December 23, 2022: Daphne Chaos had been on her way to the New Zealand Express to pick her daughter up from school and bring her back home after nearly six months without communication between the two. Uncharacteristically of her, she was driving a Muggle car rather than traveling by Apparating, Floo Powder, or Portkey. The reason for the car was that she had been at a Christmas party earlier and needed the space for the gifts. The party was festive though Daphne was a little disheartened that her husband had chosen not to go that night for the very first time. She had kissed her two children goodbye, just two months shy of turning a year old and went on her way. Of course she, like the rest of the Chaos family, had been having dreams with owls in them, their family death omen, but she tried not let it affect her this evening. Of course she had been terrified because she and her husband hadn't spoken to their daughter in so long and she was worried that she wouldn't be able to see her before something tragic happened.
On her way to the train station where she expected her daughter to be, Daphne got into a car accident. She tried to heal herself as best as she could with her wand but when she was able to reach it, it was snapped and thus useless. Witnesses called for Healers and they arrived immediately, rushing her over to St. Mungo's, but they said she had bled out before they could do anything. The last image that Daphne saw before her eyelids closed shut permanently over her soft brown eyes was of her family.
December 27, 2022: It was a cold, grey winter morning in Firenze, Italy. Daphne's family had decided to have the funeral in her hometown in Italy rather than her newest residence, New Zealand. Many had gathered from all around the world to pay their respects to her and her family.
On her way to the train station where she expected her daughter to be, Daphne got into a car accident. She tried to heal herself as best as she could with her wand but when she was able to reach it, it was snapped and thus useless. Witnesses called for Healers and they arrived immediately, rushing her over to St. Mungo's, but they said she had bled out before they could do anything. The last image that Daphne saw before her eyelids closed shut permanently over her soft brown eyes was of her family.
December 27, 2022: It was a cold, grey winter morning in Firenze, Italy. Daphne's family had decided to have the funeral in her hometown in Italy rather than her newest residence, New Zealand. Many had gathered from all around the world to pay their respects to her and her family.