A Trio of Archers

Tybalt Archer

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2" Sturdy Ivy Wand with Vampire Blood Core
9/2019 (42)
Tybalt had found that pregnancy was for his part both wonderful, slow, incredible and a little boring. He hadn't realised quite how long nine months would be until he was counting the weeks until the baby would arrive. But he found it amazing too, watching Rhi's growth, seeing the movement, feeling his child moving when he touched her stomach. Always ensuring he was pressing little kisses to her stomach speaking to them. There had been lots to do, lots of baby proofing of their house, putting up both muggle and magical protections. Then there had been getting the nursery ready, making sure that they had clothes and toys, and on top of all of it there was doing all of this while working. But they were counting down the days for it, and he knew it was only a matter of time at this point, and it made him so excited for it. He knew it would be difficult when the baby was born, and there would be lots of sleepless nights but he was so eager for it. It was around midday and he'd just begun on making some lunch, it was a day he had off, and any spare time he had was usually to help make Rhi's life currently a bit easier. "Sweetheart! What are you wanting for lunch?" he called out through the house to Rhi.
23rd May 2054

Being an obstetrician you would think Rhiannon Archer would know most things about being pregnant. but despite how many women had told her about feeling like a whale or constantly being tired, she had not actually expected to feel like it. she ad intended to work up until two weeks before her due date then spend those two weeks prepping. batch cooking food for after the baby was born. and all-round getting ready.
unfortunately, this was not the case. she had had to leave work two weeks earlier than planned when she realised the watermelon under her shirt meant that she couldn't even get close enough to a patient to examine them. and it was taking her five times longer to stand up from her chair than it should. after a few days of trying to do jobs she had given up fatigue taking over and leaving her spending most of her time on the sofa. there had been several times she had added items to her mental to-do list such as get her iron checked or buy milk each item had slipped off the bottom of the list before she had time to action them. she didn't know how women managed to get things done without magic. how others had the energy to look after one child while growing another. or how women coped who didn't have a partner or specifically a husband who was as supportive and excited as tybalt was for her.
In the kitchen they were counting down the days on a calendar to her due date. for her the countdown was to an end the end of being pregnant. the end of feeling like a whale, the end of struggling to do even the simplest of tasks like putting her shoes on. she knew for tybalt it was a count down to a beginning. a beginning of being a dad, and she knew he would be the best dad in the world. He was more excited than a kid with an advent calendar counting down to Christmas. she smiled at that thought. maybe she should have dug out her old advent calendar and put a sweet in it for him one for every day from 24 days until D-Day. it was too ate now, she wasn't going to make it up to the loft to find it and with fifteen days left it would be half empty.
This morning she had been restless. sitting down then getting up to do something before going to do something else and then back to another job leaving a trail of half-completed tasks in her wake. right now she was sitting on the sofa folding laundry hoping that the rhythmic folding of clothes would settle her mind and calm the Braxten hicks pains she had been feeling on and off all morning. she could hear Tybalt clattering in the kitchen making lunch. he called asking her what she wanted and she knew whatever she wanted he would ensure she got. but today he had it easy. "I am not hungry. maybe just some water" she said, staying hydrated was important and may help ease the cramping
Tybalt heard her call, and though he thought she should have lunch anyway, he knew that she knew better, that she was more knowledgeable in all of this. So he got a cup and filled it with some tap water before heading to where she was on the sofa. He watched her for a moment as she was doing the laundry, they could do it by magic but he knew she was doing things to stop her getting too restless. It was something to do. He moved round to place the cup of water on the table in front of her and glanced at her, he noticed her breathing was a little laboured she was working through what she'd said were fake contractions, but he was sure they were getting closer together and she glanced down and noticed her dungarees were wet. "Sweetie....," he said, motioning down, "I know you said this morning that they were braxton hicks contractions but are you sure?" he asked, just in case perhaps she hadn't exactly noticed the shift.
Rhiannon felt another contraction and rubbed her belly "Settle down little one you don't have much longer now" she said. she was about to get up and stretch when Ty entered the room with her water and put it down. what are you having for lunch" she asked she might have to get up soon she felt like she would need the toilet soon and it would take her a while to get there. but before tybalt could answer he had asked one of his own. "Yes I'm sure, I know you are excited but i am not due for another two weeks" she said starting to shift in her seat for the momentum to get up. it was that movement that made her realise why she needed the toilet and why tybalt had asked if she was sure they were braxton hicks. she looked down. She could hardly see the stain past her belly. but she could feel it. a dampness dariating from her crotch and if she leaned a little to one side a dark patch spreading though the fabric. this realisation was followed by another pain. maybe it was stronger or maybe it was because she was realising it for what it actually was. but she let out a huff of air. "yo-you might just be right there." she said trying to match his kind tone. but underneath she could feel the strain behind it. "It might be time to go to work" she joked. where she would be going was very much her work. the obstetrics ward was her usual ground. though maybe after not even recognising actual contractions in herself she didn't deserve to call herself an obstetrician. she reached out for a hand up. she could do it herself but it was easier if she got help and she knew Tybalt was relishing every little bit of help he could give her and the baby. he had packed her emergency bag and it had been sitting by the front door ever since. she had thought it a bit overkill but she was sure grateful not to have to think about what she needed to take with her. knowing that everything she needed would be in there from a toothbrush to baby clothes. she looked from the bag to him, her amazing kind caring excited husband and smiled. "I love you. no matter what i do scream or curse this afternoon i love you" she said before giving him a quick peck. before taking a few steps towards the door.
Tybalt hadn't been sure if he was right about it, he knew about other elements of the wizarding body but this area was Rhi's expertise, he would default to her, but as she stood up, and it seemed that he had been right. The baby was coming. Tybalt's brain felt like it ever so slightly short-circuited before booting back up. They had everything ready had had for a little while, it had been precautionary but now he was glad for it. He couldn't help his building excitement over it, over what was about to happen. He smiled at her, and he nodded, he would take whatever she screamed, knowing that at the end of it, they would have their baby. "You're going to be amazing, I love you so much, both so much," And soon they were out the door.

A few days later and they were finally able to go home, he had their daughter, their beautiful, tiny daughter, Fiona Isla Archer, in her carrier. Rhi had been perfect, just amazing. It had been so good to be with her every moment that he could be, it had been such a sigh of relief when Fiona had entered the world and screamed, her lungs were pretty incredible. but she was asleep in her carrier with Tybalt carrying that. He was at the threshold of their home, their filled home and he turned to Rhi and gave her a smile, "Do we need to do anything special as we cross the threshold with her?" of course he'd carried Rhi over the threshold when they'd bought the place, but he wasn't sure if there were any traditions with a new baby. He stole a glance at his perfect sleeping daughter.
It had not been an easy few days for rhiannon. she was glad that her labour had been uncomplicated but it had still been long. she wasnt sure if knowing the details of what was going on made things easier or more stressful for her. but eventually two weeks later they welcomed a little girl into the world.
She had held many new borns in her time but none of them compared to the feeling of holding her own baby, her fiona in her arms.

It was a few days later and the archer clan was making its way back home. she paused at the end of the drive and wached as tybalt carried fiona towards the house she could feel her eyes sting slightly. lack of sleep wasnt particually helping the range of hormones. she heard ty ask if there were any traditions with a newborn. she thought for a second as she swalllowed a lump in her throat. "I dont think so. but just wait a second." she said opening the carry all she was wheeling and finding the camera that ty had brought to the hospital to get some new born pictures. if they were to have pictures of her holfing fiona right after giving birth then she wanted to keep this memory. her family arriving at home.
Tybalt smiled as Rhi said there wasn't any and then he knew she was going for the camera. He knew it was vitally important to take so many pictures of Fiona over the cooming days, weeks, months and years. He gave a little smile at Rhi and then decided it would be better if they were all in it. "Get in the picture too," he said smiling at her. It felt surreal that they were home with their baby and he was pretty overjoyed with it. Despite the tiredness he felt which was nothing compared to what she felt, he couldn't stop smiling. "Let's do a family picture, Fiona's first before entering our home." then once they were inside they could let her nap and Rhi could probably nap and he could tidy everything away.
Rhiannon lifted the camera to her face and took a picture even as ty asked her to get in the short too. she wanted some pictures with just him and fiona. she smiled as she saw the picture reflected in the screen, her two most favorite people in the world. she then made her way towards her husband and daughter leaving the camera hanging in the air. who needed a tripod when you had levitation. She stood next to Ty with Fiona between them "you should hold her for the picture" she said. looking at the carrier. you could hardly see their tiny baby in it. thankfully not the tiniest baby she had seen but she was still early, still small.
Tybalt watched with fondness as Rhi set up the camera and then came to join them. He looked at their daughter in the carrier and nodded. "Good idea," he put the carrier down and then very gently, undid the clasps and lifted his daughter out of the carrier. He didn't think he would ever forget how she felt in his arms at this size, so small, so light and yet still so solid. He was careful with her and adjusted his hold to avoid her waking up too much but to be able to face the camera with her. "Cheese on three?" he suggested speaking quieter before looking to the camera, ready for the picture to be taken. The first family picture at their family home.
Rhiannon watched as ty took Fiona out of her carrier and held her in his arms. she still couldn't quite believe that she was hers. not someone else's baby who she was just examining or tending to. but seeing her here at home both at their hour and in her husband's arms made it sink in just a little bit more. she stood close to them putting her arm around ty before pulling her eyes away from the little cherub to look at the lens. "one two three Cheese" she said in barely more than a whisper. as the camera clicked. that would be a picture for the family she was sure of it. she could almost see it in a frame on the dresser in her parents hallway. "Should we get inside. I could kill for cup of tea and maybe if fi lets me a nap" she said before groaning slightly as she bent to pick up the carrier before opening the door with a flick of her wand.
Tybalt had repeated the count down with Rhi and the picture was taken, he knew they'd both likely be taking to many pictures, and it would be so good to slowly fill their home with pictures of Fiona, of their new family. "Yes, let's," he slightly adjusted his hold on his tiny little baby and then opened the door. He was very careful with her, probably more than he needed to but he couldn't help but feel like she was just very fragile in his hands. "Welcome home Fi," he said. "I'll put her down if you want to make some tea, or even, maybe just take a seat, I'll put Fi down and then make you some tea," he knew she was exhausted and the next few months would probably be quite trying, so he knew it was vital that he be helpful to her in whatever way that he could be, doing whatever she needed.
Rhiannon watched as tybalt ajusted the small bundle in his arms as though she might break if he looked at her funny. babies were so delicate but and seemed so fragile but they could be so tough too. she remembered back to when she had been in Melbourne and spend a few weeks in nicu how some of those tiny people were fighting every odd to stay.
they entered the house and rhiannon felt her shoulders visibly relax. she had spent so long working in the maternity ward it was her second home but she was only now being to realise just how exhausting it was on the other side of the bed. "let me flick the kettle on then we can both put her down" she said. as tired as she was she didn't want to miss putting their little girl in her own room for the first time. it had been nice getting the nursery set up, or nesting as people referred to it.
They had gone for a grey tone. which may not seem like the most appropriate option for a nursery. but she wanted it to be something Tybalt could appreciate as much as her. and she was sure in a few months that the floor would be covered in colourful toys and mats. but for now, she liked the grey. "welcome to your room fi" she said standing next to the cot but leaving Tybalt space to put her down. she knew at night at least to start with she would be better in their room. but in the day here would work. she was a mother now. an actual mother of a real-life human baby. it felt surreal. "wow, we really are a proper family now. I am actually a mum. you are a dad and everything" she said to Tybalt trying on their new titles as one would try on a new style of clothing. it felt weird and uncomfortable despite the fact that it fit them. she poorly stifled a yawn maybe Fiona had the right idea. some sleep would be nice
Tybalt nodded at her, still holding their daughter. He could understand her wanting to go with him. He set up to the nursery with Rhi with Fiona still in his arms. The room was a monochrome colours, but it was nice, Tybalt wouldn't have minded if Rhi would've painted it in lots of varying colours but it was nice that it was something that he could see easily. He put Fiona down in the cot, and just watched for a moment as their daughter settled down. He put his arm around Rhi and nodded in agreement. "We're parents...she's our daughter," Tybalt couldn't help but say. He watch Rhi yawn and he squeezed her arm. "Let's get you some tea and a nap." he told her, already picking up the magical baby monitor so they'd be able to know if anything was needed.
Rhiannon watched as Fiona settled not even half awake as she squirmed slightly before falling back to sleep. she felt Tybalt's arm around her. warm and comfortable and home as they stood there for a few moments it. could have been seconds it could have been minutes or longer, frozen in her new reality. frozen, that is, until she couldn't help but stifle a yawn.
she nodded as Ty suggested they get her some tea and a nap leading her out of the room she made it to the sitting room before her body finally gave in and she practically collapsed into an armchair. it had been a huge few days and her body had gone through so much It knew that she was home and able to relax. it hardly took her a couple of minutes before she was fast asleep long before the tea was ready.

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