Closed A Thank You Letter

Leonardo Orr

lonely; serious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curly 11" Flexible Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
06/2043 (18)
Leonardo had decided to write a letter to James and thank him for...well everything. Leonardo had never experienced a holiday like it and was sure, provided his grandfather didn't forget him a gain he wouldn't. He was nervous about going home this year, absolutely sure that he would end up miserable, but like he'd said to James, he did have a family and just leaving it because his grandfather's idea of a holiday was not the same as others was not reason enough to leave. He finished his letter and attached it to the owl that hated him, scratching him in the process and Leo just hoped the bird wouldn't be too aggressive while dropping the letter off.

The Owlery
Hogwarts New Zealand
North Island, NZ​

Mr James Michaels
X Street, Y Town
New Zealand

November 1st 2057

Dear Mr James Michaels,

I hope my letter finds you well, and that my grandfather's owl does not bite or scratch you (he is unfortunately prone to doing that).

I am reaching out because I would like to extend my thanks and gratitude to yourself and your home for allowing me to be a part of it. The time I spent with you and your family meant a great deal to me and I am grateful that you showed me such kindness in my time of need.

Please let me know if there is anything I or my family can do to repay the kindness you showed me. I know it is a lot to look after a child, especially when that child is me. I learned a great deal while in your home, information that I will be able to use as I continue my muggle studies class.

Leonardo Orr
James was surprised when his daily routine was interrupted by the arrival of a rather unfortunate owl. James got the letter away with a little bit of quick maneuvering and sat down at the kitchen table to read over the letter. He lit up to see it was from Leo. He'd been going on about it with Colin since the break ended, worried and unsure the boy should go back to his grandfather but unable to do very much about it. He was quick to respond to Leo, a soft smile on his face.


Thank you for reaching out to me. Again I'll reiterate; you are a part of our family, Leo, and you'll always be welcome in our home. I have a spare room for you any time you need it; of course, if Jordie lets you stay in any room but his isn't the point right now.

I'm glad we could help you out, even if unintentionally. The best thing you can do for us, Leo, is just to live well. Take some time to watch the clouds going by. Relax. Have fun doing the things you enjoy. All we want is to see you happy.

I'm here if you ever want someone to talk to, about anything or nothing at all.

Sincerely, James
Leonardo was sitting alone in his room. His grandfather was entertaining and Leo had a lot of homework to be getting on with. His grandfather's new belief was that Leo should be writing an essay on two subjects a day. So he was working hard, had barely left his room despite how beautiful and warm the days had been. It was all, so he could catch up, make up for all the lost time of the previous holidays. Leonardo understood why, his divination grade was still low.

Leo could hear the voices of the people his grandfather had invited in his room. He could hear their laughter, the excited stories they were telling and just the merriment that he wasn't included in. Leo glanced back at his work, at his half-eaten sandwich and the darkness of his room. He wasn't sure why his eyesight blurred suddenly, but he thought of Jordie and James, wondered what they were doing. He missed them. Leonardo knew it was important to work and to focus on his school work when he was failing, but… Leo missed watching tv and being able to relax. So he grabbed some parchment and though more writing was the last thing he wanted to do, he wrote him a letter. Quietly and without being noticed, sent it off.
Orr Estate
North Island, NZ

Mr James Michaels
X Street, Y Town
New Zealand

December 25th 2057

Dear Mr James Michaels,

Merry Christmas James.

Family wish each other this, right? I was thinking of you and Jordie and hope you've had a good day. I imagine Christmas is really nice in your house.

Christmas here is a low affair. We don't decorate or eat a fancy meal, especially this year. Grandfather, rightly, isn't very pleased with my grades this semester, so I've been doing a lot of homework. Even today.

But it's okay, we've never really celebrated Christmas. I even forgot that it was today until Grandfather's friends came to celebrate with him.

I made a turkey sandwich today at least, that programme you showed me had them eating turkey for Christmas and Grandfather had some leftovers for me. I don't think I like turkey, though, it's dry. But don't worry I'll finish it, I won't waste it.

Anyway, I should go, this essay won't right itself.

Wish Jordie a Merry Christmas from me.

Please excuse this letter's informality, it has been a long day.

Leonardo Orr
James had been surprised to see a letter from Leo, and he was quick to read over it. He had to stop, take a few deep breaths, and write a quick response back to the boy.

Merry Christmas. They do, yes. We miss you here, as well. Perhaps you could come over for a night or two? We could all sit down together and have a family meal. I can teach you how to make a proper Christmas dinner if you'd like. I hope your homework is going well. How are you? Are you alright? Are you not celebrating with your grandfather and his friends? Jordie wishes you a Merry Christmas as well, and he's made sure to tell me that he's bought you presents. We all have. You never need to be formal with me, Leo. I don't need you to be formal. Have a good day, yeah?

Leonardo had promptly been so deep in the essays, and the work, that he'd forgotten a little about the letter he'd sent. His essays at Christmas hadn't been good, they'd both also unfortunately been on divination, so Leo had been working twice as hard at them, to improve. He was tired, and wanted to just be back at school, but he knew, too, that this was going to help him in the long run.

He was surprised therefore when an owl appeared at his window. The Hufflepuff opened it and took the letter. Leonardo read it and felt himself get a little hopeful about his break. Maybe he'd be able to go and spend the time with them. Be able to hang out with Jordie, practice some quidditch and relax. There was just the matter of his grandfather. Leo waited until the next day, when his homework was graded, and it was better. The answer had been a quick no. He had too much work that needed to be done. Leonardo had felt that this would be the answer, but had allowed himself to hope. He penned his reply quickly and settled back into his homework.

Orr Estate
North Island, NZ

Mr James Michaels
X Street, Y Town
New Zealand
December 29th

Dear Mr James Michaels,

With thanks for your letter of December 26th. I regret to inform you that upon asking my grandfather, he said no. I do have a lot of work to catch up on, and this would only distract me from it. As much as spending time with yourself and Jordie would have been lovely, I must focus on my homework.

My homework is improving, grandfather is right to have me work at it. My grades are not satisfactory, but with this work when I get back to school, I will see an improvement. I am well otherwise, there is no reason to be concerned about me, Mr Michaels, the pain in my hand from writing has vanished.

Please do not allow Jordie to give me any gifts, I do not have anything for him and I do not wish to be rude.

Leonardo Orr
ID #: 112246

Leonardo was trying his best to keep his feelings together. It was just difficult to. He'd finally heard from his father, the first letter from him which had been more than a couple of lines. He could tell his dad was annoyed, so annoyed with him. That he should take it back, that he was a bad son for telling on him. He knew things were moving in the world outside school, his grandfather had admitted to all of it and there was likely to be a trial at some point, but it might be a little time. Leonardo had expected a letter from his father, after all, he had assumed that was where he would go when the semester did eventually break, but the letter was clear, Leo had no home with his father. His father didn't appear to believe him but wanted him to take it back even though his grandfather had admitted to it.

Leonardo had tried to cry, had tried to get upset, but every time he got close to it, something in him would reign the feelings in and he would just be left wanting to scream and shout and being unable to. In the end, after much fretting he had decided to write to James. There was no one else that Leo could turn to. He could ask maybe Harmony or ask via Jordie, but James had said he was family and that they did family different. He'd written a letter and was picking a school owl to send it off, when he'd tried to use the family owl it had tried to take a chunk out of him. If James said no, Leo wasn't sure what his next step would be.

The Owlery
Hogwarts New Zealand
North Island, NZ

Mr James Michaels
X Street, Y Town
New Zealand

March 1st 2058

Dear Mr James Michaels,

I hope my letter finds you well, and apologies if you are confused by the owl, my grandfather's owl has been particularly annoyed with me.

I am sorry to reach out of the blue like this, but I am afraid I have no one else to turn to. I need a place to stay, permanently. My grandfather has been arrested, and my father is pretty annoyed at me because of it. He blames me, and in part he is right, I am the reason my grandfather was arrested. My father has said I'm not allowed to come home.

I know this is a lot to ask, you have a big family and I know I can be difficult. I am not an easy child, I am difficult and selfish, but I promise you Mr. Michaels, I will do chores, I can get a job and give you the money. I will stay out of the way, you won't even know I'm there. My grandfather taught me to cook, I can look after myself, I just need a place to sleep.

I just require a place to live when school is not in session. If you can let me know at the earliest convenience whether I have a place or not, so that if not I can figure out other arrangements.

Leonardo Orr
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James was ashamed to admit it took him a few days to actually read the letter he'd received from Leo. Not in a malicious manner, of course; he'd been caught up in work and phone calls and had quite forgotten he'd let an owl in during a tense discussion with an out of sorts photographer. Still, after a few days he'd come across the letter on his desk and he set aside the time to open it- after all, what would ten minutes be? He needed a break anyway.

What he hadn't been expecting was the contents of the letter. A white hot rage coursed through him, and within an hour he'd taken a leave off of work and delegated his tasks to several trusted coworkers that owed him favors. By the end of the day he'd stuck his nose in many, many places it had no business being in. It was surprising, almost scary sometimes just how much power he could wield with the right amount of money and the family name.

Normally, James hated using his families power and prestige to get his way; but one of his children was involved, and James was fiercely protective of his children. After spending quite a considerable sum; rushing paperwork and essentially buying off Leo's father to sign away parental rights and guardianship to James- He had managed to get everything set in place so that he had legal guardianship over the boy. Satisfied that everything was settled, James finally sat down and put together a reply for Leo.


I am so sorry it took me so long to reply to your letter. I won't go into details, but let me reassure you that I have taken care of everything. I am now your legal guardian and I swear to you right now there is never another thing in this life you shall ever need to worry about. Any college, career path, lifestyle choice, you have my complete and unconditional support and financial backing. I know our house may not reflect it, nor does our lifestyle, but my family is disgustingly wealthy. I won't bore you with the details of how or why, but just know that you shall never lack or want for anything in this life again.

Don't let Jordie pressure you; if you'd like to share a room with him you may, but I've already spoken to Colin and Onyx and repurposed one of the rooms in the house just for you. I'm sending along a questionnaire I'd like you to fill out; don't worry, there are no wrong answers, but I've sent the same page to Jordie with instructions that you fill it out together- I don't want you to just randomly pick answers and return this to me. Please, give it some honest thought. It's essentially just a style quiz I can give to the interior designer so that we can set up your room in a more personalized way before you arrive. We'll pick up a few essentials after your return- some things you just need to pick out yourself.

As for the rest of your letter. Leonardo, you are not a burden. You are not difficult, or selfish, or in the way. You will not be getting any sort of job, young man, in fact I'm asking you to take a year off after you graduate. Call it a personal favor. I've also set you up appointments with a trauma therapist, I trust her explicitly; she's been the personal therapist of Jordie's older brother for years now. She helped him through perhaps the hardest time of his life- ask Jordie to tell you what happened to Onyx. Write to her as soon as you're able, please.

I meant what I said to you before, Leo. You are our family. That has never, and will never, change.

The longer it had taken for James to get to him, the worse that Leo had felt. He was just worried that James had found out what had happened and decided Leo wasn't worth the effort. Wasn't worth any effort. That he'd immediately start doing as his father had always done. He had been tempted to just go to his head of house and ask about foster care. It would be terrible, but at least he wouldn't be worried about where he'd sleep once the semester ended. His father had sent more letters, each short and to the point, most of them complaining and being angry at him, but they'd stopped recently. A few days passed and then a new letter arrived. Leo was sure it was his dad, but the handwriting was not his father's but James. He felt more nervous about this than a letter from his dad. He moved a spot alone and opened it.

Immediately it wasn't what he expected. James was his legal guardian. His dad had just given him up like that. He'd been asking for a place to stay not for him to take guardianship and offer him more than his grandfather ever had. He glanced at the questionnaire and felt overwhelmed with it. Truly the letter was overwhelming. His life was in such turmoil and here was a hand to guide him away, someone who was being nice to him, more than nice to him. He still wanted to help out, do chores and contribute. But he'd accept it. If that was the condition for all this, he would do his best. Seeing a therapist made sense, he knew that that was a recommendation and he wouldn't mind doing it. Leo filled out the questionnaire without Jordie. Or well did a first attempt without him, and he honestly picked choices that were largely plain. He didn't need a room that fit his vibe, he just needed a bed and a desk to work at. Jordie was busy. and after a few days replied.

The Owlery
Hogwarts New Zealand
North Island, NZ

Mr James Michaels
X Street, Y Town
New Zealand

March 16th 2058

Dear Mr James Michaels,

Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do.

I have enclosed the questionnaire. I know you want me to pick more interesting options, but I only need a desk and a bed. That is my honest answer. I can bring old sheets and the few other things I have from home. I'm sure my father will allow me into the house to get it. Most of my stuff is at school with me, but I have my own sheets and towels? I don't mean to be difficult, please I am not trying to be difficult, I just...don't need new things, or need a room like Jordie's.

I will write to the therapist tomorrow.

I do not know what else to say, I will see you at the break.

James was paying closer attention to his mail this time, and he smiled softly as Leo's letter came in. He immediately put everything on hold, sitting down to open the letter and go over its contents. He bit back a sigh, shaking his head fondly. Leo was a stubborn one, wasn't he? James was quick to write up a reply, before sending it back off that evening.


First of all, thank you for filling out the questionnaire. I told you before- there are no right or wrong answers you could have given. I've taken your concerns into consideration, and have decided to ignore them. You are not going back to that house for towels and sheets- after we pick up your bed we'll buy you new toiletries and bedding. It's not open for discussion. We're going shopping, and I want you to pick the sheets and towels that feel nice. Don't just pick them up the first or cheapest ones you see. Look them over, find ones that are gentle on your skin, that feel pleasant, and we'll go with that.

I'm going to say it again, Leo. You are not being difficult. You have never been difficult. Your wants and needs are valid. I realize you've lived for a good while now believing that you must accept what you're given and that the barest necessities are alright. But Leo, please, believe me when I tell you that is no way to live. We'll take it slowly, if you'd like, but I ask that you spend a few years here. I don't want you rushing out just because you feel you must. If not for yourself do it for my sake; I will worry endlessly if you don't.

The school break is coming up- that's three months. The first month, at the very least, I want you to settle in. Go to your therapist, we'll set up either weekly or twice weekly sessions. I can bring them to the house if you'd like, let you have sessions in the privacy of your new room.

If it would really help you, then somewhere along month two you can help me with the meals for the house. I'd like to teach you how to really cook, anyway. Delicious, sometimes decadent meals and desserts. And once you've settled in more, I'd like to get you started on a new skin care routine. Our theme for this break is self care- that's your 'homework'. We'll try a few relaxing activities until you find one you like, discover some things you like- anything from comfort foods to movies to music. Hell, we'll hang a hammock in your room and fill the thing with scented candles if that's what you like. Reading, drawing, coloring, long naps, bubble baths, movie marathons with tons of snacks. We'll find something for you.

Please, don't worry. I've done the same with all of my children. You're family, Leo. Always. Let us love you in our way. You deserve all the love in the world.

Leonardo had anticipated. he'd been nervous about the letter he'd written unsure that it was the right thing to say, unsure as to if he'd just annoyed James more. Part of him was worried that James would change his mind, part of him was worried that James would end up hating him. But the response that came was read quickly and settled a lot of his nerves. It made him nervous for different reasons but not ones that were of big concern.

Mr James Michaels,

I would beg that we return once, I bring most of my important belongings with me to Hogwarts, and though I can concede to leaving the sheets and the towels, there are a few things I'd like to have. For one, I know there are more pictures of my mother, I would like to have more than one. He wouldn't let me see them, but I know they exist.

I know you'll disagree, but I only need the bare necessities, sir. You are doing me a kindness even bringing me in, and I won't..I won't stop you from taking me shopping, but I can manage without soft sheets. I am content to spend the three months productively as you describe. I do not wish to speak to a therapist from my bedroom.

Once again, I thank you Mr Michaels for your continued kindness to me. I promise, I will earn my place in your home.

Leonardo Orr

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