it was good to get out again after so long. "You should visit!" She told him. "It is a beautiful place, lots of dancing in the streets." She would always miss the food though. There was this one place she used to frequent with her sister, a spice place. They did beautiful food, right above a fish shop. She'd never have believed it had she not tried it for herself. Her sister was good at getting her to do something and trying new things was her favourite pastime. Felix was more than a welcome distraction and she was definitely sure that he was attractive, which was also nice, not that she would ever tell someone she thought they weren't attractive, that would be rude and way out of line.

Being told that she was a good dancer was kind of funny. Though she was not an expert in club dance, she was a studious kind of person with the art of ballet, which gave her a good ability to pick up other dances as well. Salsa and other similar dances were almost as easy as walking or breathing for her now. "I should be, I'm a professional." She added, "I'm opening a studio soon, probably." Admittedly, she was still deliberating on it. She knew she needed to get over her loss, but she didn't want to disrupt the memory of her sister either. As they moved to the bar, Catalina made sure to stay close to Felix so as not to lose him. She grabbed onto his arm, hanging on to him tightly as she tried not to trip on toes. "Tequila is fine!" When drinking, she much preferred to keep it simple. She was not one for extravagance. She took her shot glass happily and held it up with his. "Salud y amor!" She seconded his toast and added her own, a custom in her family that she couldn't forsake. She tipped her shot down her throat. "Oh, that's good tequila."
Felix decided that when he was able to get enough time off from both his current jobs he would definitely take the trip out to Colombia, it didn't matter how much he should really visit his family and spend time with those people, he would go to Colombia and spend his time there. The nurse decided as much just in that moment and he nodded, "I will!" the man told her excitedly, slipping into Spanish without half realising what he'd done. The drunk mind he had could not tell the difference between the two languages and it definitely struggled to be able to figure out english when he was this drunk, since he was only really beginning to get the hang of it, English was after all very hard to the fully grown man who'd never been good at languages, but being in amongst largely english speakers in an english speaking country half of the time had really greatly helped his learning, he struggled so much less than he might've before, apart from now, since he couldn't quite figure out which was which in his far gone state, but what did it really matter, he was here to drink, to dance and to have a magical time.

When she told him that she was a professional dancer, he took a small step back and glanced her over and just then seemed to notice it, "That is..," he hesitated, wanting to call it sexy but not wanting really to use that word, thinking it might scare her off, "Incredible," he opted for instead, "I work two jobs, half of the time I spend as an army medic in the Spanish army and the other, I'm a nurse at a local boarding school," he told her, before they moved to the bar, he grinned easily at her as he ordered the tequila smiling his thanks and giving over the money. He handed her the shot and then threw the drink back after the toast, allowing the bitter liquid down his throat. Felix smiled easily at her, "Hey you wanna go somewhere quiet?" he asked confidently, definitely wanting to spend more time with her, preferably the entire night, and perhaps in the morning he would remember who she was.
Catalina was certainly enjoying a night she'd not really expected to. Being out and about was something she generally enjoyed, but had not really expected as much from this first expedition into a foreign country. Catalina grinned easily as her companion began slipping into Spanish. Though her version of Spanish and his were not the same, they were mostly similar and only certain phrases were different and so understanding the slowly going drunk was not uneasy. She marvelled at how easily he slipped between the two languages, finding herself really having to think about English if she wanted to use it. Whenever she spoke to anyone, she had a habit of starting off in Spanish, only to realise they did not understand her and so she was pressed to try again. She'd chosen to live and work there though and felt she was responsible for learning the language properly. She tended to slip into Spanish when in her studio, though it wasn't open yet, and she wanted to make sure she was understandable when giving instructions. Dance was not easy and of course, she would need to be able to explain what she wanted to her students. If, indeed, she did open the studio.

Catalina grinned again as Felix continued to talk. She thought it was nice that he seemed to enjoy the fact she was a dancer. She had always thought it was the most interesting aspect of her life after all so she was kind of happy that someone else agreed with her, even just a little bit. "It is not so amazing, but I enjoy it." She told him. He worked two jobs and Catalina thought that was very dedicated of him. An army medic? She thought that was dry brave of him as well. She to herself a second tequila shot as he asked her if she wanted to go somewhere quiet. She was at first going to say no, hesitant in her first night out, but after a second she changed her mind and smiled. "Sure, I'll give you private dance lessons." She told him, assuming he would understand her meaning as she put her shot glass back on the counter. Spending more time with the spaniard would indeed be interesting, she thought, and any chance to have a bit of fun, like she used to.
Felix could not understand why she did not find her work amazing, Felix found her endlessly interesting, her job seemed like something that would be both amazing and rewarding, he couldn't imagine what it would be like to not find the work amazing. His own work was occasionally horrible, it made him feel horrible, and there was no job in the early morning starts in the army, but he still thought it amazing, "I am sure it is plenty amazing," the man drunkenly assured her, definitely think that it was true, even if he knew nothing about her work, what it involved or why she might actually find it not so amazing, "But, you enjoy it, so that is good," he easily added as he thought about, and he couldn't help but marvel at her, she was beautiful that much he could see even in this just awful light, he didn't often run into people who was anything like him, and they were that similar but the fact the sort of shared a language was enough to make him feel just so attracted to her, even if it might perhaps just be due to the drinks he'd had, and he'd had quite a number.

At her reply he couldn't help the way it made him smile, "Oh I would love that," but he didn't say much more about it, instead just waited for her to finish the drink and grinned easily at her, looking between her and the bar, "One more drink and then you can show me," he order two more drinks and passed one to her before knocking back his own with a little smile. Felix held out his hand to her and gave a mock, and drunken bow, he looked back up at her, "I don't live too far from here, plenty of space, unless you have somewhere else in mind," he added, his mind slowly catching up and realised he needed to come up with where they could go, he lived close enough that it wouldn't take too long, but she obviously needed to agree, and if she had somewhere else in mind he would definitely follow her, anything for some private dance lessons that she was talking about, "Shall we?" he added grinning drunkenly at her.

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