A tree! In a forest? How amazing!

Angel Brookes

Well-Known Member
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Angel looked up at the stars from the window of her Ravenclaw dorm, wishing she had a telescope. It was just after curfew, and most of the others in her dorm were already asleep. Angel couldn't sleep, so she put a jacket on and left the dorm. Angel somehow managed to get out of the castle without being seen, or so she thought.

She wondered if she could see the stars better if she went into the forest. "Ah, what've I got to loose." she said softly, walking into the Forbidden Forest. She had been here a few times during her first year, but never at night. Angel heard footsteps. She was being followed. The small girl's eyes widened and she scrambled up a tree, trying to see if there was anyone, or anything around.
Ares needed to clear his head, he couldnt sleep. The Ravenclaw got up, pulled a shirt on and then quietly left, he made his way down to the grounds and kept walking. He smiled as he realized he was going to his favorite place - the forbidden forest.

The second year wandered around the forest for awhile admiring the erieness of it at night. He froze as he heard someone in front of him, he slowly took a few steps forward and looked around, he looked into the trees realizing that was the first place he'd go, he smiled as he saw a girl in one of them "Hello?" he said with a grin.
Angel peered down at Ares from the tree. "Hey Ares." she beamed. It was no secret that Angel admired Ares. She jumped out of the tree, and landed beside Ares. She hightly doubted he even knew her name, but she didn't care much. "So, what are you doing in the forest after curfew?" she asked curiously.
Ares tilted his head and looked at the girl who adressed him by name, sure she looked familiar, but it was a small school everyone looked familiar. "Hey" he answered deciding it would be best not to use names.

He shrugged with a grin on his face, "Couldnt sleep, so I came to one of my favorite places." he answered "What are You doing in the forest after curfew?" he asked with a smile.
"Interesting reason..." Angel laughed. "I also couldn't sleep, so I came out to stargaze." she answered truthfully. The Ravenclaw briefly wondered if they would get caught in the forest, she hadn't been caught before, so it was unlikely.

"That was a really lame answer, wasn't it?" Angel babbled. She had a habit of saying very odd things at times, and she had earned a nickname for it. Babbling Brookes was what people called her at her muggle school. Angel had been expelled from that school, she didn't react well to idiotic nicknames.
Ares looked at the girl and smiled "I think its less lame than being here just for the sake of being here" he told her. He looked up towards the sky and realized that indeed between patches if trees you could see the stars.

"Wow" he stated amazed "I never realized you could see the stars from in here"

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