A Time For Love and Introductions

Kennedy Smile

Well-Known Member
Straight 15 Inch Sturdy Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Kennedy was very excited. He was going to be seeing Ruby today. She was coming over to meet his family. Now his mother could leave him alone about meeting her son's girlfriend. It would be the first time in awhile he would be seeing his girlfriend. He was surprised Morgan was still even letting Ruby and Kennedy date. He was sitting on the kitchen counter. His mother was next to him washing up a few dishes. Things were done the muggle way most of the time at his home. It was a way Annalise kept her late husband around. "What does JazzyMae plan on cooking, Mom?" he asked curiously. Annalise just shrugged her shoulders. JazzyMae had been keeping what she was going to cook a secret. His little sister was practically a chef. She had been cooking since she was six, and she was pretty good. Kennedy jumped off the counter and walked to the stairs that led upstairs. "What are you making for dinner, Jazzy?" he yelled loud enough for his sister to hear him. "Come help me wash dishes Kennedy! Ruby would love to know that her boyrfirend is a hard worker." Annalise told him. Ken groaned and sauntered over tothe kitchen.
JazzyMae Smile was looking forward to meeting Ruby. She was in her room trying to figure out what she was going to wear. She had several different pairs of jeans on her bed. She also had several shirts and tank tops. She had a towel wrapped around her body and her wet hair was in a messy bun. She knew Ruby would soon be here, so she needed to hurry up and pick something so she could start on dinner. JazzyMae was not in the mood for wearing jeans. She felt like wearing sweats. It was not like she really needed to impress Ruby with her clothes. Her personality would already be enough for the girl. JazzyMae walked to her closet and found a pair of gray sweats and one of Klaus' tie dyed shirts. Kennedy had basically shoved all of Klaus' belonging in her closet. She did not mind though. Her brother was just trying to find a way to relax his nerves. JazzyMae put of the sweats and shirt. She slipped on her green flip-flops and walked out of her room. She had a feeling Kennedy would be furious about what she was wearing.

JazzyMae walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. A few strands of hair had escaped from her bun. She saw Kennedy drying dishes and smiled. She looked in the fridge and started to pull out random foods. JazzyMae honestly had no idea what she was going to make. She was sure it was going to be good though.
Ruby had turned her closet over twice trying to find something to ware a red skirt and sleeveless top combination that spoke volumes of how hard she had worked on her apperence over the years. Because Dympna would not allow them to ware muggle clothing Ruby had made all of her clothes at school and had hidden them all over her dorm before she had to go home. This was when she was in Bella-Donna Manor though. With Morgan Ruby was free to be semi-glamorous self. Ruby made sure she borderline sparkled before she left the house which had lead to endless teasing by Sapphire but Ruby payed no mind. She was meeting Kennedy's mother and sister after all. Ruby wanted to make a good impression. Out of freezer she took out a tub of home made strawberry ice cream before she gathered her white jacket and bag. Sapphire walked with her as Ruby made her way to the Smile household. Ruby's mental stability was a lot better but she was still somewhat fragile when it came to being outside alone. Ruby knocked then held on tight to the ice cream. She hoped that JazzyMae and Kennedy's mother liked her. She already knew that Klaus didn't like her but she was sure that the boy would hold his tongue for a family dinner.
Annalise Smile heard a knock on the door. She assumed it was Ruby. She looked over at JazzyMae and nearly screamed. Her daughter seriously did not know when to dress in sweats. Jeans would be suitable for a time like this, not sweats. Anna toook off her rubber gloves and looked towards her son. "Please go and get your sister dressed Kennedy." she said and walked over to the door. Annalise herself was wearing a black knee length, form fitted skirt along with a nice pink blouse. It was not her best, but she felt comfortable in it. She heard her daughter protesting her brother picking out her clothes as she opened the door. A tall, red haired girl was standing in front of her. She held something in her hands. Annalise smiled and moved some of her hair over her shoulder. "You must be Ruby, right? I am Annalise Smile, Kennedy's mother." she introduced herself and stepped aside so the girl could walk into their house.
Kennedy heard knocking on the door and almost dropped a plate on the floor. He looked at his mother's outfit. She was okay. He looked at his sister's outfit an nearly died. What the hell was she wearing. Her hair was still wet and she was wearing Klaus' clothes. He nodded when his mother told him to go get her dressed. He ran over to his sister, shut the refridgerator and he dragged her out of the kitchen and up the stairs despite all her protests. "Are you insane? Did you really think I was going to let you meet Ruby looking like this?" he asked her as he pulled her up the stairs. They reached the top and Kennedy shoved his sister into her room. He saw clothes everywhere. He had to work quickly. He found some matching clothes and shoved them into his sister's arms. "Get dressed, badger." he told her and quickly walked out of the room. He stopped at the stairs so he could calm himself down. He took in a deep breath and breathed out. He calmly started to walk down the stairs.

JazzyMae remained calm when she heard knocking out the door. She felt her mother and brother panic. She heard her mother tell Kennedy to get her dressed. JazzyMae stopped what she was doing and looked at her mother. "There is nothing wrong with what I am wearing!" she insisted. Soon enough her brother had her wrist and was pulling her to the stairs. She tried to pull out of her brother's grip, but he was much stronger than her. "What's the big deal? I really don't need to change! Is Rubys some kind of perfectionist?" she spoke loudly. The only thing big about JazzyMae was her voice. JazzyMae tripped nearly seven times while going up the stairs. Her brother moved much quicker than she did. Soon she was pushed into her room and Kennedy had give her some clothes to put on. JazzyMae rolled her eyes and changed clothes. At first, she had put her shirt on backwards, but then she turned it back around. She had thoguth the necklace was a belt and almost broke it. She had found out that it belonged aroung her neck whe it would not fit around her waist. She placed the sun glasses on the top of her head and took her hair out of the ponytail. Her hair look very sexy when it was damp. Even though that was not the look she was going for. She teased her wavy hair a little more before skipping out of her room and back downstairs.
"Bonjour Madame Smile" Ruby said as she fanned her white denim skirt in a curtsy with one hand while holding the tub of ice cream with her other arm. "A pleasure to meet you. Yes I am Ruby Clow. I brought dessert if that is not being a bother." She said. Ruby was more comfortable speaking french for her own reason and it was clear in the way she spoke English. Ruby was excited and a bit scared but not as scared as she would have been when she had first had gotten out of St. Mungo's. She would have begged Sapphire to stay with with her back then. Now she waived as Sapphire walked way and left Ruby with the Smile family. Ruby knew that Sapphire always got a few looks because of all the tattoos that she had. Ruby didn't know why. They way Sapphire had designed them to blend into each other Ruby though she looked good. Ruby made her way inside with a smile to Mrs. Smile and handed her tub of ice cream. "Where is everyone else?" She asked kindly. She knew that four where meant for this event but she only saw Kennedy's mother here which wasn't a bad thing but it made her a bit jumpy. Then again almost everything made her bit jumpy.
Annalise laughed good-naturedly at Ruby's French. Kennedy had told her that he did not really like French because it reminded him of his brother. Anna's heart fell at the thought of Klaus. She wanted to know what was going through her middle child's head, but there was something her children were hiding from her. She was not going to force her kids to say anything about it until it became a dire situation and she had to know. Annalise took the tub of what she assumed was ice cream. "No, it is not a bother, dear. Shut the door while I put this away." she told Ruby kindly. She had been told about all the things Ruby had gone through. She had a feeling that the girl would not freak out of a simple direction. Annalise walked into the kitchen and placed the tub of ice cream in the freezer. She walked back into the living room. Ruby asked where everyone was. "Kennedy is picking out clothes for JazzyMae. They will be down in a minute." she assured Ruby. She noticed Ruby was quite tall. She could see why she and Kennedy were a perfect fit. "Come sit and make yourself at home." she said and lead Ruby to one of the two black leather sofas in the living room. Annalise was currently barefooted. Her toes were painted a pretty pink along with some bright yellow. Kennedy liked the house to be colorful. He was usually in a bad mood, but having green and lavender colored walls helped brighten his mood. She heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "That must be Kennedy." she smiled and sat on the sofa. She knew it was Kennedy. He took very soft steps for someone with huge feet.
Kennedy walked down the stairs to see Ruby with his mother. She wore red, which he thought went well with her ruby red hair hair. He was not wearing any shoes, but he was wearing thick white socks. He did not like wearing shoes in the house. It was a pet peeve of his. "Hey, Rue!" he said happily and hugged his girlfriend. He gave her a kiss on the cheek. Since JazzyMae was going to be down soon he would keep the PDA to a minimal. He sat on the other black sofa. "I just picked out some clothes for JazzyMae, so she should be down soon. You should take your shoes off." he suggested to her. The closest things to shoes that ended up on th carpet were house slippers and flip-flops. He especially hated heels on the carpet. He tried hard to make it sound like a suggestion and not an order, but he hoped Ruby would get what he meant.

As JazzyMae walked stomped down the stairs she saw Kennedy sitting on a sofa next to Ruby. She knew her mom would scold her for being so loud, but since Klaus was not there to make noise JazzyMae was taking his place. She really did hate the awkward and quiet environment at her house. She liked the house to be full of fun and laughs. Klaus had ruined that with his stupid, raging hormones. He hoped that someone would come along a take Klaus' mind of of Kennedy. There were many better guys to fall in love with out in the world. JazzyMae had no socks or shoes on. It was a pet peeve of Kennedy's to wear shoes in the house. He hated it. JazzyMae did not break that rule because that was Klaus' job. JazzyMae walked up to Ruby and held out her hand to her. She could tell that she was pretty tall. She hoped Kennedy never got jealous of her height. He did not like girls taller than him, but, luckily, Ruby was not taller than him. "Hello, my name is JazzyMae." she intoduced herself to Ruby. She was sure the girl had heard her name many times, but she wanted Ruby to hear her say her own name.
Ruby closed the door then let her boyfriend kiss her cheek. She wanted to wrap herself around him and kiss him senseless seeing a she had been away at Beauxbaton too long for her not to have missed him. "But of course" She said then plucked her heeled sandals off her feet. She put them by the door. She understood trying to keep the house neat. It was nearly impossible with three sisters living in the house, one who loved to paint and another one who had no sense of what mud did to carpet. It was lucky that she loved to clean and knew all the right spells to get almost anything up. The little sister came down and Ruby smiled wide. "I am very pleased to meet you JazzyMay. My sister Sapphire talked about you a bit. She said she asked you about Kennedy. I am very sorry she can be somewhat protective over me." She said. That was putting it lightly. Seeing that Ruby was very prone to helusinations if pressed Sapphire had made sure that she was calm at all times. Ruby liked it this way though. It made her feel more comfortable in the world but it was best if she acted like it a bit of a bother so she didn't seem like a complete push over. "I can make dinner if you all want." She said hoping to be a useful part of this event.
Annalise did not know why her daughter was so loud. She already had a headache from not getting enough sleep last night. JazzyMae had been have temper tantrums lately, so Anna hoped that she would keep herself calm today.Kennedy was able to handle his sister's tantrums, but she did not want Ruby to think JazzyMae was unruly. Many of her girl friends thought her daughter was out of control, but Annalise knew JazzyMae was just trying to figure out something in her head. Anna looked at her daughter sternly when Ruby said her sister, Sapphire, asked about Kennedy. Her eldest's had not had a raging fit since Klaus ran away. That told Anna that the two boys were feuding over something. She was worried that Sapphire still had a bad impression on her son after he had changed so much. She stood up and headed into the kitchen. She took the lemonade out of the fridge and used magic to have it pour some glasses. Kennedy and JazzyMae hated lemons, so she only poured two glasses. For her and Ruby. Only strange people did not like lemons. Annalise took the two glasses and walked back into the living room. She offered a glass to Ruby. "Here you go, dear." she smiled sweetly. After walking all the way to their home she must have been thirsty.
Kennedy was surprised when Ruby mentioned her sister asking about him. JazzyMae had not told him anything about that. He looked at his sister seriously. "Sapphire asked about me? When?" he asked his sister. Kennedy did not want to overwhelm his sister. She would have a tantrum if he did. He had said many good things to Ruby about JazzyMae, so his sister better not blow it. His mother came in with lemonade. He hated lemonade, and JazzyMae did too. Klaus and Annalise were the only ones who drank it. "JazzyMae is going to cook dinner, but I am sure she wouldn't mind help, right?" he said looking at his sister seriously. JazzyMae did not like help in the kitchen, but he knew Ruby would feel bad if she did not do anything to help. His girlfriend was a real busy body. He still did not understand how he got such a beautiful and busy girl. Kennedy was lazy when he was not learning magic.

OOCOut of Character:
I apologize if this does not make sense. I am getting sleepy.
JazzyMae kept a smile on her face. She had not mentioned talking to Sapphire to any of her family. She did not see a reason why they needed to know. Appearently, it worried Kennedy. "Don't worry, Kennedy. I only told her good things." she smiled at her brother. JazzyMae let go of Ruby's hand before she squeezed it too tight. JazzyMae took a step back so her mother could hand Ruby what looked like lemonade. Lemonade was disgusting. She hated it, and she hated that her mother kept it in the house. JazzyMae scoffed a little when Ruby offered to make dinner. She hoped she did not sound too rude. She rolled her eyes when Kennedy spoke to her. She did not want Ruby to mess anything up. "I am still preparing things, so you can relax here until I call you in, okay?" she said calmly and walked into the kitchen. She continued to take things form the fridge. JazzyMae had gotten a little taller, but she was still short. Luckily, she always kept a footstool in the kitchen.

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