A walk

Estrella Drage

Obliviator for MACUSA | HNZ 1st Graduating Class
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It would be an understatement to say that Estrella had a lot on her mind these days. Surprisingly, her break up with Jaken hadn't impacted her mood horribly. She was simply left feeling numb most of the time. It was good to know where she and Jaken stood, though he invaded her thoughts more often than not. A break had probably been for the best.

Then there was that gossip magazine to consider. She personally wanted to hunt down and wrap her fingers around the neck of the person who had written such libel. Since she didn't have any type of lead however, the Head Girl was left to sit around and sulk while she dreaded the next issue of the publication.

Then there was the fact of being a seventh year to consider. What if she didn't pass her NEWTs? The very thought of failing turned her stomach upside down. While she had only five classes this term, they seemed to be getting more stressful as the year progressed. She didn't even want to think about what was in store for the rest of the term, though think she did.

The seventh year Ravenclaw had first decided to take a walk down to the Lakefront and simmer down, but when she got there she wanted to keep moving. She headed towards the Forbidden Forest, though she had no intention of going in. She kept to the edge of the trees, silently observing them. Estrella hadn't been in the Forbidden Forest for years. The girl had the sudden urge to step into it and see how far she could go, but that wasn't an option for her. The Head Girl of the school couldn't just waltz into places that were forbidden just because she was legally an adult now- she had to be a role model. Still, the first year that she had buried deep down inside of her was itching to dart in there again. For the last time. Estrella shook her head slightly, and continued her walk, attempting to suppress the eleven year old that was trying to pull strings.
James had meant to go practice at the Quidditch Pitch however something caught his mind, he was wearing his old Quidditch Captain's uniform and had brought his Canon Streak with him but immediantly made his broomstick dissapear back to his room as he decided that his afternoon might be spent doing other things in the forest. James had noticed that a web of gossip was going around but was never much for it since it usually involved him, even if it didn't James had been at the recieving end of enough Gossip to despise it. James wondered if Lily or Albus ever recieved as much attention, Aunt Hermione had said that he would have recieved the blunt of it since he was of age and did a few contraversal things like ditching school. James didn't care that much but was a bit glad to get away from the wizarding world and just go back to school.

James entered the forest looking about for the girl that he'd seen, he remebered that he still needed to fly with Kiera and see who was a better Chaser. They had a bet after all. James thought about it with a slight smirk as he noticed her, James remebered now that she was the Head Girl but didn't know her name and hadn't spoken with her. James took off his Quidditch robes wearing his red sweater and jeans which was alot more comfortable to wear when traveling throughout the forest. James was friends with the Centaurs in England but was pretty sure the heards didn't talk to each other much. James didn't care though as he was more interested in the girl. James moved closer untill he got withing talking distance "I don't think Head Girl's have permission to enter the Forest" James said with a slight smirk knowing that it wasn't one of his best openers but it was something.
At first, Estrella had thought she heard footsteps behind her, but when she turned her head there was nothing there. She shrugged and kept walking, dismissing the footsteps as a figment of her already occupied thoughts. The Head Girl could not help jumping a bit as a voice filled her ears.

The voice of the person was that of someone who was older, but it was completely unfamiliar. "I'm well acquainted with school rules," she started with something of a smirk, "But for the record- I'm not in the Forest. I can walk along the edge as much as I like." She sized the boy up- she had seen him in the Great Hall before. He had to be a sixth or seventh year. After a few moments she added, "I don't believe we've met." There were so many transfers now that Estrella had given up on trying to find out what they were named.
James smiled "I guess, after all your the head girl" James said in response to her quirk about knowing the school rules. James looked at her and had to admit she was pretty good looking. "No we haven't met" James said as he took a step forward "I always remeber the pretty girls I meet, my names James" he said a bit reluctant to say his full name though he wasn't quite sure why. Perhaps it was the fact that she didn't instantly recognize him that made him intrigued with keeping his identity a secret, perhaps he would get to know this girl before his fame got to her. It was very rare that James was afforded this opportunity and who was he to deny it. "Though I have to wonder, what keeps a pretty maiden on the edge of the woods and not in them?" James asked with a slight smirk. "Afraid of a little adventure?" James added as he took another step closer.
Although Estrella still had strong feelings for her ex, she couldn't help feeling flattered. It was not often that someone commented on her physical attributes. She hated to admit it, but she was a sucker for compliments. And this new kid wasn't so bad looking himself. Butterflies pattered the lining of her stomach. Physical attraction to the boy was the only thing that plagued her, however. It was different with Jaken.

"Do you hit on girls for a living?" the Ravenclaw snorted. "And it's a pleasure to meet you James. What year are you in? I didn't exactly have you pegged as a first year."

She ran her fingers through her long hair as she glanced to the forest. The excited, careless first year within her had quieted down for now. With a smirk, she replied, "Afraid of adventure? No. Of getting my badge taken away? Hell yes."
Fore Little Miss Ravenclaw

"Hit on girls for a living?" James repeated with a smile "No, I just don't lie when my heart tells me something" James said as he took another step he was now close to Estrella. Part of James wanted to tell her what he really did for a living but decided not too, "I'm in my 7th Year" James answered as he looked around at the forest. James smirked slightly as she made the comment about not wanting to get her badge taking away. "The trick to not getting your badge taking away" James said as he leaned in close "is to not get caught" James whispered into her ear as he leaned back and smiled. "Now I'm sure your not just looks and no how to get away with things don't you?" James asked curiously. She was Head Girl afterall but couldn't have spent the last seven years trouble free could she? James didn't think it very likely.
Ooh neat! I'll have to stick it in a spoiler for right now. :)

Estrella wasn't sure what to think about how close James was getting. Most boys kept their distance when they first met girls. She had to say that the boy's boldness was endearing, however, she wasn't ready for anything past flirtatiousness, if even that. Not exactly sure where she and Jaken stood- although she was sure of her feelings- she didn't want to get involved with anyone. Even putting aside how charming they could be.

"Seventh year, huh? Why don't I ever see you in class, then?" she inquired. Being a Ravenclaw, she had never even entertained the idea of skipping any lessons.

The smirk that had risen to her lips remained. "I know how to get away with things," she started walking again, figuring that James would keep pace, "I just don't choose to pursue that course of action. I may be a seventh year and know more magic than the younger students in this school, but I have no idea what is out there and have no wish to end up dead." If she had been with a group of people she wouldn't mind it so much. The forest may be alluring but she was adamant that she would not venture into the forest. Estrella wasn't stubborn most of the time but she could be if the situation called for it.
James smiled slightly as she mentioned him not showing up to classes "Maybe you just haven't been seeing me" James said as he began to walk with her. James was being treated like every other student that this girl would've met and that kind've made him happy since she didn't seem that bad of a person. James however knew when something was bothering someone and also knew the cure, he and Ravyn had found it years ago when the stress of school and Quidditch was too much, however decided that he would get to know her better first. "Really, from what I hear this forest isn't that dangerous" James said with a bit of a laugh "In my fourth year back in Scotland the forest had been overrun with Acromantula" James said trying to indicate just how big the nasty little buggers were, they had posed quite the formidable challenge for the school and the Aurors.

"So, do you walk around the Forest Edge often?" James asked deciding to leave the topic of giant killer spiders when they were so close to the forest. James didn't want to bring up such things in front of someone that feared Death. James had learned early on that all things live and all things die, the sooner you accept it the better you are. James had accepted it and had also decided to live his life having fun and enjoying everything that life granted him, not everyone understood this and he didn't blame them since it was difficult to understand the fact that death could be around the corner and for the Potters such a threat was all the more real as the remnants of the Death Eaters would like nothing more than to capture them and kill them.
Estrella snorted, "Oh, right. I'm taking it you were sitting in Charms the other day wearing an invisibility cloak?" She listened to James talk as she continued to keep her distance from the forest. Amusement lit her features. "Acromantulas? Wow. I don't think anyone has really gone far enough into the forest to find out." Her lips twisting, she added, "So you can't really determine which is more dangerous."

The Ravenclaw shook her head. "Not often- just every once in a while, when I want to go farther than normal." Flying was a way to get rid of excess energy, but the girl preferred walking. You could only see and do so much on a broomstick when you were confined to a stadium. She thought it was amusing that James had stopped talking about the spiders, considering that she had no aversion to them. The girl had no reason to be afraid of the forest while she was right outside of it.
James grinned slightly as he figured things were going well, she hadn't told him to bugger off yet which was probably due to the fact that she didn't really know who he was. James smiled as he looked at her features admiring just how nice they were, she had an aura about her that James didn't recognize except when he looked in the mirror. Deciding that he might try to press his luck James asked with politeness "What would make someone as smart and beautifull as you want to go father than normal?" James asked figuring that he probably already knew the answer.

Normal Teenagers rarely had anything else on their minds besides school and relationships. James had often considered them lucky for such a gift that he never really had, the prophet was always out there and while he did have a friend that worked there it didn't always mean that they wouldn't be looking for a way to spy on him. At times they could be worse then the Death Eaters, whom James had always been lucky enough to avoid. "If you don't want to tell me that's alright, I know it's probably none of my business" James quickly said as he never meant to offend anyone or impose.
Estrella could not help the slight flush of red that had risen to her cheeks. She had considered telling James that she had a boyfriend- white lies never hurt anyone- but she had a feeling that it wouldn't stop the boy from showering her with compliments. The Ravenclaw didn't mind flattery one bit, but she still felt a sort of loyalty to Jaken. Flirting was normally harmless. However, in the present time, it made her feel uncomfortable to engage in.

"Well, I guess I've just had a lot on my mind," she said after a moment of silence. Her pace lessened a bit. Turning to face James, she smiled lightly. "Don't worry about it, it's not like you're asking me if I sleep with a stuffed animal!" Amusement was blatant in her expression now. "I've always found that walks are nice when you have a lot to think about."
"Yeah, there also nice when you just want to get away from things and people" James said without trying to reveal too much. "Classes are fun but I think I kinda miss being homeschool a bit" James said more to himself then to Estrella, he still received letters from Ravyn and his Aunt with little advise but it was easier just going to see them or simply using the Floo network to speak with them. James didn't realize how constricting the freedom of school was and at times wondered if he was just setting himself up for a greater pain. "So do you sleep with a stuffed animal?" James asked with a sideways smile enjoying the question now that it had been asked. James wondered what kind of answer she would give though had a pretty good guess.
Estrella nodded in agreement. "Very true. There's nothing better than getting a chance to clear your head." She ran her fingers through her long hair, hoping that it didn't look too bad. If she didn't tie it up, it tended to snarl and make her look like Medusa. "I don't think I'd like being homeschooled all that much," she commented, "I like the classes here too much. And the people." Well, most of the people. There were a few students that she could do without, but this was school and she would have to live with them. "I'm probably going to be sad when school is over."

Saying school was going to be over was really the end of the line. When June came around, school wouldn't just be out for the summer, it would be out for the rest of their adult lives. "A stuffed animal?" She grinned broadly, showing all of her teeth. "Well, maybe a stuffed bear or two. And you can't forget the baby blankie." Estrella's eyes glinted in amusement.
James couldn't help but laugh at the response, he forgot that not everyone had everything already settled for after school but James wasn't going to linger on it since he figured it wouldn't be very prudent. "Really, I don't see someone like you sleeping with a blanket?" James said as he smiled broadly. "Besides Blankets and Teddies arn't very exciting, now a golden Snitch keeps your mind racing through the night" James said as he thought about the few he'd kept from his days back at Hogwarts. James wasn't quite sure what to say but knew he didn't want the conversation to end, "You interesting" James said as he looked at her. He knew the comment was true and felt odd in admitting that "I don't think you'll have a problem after school ends, you just have to find what you like and go with it" James said seriously though not wanting to continue with the out of school talk it was better then saying nothing.
"I don't know, it might get kind of cold at night otherwise," Estrella laughed, "It gets kind of drafty when your house is in a tower." She smirked. "A golden snitch? I never was fast enough to catch that thing. I'd prefer a quaffle, I think." She was a bit surprised when James said that she was interesting. "You really think so? I've always thought I was a bore."

James really was a flattering guy, and he was cute, the Ravenclaw had to admit. The only guys who had ever paid so much attention to her were Kale and Jaken. She figured Kale had picked up and left the school again, and she and Jaken were taking a break. Estrella thought that she and Jaken had some sort of understanding, but there was no harm in talking with other guys. Hell, she couldn't justify not to.

"I know what I want to do, I just don't know when I'm going to be able to. I'm a little worried that I won't be able to get the job after school. I don't want to work in Flourish and Blotts forever." Her expression curious, she inquired, "Do you have any plans for after school, James?"
"Play professional Quidditch" James said matter of factly, he wasn't lying since he was already playing for a team. James thought it was interesting how many students tended to have part time jobs in New Zealand since most students in Scotland had to do it via the Daily Prophet and order things. "So what do you plan to do then?" James asked noticing how she had failed to mention the exact profession that she wanted to carry out. James had already chosen his course and while it may not have seemed imaginative it was enjoyable none the less. His mother had played Quidditch as did several of his friends, he was good at it and had even been recruited early why shouldn't he go ahead with what he knew and enjoyed. James was actually starting to miss practicing with the other guys on the team but would get over it again since if he was there playing he wouldn't have the chance to hang out with all the people here, especially the girls.
"Professional Quidditch? Wow. What team?" A lot of people Estrella knew were opting for that option. The Ravenclaw had always loved the sport, but she wasn't near good enough to even think about playing it professionally. She probably wouldn't be able to handle the spotlight either. "You must be pretty good at it then. I play for my house, but I'm not the best at it." Grinning, she responded, "As for me, I want to teach. Preferably Charms, but I can handle other subjects if I have to." She didn't have high hopes of getting a job like that too soon, however. When she got out of school she would be eighteen, and probably wouldn't have enough years behind her to teach.
"I'd bet you'd make a great Charms teacher" James said with a smile, thinking of whether or not he wanted to avoid answering the question. Then again he'd held it off for long enough and she would probably figure it out and think he had been trying to hide it from her, which he was but didn't need her knowing. "I've actually already been playing for the Chudley Canons for a little over a year now, I only came back to school to graduate" James said wondering if Estrella paid attention to the Daily Prophet to figure out his identity. James was a bit flustered by the reaction that was surely to come if she did. It was always interesting to see first reactions when people figured out who he was, his dad had always said he'd gotten the blunt of it being the first born and all.
Estrella smiled widely back at James. "Why, thank you." She cocked her head to the side as he told her what he did. "A Chudley Cannons player? Wow. Are you a seeker or what?" He had mentioned that he liked playing with golden snitches. She was becoming very curious about this boy. Who exactly was he? She couldn't pinpoint it. Which really wasn't a surprise, she had never seen him before. "To tell you the truth," her expression was mischievous, "I'm a Falmouth Falcons loyal myself."
James looked at Estrella a bit quizically, he wondered if she honestly didn't know who he was or if she was trying to play some joke on him. "I'm actually a fan of the Irish but my uncle would've killed me if I didn't play for the Canons, I'm a Chaser first string" James said not trying to sound boastfull. James knew that alot of people thought he was an arrogant prat simply because he wasn't all meek and shy but he couldn't let it go, he had confidence in himself and if anyone had a problem with that then they would have to figure it out themselves. "So why don't you have your boyfriend with you?" James asked a bit curious as to why Estrella might want to walk by herself not even thinking that the boyfriend might be the reason.
Estrella returned the look of confusion that James was sending her way. She had no idea why he would be looking at her like that, but she figured that if it was honestly important, she would bring it up. Being careful to step over a large branch that had fallen in her path, she said, "That's pretty neat that you get to play for them. Having a career already secured and all." Grinning playfully, she added, "I'll try and cheer for you, but if the Cannons get in the way of the Falcons- well, I know where my loyalties lie."

She stopped short as James asked if she had a boyfriend. "I never said I had a boyfriend," she stated as-a-matter-of-factly, turning to him. "I did- but we broke up recently." Well, I think we broke up. Things were extremely complicated for Estrella at this point. She was sure that the feelings between herself and Jaken were mutual, but at the same time, they were no longer 'dating.'
James was smiling on the inside but knew that he couldn't on the outside so instead decided to look sincere "I'm sorry to hear that" James said and then he realized that he actually meant it as he thought about his own recent breakup with Isabella. "I know how you feel, I just recently broke up with my girlfriend" James said feeling a bit stupid as he hadn't realised that it had been a month since he and Isabella broke up in order to see new people. "It sucks when things don't turn out how you think they are" James said without thinking about it.
The smile that Estrella gave James was halfhearted, but it was still there. "I'm not worrying about it too much anymore. No hard feelings, you know?" She was surprised that she was confessing this to someone she barely knew. "We both decided that we needed a break." The seventeen year old shrugged at the boy's comment. "A lot of things in life suck. You have to pick yourself up, I guess."

Picking up her pace, the Ravenclaw decided it would be best to ditch the topic of dating altogether. Her dark eyes wandered from James and back to the ground. Yes, she had a lot to think about.
"Yeah, I think I know what you mean" James said thinking about what she was saying "I like talking with you, you make for a very good listener" James said as they continued to walk "It's hard though, to pick yourself up when your Harry Potter's son, everyone seems to always be watching your move" James said deciding that now was a better time then any to reveal his secret. It hadn't really been a secret though, just something he had neglected to mention before. James looked at Estrella and smiled slightly.
Estrella's expression became a bit warmer. It would be a lie to say that she didn't like being showered with compliments- though she would never admit this out loud. "Thanks," she said softly. "I think that you're a good listener too." Her eyes lit up in surprise at what he last admitted.

"You're Harry Potter's son? Really? Wow." She was quiet for a moment. The Ravenclaw would be a hypocrite to act differently now that she knew what she did. With a smile, she said, "Well, it's no surprise that I didn't even suspect it. I don't keep up with the gossip- and I don't follow the Cannons." This was also partially due to James's appearance too, though she did not say it to him. From pictures she had seen, she had always thought that Harry Potter was rather awkward in appearance. James, however, was good looking- he had lucked out when it came to genetics.

"And here I thought no one in the eye of the wizarding world came to New Zealand." If James had expected a fangirl, he would be disappointed. Estrella was usually calm and composed. Her lips twisting into a smirk, she added, "The obstacles in life are what make us." She hated to go all philosophical- well honestly, she really enjoyed it- but she had been putting a lot of effort into her Arithmancy lessons.

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