Open A Vial of Teen Angst

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Tempest Vero

Trying To Be Good But Still Better Than You 💋✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 15 Inch Unyielding Silver lime Wand with Doxy Wing Core
5/2047 (15)
Tempest kicked at the ground as she slumped in a chair and stared out at the student body. No one had asked her to the dance, and while she also didn't ask anyone to the dance, it sucked to go to the Valentine's Dance alone. Sporting an uncharacteristic long pastel pink dress, Tempest took a sip of her drink and then leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms as the music continued to play. She wasn't feeling the music, and she was starting to realize that she really didn't have too many friends. She was trying to be nicer to people, but it was hard, especially if they were annoying. Plus, school was really stressful, and she was worried about the upcoming OWL exams. Tempest reached for her drink again when her hand just didn't work and knocked the whole thing over on her dress. "Damn it." She stood up and gritted her teeth, trying to control her temper as she regretted not bringing her wand to the dance.
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Elodie had decided to actually attend the dance this year, thinking it would be nice to perhaps get out and dance a bit. She didn't have a date, and she realized after she was there that perhaps being here on her own wasn't the best idea. She was wandering aimlessly, unsure what to do- dance, drinks? She chewed on her lip, a bit in her head, startled back to reality when she heard someone curse. She looked nearby and saw an older girl that had spilled her drink on her dress. Oh dear, Elodie unthinkingly turned, walking over. She grabbed a few napkins on the way and approached with an apologetic look. "Hi, um, I don't have my wand but," She offered out her napkins, hoping it might help.
Tempest closed her eyes for a moment before realizing someone had approached her. The Slytherin's first instinct was too make whoever it was go away, even though she was only trying to help. But she took a breath and then gave her a half smile. "Thanks," she said, taking the napkins to dab a bit of the excess liquid. It was pretty noticeable that her dress was wet, but Tempest figured her options were leaving or sticking it out and hoping it dried quickly. "Elodie, right?" she asked. "You were at spin the bottle?" she said, remembering that it had actually been a nice kiss between them. But maybe Elodie had forgotten about their kiss. After all, it was just a random kiss and probably nothing memorable for most.
Elodie relaxed a little, feeling better when the girl took the napkins. She stepped back, smiling. "You're welcome, I just wish I could do more." She offered apologetically. She blinked, though, as she spoke her name. She tilted her head, thinking a moment. "Oh! Tempest," Elodie gave her an easy smile. "I was, yeah, nice to see you again." She thought back to their kiss, and with that in mind, she offered out her hand. "Maybe bad timing, but do you want to dance?" She hestitated, looking around. "If you're not here with anyone?" She added. She didn't have anyone with her, but Tempest was so much cooler, older and prettier. She was sure there had to be people scrambling to ask Tempest.
Tempest was surprised that Elodie had asked her to dance. Tempest had never really danced with anyone before, but the song was upbeat, and Tempest hoped it would stay that way. Plus, hiding among people might keep attention away from the wet mess on the front of her dress. “Uhh, sure,” she said, reluctantly taking the girl’s hand as they walked out on the floor. “Oh, I’m not here with anyone,” she added, realizing Elodie had asked. "I’m guessing you’re not either if you’re asking me to dance,” she said, wondering why no one had asked the girl as she awkwardly started to move on the dance floor.
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Elodie smiled, following along with Tempest to the dance floor. She swayed along to the music, chuckling at the answer. "No, not with anyone," She agreed. "No one bothered asking." She shrugged like it didn't mean anything. She wasn't too upset about it, it wasn't like she couldn't come here herself.
Tempest wasn't sure how to react. She wasn't usually awkward, but something about dances made her overstimulated. "Oh, well, that's," she stuttered, looking around and noticing a couple dancing in the distance. "You don't need a date to have fun, even at the Valentine's Dance, right?" she said, grabbing hold of Elodie and attempting to spin her around playfully. Tempest wasn't longing for a date or anything, but she was enjoying at least spending the dance with someone. And Elodie seemed nice.
Elodie chuckled, nodding and swaying along to the music. It wasn't the most elaborate or skilled dance, but she liked how flowy she felt. "That's what I was hoping," She agreed. "But hey, it did mean I get to dance with you, so I'll call that a good night," She offered with an easy smile.
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