A very family christmas dinner

Ainslee Maxwell

Mum to 🧒🏻🧒🏻👧🏻 | Head of IUOM
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Sturdy 14 inches Oakwood wand with Magaul feather core
Event: Maxwell Christmas Dinner
Location: Culloden Estate and Spa
Room: Stuart Suite
Ainslee was on the verge of collapsing at the sudden wave of last minute preparations for the annual Christmas dinner that the Maxwell had. It was not the first time they held a big dinner like this but it was the first time in forever again that they held one. It was decided that it will be the Maxwell's reunion as well. Invitations was sent months ago and almost ninety percent of the Maxwell's and their spouse's are coming from around the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe. Already dress in her dress gown, she made sure the venue was settle and the food in the kitchen are ready. If she could help with the use of magic it'll be done in no time but as her mother wanted it to be purely done in a muggle way, Ainslee resisted and kept her cool. As the orchestra play a soft music, some of her family members that she had not seen for a very long time started coming in. The Baron and Baroness of Arhem of The Netherlands are her cousins from her Uncle, Candice Van Stroodem is an uptight and well-mannered lady.

The Ministry employee looked from afar as they entered, and next to come in are the Viscount and Viscountess of Emmen of The Netherlands. Aunt and Uncle from the mother side and had travel from the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It was an effort for them to fly for a reunion but everything was prepared in advance for their comfort. "Oh, thank god." She murmured to herself when she saw her sister, Louise, coming to her. Ainslee chuckled when Louise dodge talking to their relatives. "Why do you have to do that? Did you remember how uncle Charles treats me?" The middle Maxwell do remember. Louise is still the baby of the family even if Teagan was born. Ainslee sigh and drag her sister gently toward the entrance to great the rest of the family.
Arnaud never liked attending the Maxwell Christmas parties. He had gotten the feeling that not many in this family liked the idea of Ainslee seeing something who wasn't born wealthy at all. The only reason why the Obliviator had agreed to come to the party was to support his girlfriend because she had organised the whole thing. Arnaud grabbed the woman's hand and stepped aside when she and her sister walked passed him, and winked at the younger Maxwell as he took her sister away from her for just a minute. He placed his hands on her cheeks and smiled at her. ''Ains, you're doing great. Now, please, take a short break.'' he said, leaning in to kiss the woman on the lips. Ainslee looked absolutely beautiful in the red dress, and because he knew that he would barely have her to himself during the party, wanted to make sure that she knew how lovely she was.
The Slytherin was glad that the holidays were long, she didn't have to clean the entire castle on the weekends but her wand was confiscated by her parents upon returning home to Spain and knowing what happened. Of course, they were very disappointed and ashamed about the situation. A few weeks of Spanish curses from both parents flying around, shouting at each other who made the wrong choices for her. It was time to visit her relatives in Northern Ireland. Someone decided that it was fun to invite every living relatives they have and make it into a reunion of sort. Now, Nora stood behind a closed door to the ballroom of an elegant resort in Belfast. Not bad, whoever picked the location The Slytherin thought to herself as she managed to wait between her two brothers and their wives on her side. Jacinto and Gabriella were very elegant, having a model for a wife really does up your masculinity and while Flavio and Kathleen are adorable, Kathleen was blooming from carrying her twins in her belly. She was almost due in one month. "The Duke and Duchess of Castellana of Spain and their children had arrived." A man from behind the double doors announced, it was muffled but clear enough to hear. Nora's charming smile was already plastered on her lips as the doors opened. Hoping her being in Slytherin and the trouble she caused at Hogwarts wasn't known to the community of the Maxwell's. Although it seems that hope was forgotten. When her cousin Louise came over to greet her, "Ah, there's the kid who broke tradition too. How's Slytherin house doing to you?" In gritted teeth, Nora answered, "Slytherin is pretty wild. Now, shut up before others ask me why I ended up there." The first year Slytherin whispered the last sentence. Louise only chuckled and whisked her away from her parents and brothers. This is going to be a long night Nora thought with a roll of her eyes.
It was a whirl wind of a first semester at Hogwarts. Caelan played his first Quidditch game and lost it because of his inexperienced on the sport. He didn't know how hard it was, maybe because of his jealousy over his cousin, Teagan, got the best of him. His cousin wasn't that bad and that he wanted to know more about her. They don't lived in the same place anyways. With him living in London and she in two different places, it was hard for the cousins to know each other better but he will now that they're in the same school. Standing between his parents and behind them his sister and her husband, brother and his wife and nephew. Caelan's nephew was just a year younger than him and will be starting Hogwarts soon as well. It was getting obvious now that every Maxwell has to study at one school only and one house to get into.

But, of course, already two Maxwell's have broken tradition and both were placed in Slytherin house. Caelan shook his head at the thought. "Lord Kyle Maxwell and wife, Lady Abigael Maxwell and their son, Caelan Maxwell." They were announced of their arrival, Caelan smiled at the unfamiliar people around. The Ravenclaw tried to look around for Teagan but instead, he spotted Nora from afar with their cousin Louise. The two snakes seems to be having a conversation. Once his parents started to drift off, it was his opportunity to get away and mingle with his cousins. "Hey, reunion, huh? Who could have thought to have this? I can feel a battle of egos are coming." He said when he approached the two. From a distance, everyone could hear the announcement of his sister's and brother's arrival. "The Earl and Countess of Chester." Caelan's sister, Victoria is his protector from his parents and other sister. He might be the youngest but their expectations of him are huge and that sometimes gets him into trouble.

"Mister Benedict Maxwell and wife, April Maxwell, Maid of Forres and their son, Daniel Maxwell." After his brother got announced. Caelan turned his attention to his two beautiful cousins and raised an eyebrow. "Has anyone seen Teagan? Is she okay? Because you know, something happened before we got to the train home." The boy was curious if the older Ravenclaw purposefully missed this party for that reason.
Teagan insisted that she take another vehicle to take to the venue where the Christmas dinner will be held. She arrived first before her dad and grandmother arrive and hoping to avoid to see what she's about to do. Teagan had kept the Hogwarts Monthly newspaper since Halloween and kept her cool from confronting Nora about one article because she knows that she'll get in trouble in school. The older Ravenclaw didn't care if she'll be a big disgraced toward from the other Maxwell's but she had kept her cool for too long. Teagan had no clue what she did the day of the first match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, she was very engross on the game that Liam was on the verge of being targeted. Granted that his name wasn't mention but the Slytherin only has a grudge toward her ex and that add up.

Once she stopped by the entrance, she was announced."The Countess of Brickwood." She was restless and yet, her brain still functions correctly that she spotted her intended target. She walked briskly toward Nora, wearing a silk green gown. What's with Slytherin's? She thought to herself as she got nearer to the girl. And with a step closer, Teagan grab Nora by her right arm and turned to face her. "You son of a b*tch!" The Ravenclaw threw the paper on Nora's face. "You think I wouldn't know what you did? Well, thankfully it was very well covered on the school paper. You tried to jinx Liam, yes, I know it was Liam because who could it be?" She was so angry that its clouding her judgement, she wanted to take out her wand and jinx her herself and maybe she could taste her own medicine. But her right hand made itself known on Nora's cheek. The slap echoed throughout the ballroom "I have had enough of you meddling in my life. I don't even know if you're the reason we're not together anymore!" Teagan shouted, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Why are you so f*cked up?" She asked almost a whisper.
The brunette yelped when unsuspectingly her boyfriend held her hand. A very supportive boyfriend he is, Arnaud still came to escort her for the party even though he didn't like attending any of their family events. Ainslee chuckled as she could hear her sister muffled something but enough to hear, "Eww, get a room you two." Ainslee rolled her eyes and ignore Louise as Arnaud led her away from her. "I am? I feel like somethings about to happen and I'm not going to like it." But all her worries comes to a stop when his lips touched hers. The brunette smiled as she kissed back her boyfriend. "I sure would need plenty of this after the party." Ainslee said between kisses. They had been together for too long and would have a kid already if not because of a little mishap. Nevertheless, they have to move on because there's plenty of time for thinking about having children. She released her lips from the kiss and all she could hear are the announcements their butler is making, some had finally arrived. The invited guest are purely from the wizarding world and Ainslee tried to hire staffs that are from the same background if anything happens. The brunette stayed by her boyfriend as her cousins and nieces and nephews came in. She saw that the two Slytherin's are having a good time but that moment stopped when Teagan entered the ballroom. "What now?" Ainslee murmured and was taken aback when Teagan threw a newspaper on Nora. "I don't think I can have a short break, babe." She shook her head and came to Nora's aid only to stop half way when Teagan slapped the younger Maxwell.
He smiled. ''You are.'' Arnaud said encouragingly and moved his hands from the woman's cheeks to her waist. ''If anything goes wrong I'll just erase it from their memories at the end of the night.'' the man joked, though wondered if she could appreciate such humor at the moment, because she was looking a bit stressed. Arnaud grinned when she told him that she would more kisses after the party and said. ''There's plenty, and more.'' and kissed Ainslee on her red lips. They listened to the butler when she pulled back from the kiss. It was starting soon, and the longer he was her, the mor ehe regretted ever stepping foot in the building. Arnaud groaned when she let go of his hand and walked away to help one of the younger family members who had gotten in trouble with Teagan. This sodding family was beginning to drive him nuts.
While waiting for the whole gang of Maxwell's to arrived, her cousin and schoolmate, Caelan and his family arrived only to make conversations with them. "Says the person who envied Teagan? Dude, it's very obvious you don't like her. Now that we know she's not really our cousin but cousin Devlin is pretty nice and wanted to keep her in the family. Probably pitied her as well." Nora was beginning to get irritated and jealous as well at the older Maxwell. How can she have the right to bare the name and the title Countess? When she's not really a Maxwell but some American who's mother wanted a glamorous life? While she can only have the life and not a title. "Guys, don't be like that to Teagan. She's already had enough of her mum and she needs to move on." Said Louise, her Irish accent visible and strong. Nora rolled her eyes and sigh. The man announcing the people arriving started again and the Countess of Brickwood has arrived, the Slytherin plastered her white teeth for a smile but it wasn't until she noticed that Teagan was crazy mad and she was when she cursed at her and threw newspaper on her. Nora was on the verge of crying but she closed her eyes and pursed her lips for her not to talk back. But the Slytherin was surprised when her cheek sting like crazy. Nora opened her eyes slowly and touched her left cheek. Teagan slapped her hard. "I did what I did because you're doing something crazy. I'm sorry if you think that was the reason you're not together anymore. Actually, now that I thought of it, you two are a great couple. You're not even one of us, you're not a Maxwell. Although, that's too late." Nora wanted to hurt Teagan so bad but at least, she has some ladylike on her still.
Caelan rolled his eyes at his cousin. He wasn't jealous of Teagan, he was simply admiring her lifestyle that should be his and his family. But he realized that it was good that he didn't get what she had right now. It seems that the Countess has more trouble than him. "I don't envy her, and I like her. She's our cousin no matter what." He emphasized with a shake of his head. Although, he was surprised the change of Nora's attitude toward Teagan. She was beginning to turn like him when he still doubt their cousin. What could have happened? "Listen to Louise, she knows everything that's happening rather than us." All these drama was murdering him. When does their family ever stop?

The Ravenclaw boy sigh and for a couple of minutes there was tranquility but the next episode was beyond what he thought it was. Teagan's arrival being announced, her walking toward them like a ranging bull and slapping Nora. Everything seems to have stopped. But Caelan managed to get the paper that was thrown at Nora and it was the school paper, he scanned it and found the article that had ticked Teagan. "You tried to kill her boyfriend!?" He had no clue that it happened. He and Teagan were busy with Quidditch that danger was occuring. It was also obvious that she targeted Liam because who could it be? Caelan was very disturb at his cousin that he walked toward Teagan and stood beside her. The boy had taken a side now and he would or wouldn't regret it when the time comes.
She wiped her tears vigorously this time. Teagan let a confused look at Caelan who seems true to his reaction. He didn't know either that it happened and that really made her angry. No one had the decency to let them know that their cousin was a maniac in the making. She was glad that Caelan was taking side because she might not hold herself down and hex the girl in front of her. The older Ravenclaw caught a glimpse of her aunt Ainslee from the side. She was shock for sure but Teagan has the right to be angry. She listened at the Slytherin blabber about how she was doing something crazy. Her confused look was back again and didn't hold back her tongue.

"You are not a god nor you are my dad to be doing what you just did. You cannot control peoples lives because you are just a little girl with nothing but just a privilege of being born to someone that has a status. I know and I have stuck it in my brain that I'm not a Maxwell nor would I ever be. I, at least, have a parent that fought for me. A parent that supports me and my decisions to grow up like a normal teenager despite having such a difficult task to run a county, a county as huge as York." Teagan had to stop and wipe her tears again. Her being not born to the family was already the headlines of every newspaper in United Kingdom and she live through it. If she's going to deal with it one last time, she'll have to be strong. "If you're so into saving the family linage, why don't you find yourself someone that has the same level of ignorance, greediness and nobility status. But oh, wait! there's more! You don't have a title in front of your name. It sucks." Teagan finished her taunting and turned around to escape the ballroom because she didn't intend to stay either way. She had enough of these people pushing her around.
"Teagan Rose Maxwell!" Ainslee had to use sonorus charm to get their full attention to her. The Family had never have a decent get together since and this was the only time the Ministry employee managed to do it. With all her many priorities and having a relationship, she still managed to make an extravagant for a Christmas dinner. She continued the few feet from where the two was and cast finite to end the spell. "Teags, we're not sure if it is Liam who she wanted to hurt." But Ainslee was still concern of Nora's mental wellness and was considering to believe Teagan but she was the older one, she shouldn't take a side. "For now, apologize to Nora." The only thing she could say even though Nora was at fault and had said stuff that hurt Teagan's feelings.
Nora's temper flared when Caelan took sides. Her own cousin taking Teagan's side was the last draw. She ignored everything what the Ravenclaw said, she didn't care. Her parents loved her immensely and that privilege was fine by her as long as she had them. "Really, Teagan? That's all you got?" She crossed her arms and scoffed. "What's a title when you don't have resources? And before I knew that you weren't even a Maxwell, I was doing it because no one in this family had the nerve to do it. You're the one who does have the title and the youngest to have one, why not be a role model? To preserve the families worth." She wasn't calmed at all but her face fakes it by being a good actress. And when Teagan turned around and her cousin Ainslee step between them with her wand in arms length, Nora grabbed it and was surprisingly easy to snatch. The Slytherin pointed the wand at Teagan who was still her back into her. "Expelliarmus!" Nora shouted. Thinking of any spell but ended up with something powerful for her. A flash of white streak burst out of the wand towards Teagan.
Teagan was about to take a step forward to get out of there but her aunt stopped her. Telling her that she should apologize to Nora, the Ravenclaw looked at her with narrowed eyes. Is she still going to defend her when she was the one aggravated here? That was surely the lamest move a person who you trust can do. She was about to tell her something when suddenly, something happened and all she remembered was getting thrown forward half way from where she stood before. Her back sting a little but she managed to get up and draw her wand from the breast pocket of her jacket and pointed it at Nora, who unfortunately, got a hold of her aunt's wand. Teagan didn't even realized that they weren't inside the school and took action instead of thinking. "Reducto!" She cast on Nora's way. Teagan had done dueling before and she's not afraid to use it to someone even if they're family.

OOCOut of Character:
Just waiting for Steven to reply and howlers from the Department of Improper Use of Magic will be delivered
Ainslee's apologetic stare at Teagan was genuine and she understands her but Nora was their guest. Eventually it was going to change when her wand was snatch from her. Everything, even the spells that are coming was too has for her. Teagan was hit, Ainslee can't do anything to block her niece from Nora's spell. And when Teagan got up, she drew her own wand and cast a spell back. "Arnaud! A little help, please?!" She shouted to her boyfriend. Ainslee can't handle the situation without her wand.
Goddamn children, he thought when the two girls began to fire spells at each other. Why did this family need to be so complicated that they couldn't even spend Christmas together without shouting at each other. Next year they were going to spend it with his family, that he was certain of. Arnaud raised his wand when asked to intervene, and pointed it at the girl who'd stolen his girlfriend's wand. With a flick the Obliviator disarmed the girl and caught the wand with his free hand. ''ENOUGH!'' he then shouted, looking at both Teagan and the other girl. ''I don't care what's going on with the two of you, but both of you should be deeply ashamed of your actions.'' Arnaud began. ''Teagan, your aunt has pulled off an amazing Christmas party and this is how you repay her? Get out of my sight.'' he told the Ravenclaw with a stern voice. ''As for you,'' the man said while turning around to face the unknown girl. ''I don't know what your problem is, but if I see you around my niece one more time today, I'll make sure that you will receive a punishment so horrible that you wished you would have never come here at all.''
The moment the trace was activated, the Ministry of Magic worked quickly to locate where it had come from, and whom by. Two letters soon arrived at the estate, marked with a wax seal bearing the magical governments emblem. A deal that did not stay closed for too long, for as soon as they reached their destined recipients, both letters took on the features of an angry face, and read out their contents beratingly, speaking in almost perfect unison to the two girls, with differences only in their names and their breaches of the law.
First Offense said:
Nora Seville-Maxwell

You have performed underage magic off of school grounds. Since this is your first offense you will recieve a warning and must report to the Hogwarts Headmaster immediately upon your return. The spells you have cast are:

We will not be this lenient again.

Alex Summers, Improper Use of Magic Office
First Offense said:
Teagan Maxwell

You have performed underage magic off of school grounds. Since this is your first offense you will recieve a warning and must report to the Hogwarts Headmaster immediately upon your return. The spells you have cast are:

We will not be this lenient again.

Alex Summers, Improper Use of Magic Office
Her expression satisfied as the spell successfully had hit Teagan. Nora didn't expect that her aim was that accurate for a first year. But her celebration didn't last as the latter stood and draw her own wand, the Slytherin was out of spell to think of and have forgotten the shield charm. And in seconds, she was thrown back. Her anger flared like a bull in a rodeo, Nora stood immediately, ready to throw another spell when her cousin's boyfriend disarmed her. Both she and Teagan got a few words from him. Nora narrowed her eyes at him when two owls flew by and dropped envelopes with a red seal. Two howlers started in unison, one for her and one for Teagan. Dread was all over her face, she didn't know, she had no clue. Nora has officially have a record at the Ministry of Magic. The Slytherin started to cry and ran out of the place, she didn't want to embarrassed her family more.

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