Closed A Work In Progress

Isaiah Jeffreys

Unspeakable | former head boy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14" Sturdy Yew Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2025 (36)
The home which Avery was renovating, had proved to give Isaiah endless joy. It was a beautiful place before they'd even managed to get stuck in. Though he liked his current place, since it was for him, and worked well for him but it wasn't like this place, or the way with guidance from Avery Isaiah was helping put it together in a way that he had never done before. He had come from work, excitedly leaving at the first opportunity that he could, and had brought with him some dinner for after and couldn't wait to see what it was like and what he might be able to help with. Isaiah apparated to where he knew it was safe and went to the door. "Avery, it's Isaiah," he called out.
Avery always enjoyed the flip jobs like this. He didn't get to do them as often, saving up and usually using it as a sort of vacation for himself. Throwing himself into these projects was just really relaxing. He hummed happily, pleased with the progress they'd been making. There was a process to it, as there always was. He'd already planned out his budget for the project, secured the usual permits he needed to do these things himself, been in touch with his contacts and did a few walkthroughs, a notebook already overflowing with plans and ideas and things to be done. It was going to take about a week, maybe two to finish with the demolition. He was in no real rush, and had been taking his time with things, having gutted a good bit of the house already. He was in the living room, having chosen it as his base of operations, and had conjured up a comfortable swing chair to lounge in as he went through his plans. He was drawn from his thoughts, hair a mess and pencil in hand, when Isaiah called for him. "In here," He called back, adding in a bit to the general sketch of the houseplan he'd been working on.
Isaiah went in the direction of Avery's voice. Heading through the house and finding the man in what was probably a living area or lounge area. He smiled at the sight of Avery who was working away, with his sketching and he thought the man looked cute. Very cute. "Hey," he greeted softly, moving in closer to be able to give Avery a little kiss. "You look good,"
Avery looked up when he heard Isaiah get closer, giving the man an easy smile and kissing him back easily. "Hey, you. You don't look so bad, yourself," He teased, shifting slightly to make room for Isaiah to sit with him. "How was your day?" He asked, trying to finish up the section of the sketch he was working on. "Super important sporty quidditch things?"
Isaiah gave a little smile and moved to sit next to him. "Quidditch?" he questioned lightly. "I know the department of mysteries is shrouded in secrecy but if it were quidditch we were doing it would've absolutely gotten out and we'd be as staffed as the aurors," he joked lightly. "But it was good, I like what I do," he added, "And I didn't have any meetings today that could've been a memo,"
Avery chuckled. "Shhh, let me play my game," He teased. "I've decided to ask you about all the random jobs I can, and its your job to pretend that whatever I've asked was actually your job for the day," He nudged Isaiah lightly. "Since I can't ask too much about the job you have. I thought I'd start with something easy- your brother plays quidditch, doesn't he?" He asked, using magic to move his stuff away so he could lean into Isaiah's side.
Isaiah laughed lightly, "Okay," he agreed, more than happy to play along, given that he couldn't often talk about his role in greater detail. He nodded. "Yes he does, and I mean, I almost played quidditch professionally, I was offered it," Isaiah said, unsure if this was something he had mentioned to Avery at any point. He hadn't really considered it, his interests had always been else where, but it was something which had been offered to him.
Avery had the chair sway a bit, enjoying Isaiah's warmth and the soft motion of it. He yawned, stretching himself out. "Exactly!" He chuckled, shutting his eyes. "Now, let's just rest for a few before I jump up to work on more of this house," He countered. "Have you eaten yet?" He asked, offering out a hand for Isaiah to hold.
Isaiah was happy to just be settled in next to Avery, to be in the man's company without thinking about much else. He knew that he was certainly falling in love, and didn't want to say or do anything to stop this little moment. "I had lunch, but nothing since," he replied, reaching and taking Avery's offered hand.
Avery chuckled, lacing their fingers. "Well I have leftover takeout from lunch, hows lasagna sound?" He asked, running his free hand through his hair. "There's this italian place nearby thats real good but their portions are massive- must be why its so expensive," He chuckled. "Though the menu saying it was a group meal might've tipped me off."
Isaiah nodded eagerly, "I'd love some lasagna," he said. He tended to eat pretty light on the days he had work, not wanting to end up working too slow or needing a nap after lunchtime. That was hardly a good thing. "Yeah, it maybe should've, but now you've got leftovers, and magic can help keep it for longer, so you'll get your money's worth,"
Avery let out a dramatic sigh and made himself get up, stretching. The action causing his shirt to ride up, flashing a bit of his midriff. He straightened out after touching his toes. "Well, hows your magic feeling? Mines a bit strained, I've been doing a good bit of gutting today- the place is hardly recognizable, but I've got a little base set up just on the other side of the wall. If you want to heat up dinner, we can retreat for the night?" He offered, realizing in that moment how tired he felt. "Do you work tomorrow?" He asked, trying to decide how they would proceed with the project the next day.
Isaiah watched appreciatively as Avery stretched but didn't made a move. He frowned a little and gave a fond expression. "You are the only person I know who talks about their magic like that, and I work for the department of mysteries," he teased lightly. "My magic feels good," he said. "Not stretched at all," he nodded. "I do but I can go in a bit later," he said, using his magic to begin to heat up the meal for them, without really needing to put much thought into it.
Avery laughed. "Well then you don't know anyone else interesting, no wonder you like me," He teased, falling back in beside Isaiah for a moment to try and steal a kiss before getting up and moving over to the nest he'd set up- an overabundance of pillows and blankets. He threw off his clothes until he was in just his boxers and collapsed into the bed with a weary sigh, stretching out a bit more fully. "Ugh, it was such a long day," He murmured, snuggling into a pillow.
Isaiah laughed, leaning in to kiss him and letting Avery move away from him. "You know, I could take some time off work, and just help you out here more," he offered. It wasn't maybe the most fun thing to do with days off, but he knew he'd do it if Avery asked and if he wanted it. "Put a shirt on, you'll end up burning yourself when the food is ready," he joked warmly.
Avery yawned, thoroughly ignoring Isaiah's suggestions to get dressed again. "You'd be bored out of your mind helping me out," He countered. He made no effort to try and get out of the makeshift bed. "Though, if back rubs were on the table when you stop by, I wouldn't protest," He laughed, trying to stretch out his shoulders without actually moving from where he'd fallen. "I could never say no to a little bit of pampering."
Isaiah laughed lightly at what Avery said, though he disagreed. "I could never be bored while spending time with you," Isaiah told him honestly. Since he found spending time with Avery to be the most enjoyable thing for him. There was nothing better than it for him. He moved over and went to put his hands on Avery's shoulders, to rub his back as the man wanted. "What sort of pampering?"
Avery shut his eyes, humming and melting into the makeshift bed. "Flatterer," He murmured. He groaned when he felt the mans hands on his shoulders. He tried to hold still, not wanting to discourage Isaiah away from him. "Mm, you know, the usual," He murmured. "Back rubs, foot rubs, hand feeding me snacks, playing with my hair." He flexed his fingers. "Though its not fair if you're not pampered, too," He tried to shift just enough to peek back over his shoulders at Isaiah, a coy smile on his lips. "What kind of pampering do you like?"
Isaiah smiled with great ease at Avery's reaction. He gave a little laugh. "It's a pity I only have two hands and can only focus on one part at a time," he joked easily. Isaiah gave a warm smile and then shrugged. "Oh but I can be pampered after, I'm taking care of you right now," he assured him, just sticking to what he'd been doing. "So, just relax, let me take care of you,"
Avery hummed softly, mind feeling like mush as his body relaxed under Isaiahs' touch. "Mmm... remind me to ask later then," He managed slowly, already half asleep and just enjoying the attention. "Too bad you aren't around more," He yawned. "I wouldn't be too opposed to that." He admitted, more vulnerable as he spoke, his usual barriers haven fallen with the combination of being half asleep and being super relaxed.

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