A Thousand Apologies and Explainations

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Eleona Bexley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4 Essence of a Dragons Heartstring
Well, for anyone who remembers me I guess you'll also remember that I basically went dead over the summer. There's many reasons for this, many unforeseen, and now that I could get on here (with the little time I have) I'd figure I'd explain myself.
For one, the main reason for my inactivity was business. This started with a surprise vacation, then camp, and then finally a family issue. Whenever I could go on, it was only or a couple of moments at a time. This wasn't even enough time to reply to posts or do lessons. Finally, there was an extreme issue, and I had to focus on my studies and my family. You see, my father had become ill and needed a heart surgery. With the stress of that and the stresses of any person my age I couldn't get on at all. I couldn't even write a hiatus post like this.
Though I will be more active, I can't promise normalcy in my time. So I'm going to say that this is a semi-hiatus, or better yet, that I'm just explaining why I'm not going to be around for a bit. I'm just horribly sorry that I couldn't explain this earlier.

I love you all!
I remember you ^_^
I'm sorry you had to go through all of this, and am glad your back! Looking forward to maybe rping again! :)

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