A whisper friend

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Sapphire Bookchild

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V.
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Sapphire Clow, sister of Jade and Jasper Clow (current Hufflepuff and Drumy), never talks ever. wheather it's fear, lack of trust or something else keeping her from opening her mouth Sapphire just doesn't talk. She is going to Hogwarts though and she needs that one friend that can understand her sign language or her expressions without her telling them. I was them to eventually be so close a friend that when people talk to them it would seem that they where reading each other's mind but for now I just want to give her a friend. If anyone out there that is school aged wants to meet this darling girl feel free to post.

I have a family member of 10 years old, also attending hogwarts this coming year.
Oscar Fossil.

Oscar Fossil, is quite secretive, like his sister. But he wants to be more open.
He follows his heart, and fights for what he believes in.
He doesn't sleep much, and at dance school, he is a completely alone, but he can't wait to break out of that and go to Hogwarts.
He'll introduce himself as Lucas, but if he likes you, then when you meet again, he'll introduce himself properly.
He's a nice guy, but can from time to time be stubborn and can at times, have a little bit of an acid tongue.

I can see him taking to Sapphire, he's a very quite person at school so would be able to tell what she is saying, and be that one friend. Hewould stand up for her if anyone bothered her.
Given the discription that you gave me I think that Sapphire and Oscar would get along great. There is a bit of a waring that Sapphire is a bit of a jealose friend would try and keep him from getting to know anyone else. Other than that she would be hanging around him and would try to be a really good friend to him.

That's fine. Oscar isn't too much a fan of popularity. He's only going to have a few friends.
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