A Surprise Dinner

Axel Zhefarovich

head ⛧ prejudiced
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bocote/Ebony mix 15 1/2" Essence of Belladonna and Kingwood/Ebony mix 16 3/4" Core of Basilisks fang
With the children out to the Zhefarovich Manor, visiting with Benjamen, Axel had requested that Kamaria and Leviathan stay at his home. Just for a while, and he would not have to deal with toddlers and children. He needed some time alone with his graduates. Then again, he was going to fix something that should have been fixed at graduation had his son not screwed it up and fell asleep. Axel was in the kitchen right now, while his children were upstairs unpacking their things. He had invited Ariah to be here, and at any moment, she would arrive. He had lied, saying that it would just be him, Kamaria and her, however he was going to have Leviathan here as well. Kamaria did not know about Axel's plans, as he was clever. He knew that she would probably smirk and taunt her twin brother. Axel was much smarter than she knew. Axel was completing his dish of Bulgarian Beef Gyuvech. It was one of his favorite dishes, and hoped that Ariah would love it too. Axel was a pretty good cook, especially when it came to making his meals that were from his country. He was a better cook than the elves in his honest opinion. Axel had finished the beef and sauce, making it into one, and then he started on the noodles when he heard someone arrive. It was about time that Ariah had gotten here. Axel then started to work on some steak, using an Asian sauce to spice it up a bit. One of the things that made the Death Eater so strong was how much meat he had consumed. The steaks were large, plump, and completely free of the fat. As soon as he put them on a grill that he had inside the home, even if it was reckless, steam rose as the liquids touched the hot metal surface. The Death Eater knew that this was going to make the entire house smell really good, if someone liked steak with Asian sauce, and his main dish, then they were going to be drooling by now.

"Come on in and have a seat in the dining room, Nina," called out Axel over the sound of sizzling meat. He had been referring to her as her middle name for a while now. Axel had a habit of doing that, and he wanted to make sure that his teenagers upstairs did not hear what he said. He doubted that either of them would have caught on that he was talking to Ariah. The dining room was set up beautifully, with floating candle illuminating the area. Axel did not fix dessert. He did not think that there was a need with a bunch of health freaks living in the house with him. Axel finished up the noodles and he poured the beef sauce onto the noodles, making it the dish that he needed to fix. Now it was time to finish the steaks. Sprinkling some seasoning on it, he turned them over, and soon they too were completed. He went to turn the steaks over, and then onto a plate. There were four steaks, and he caused them to hover as carried the large bowl of Bulgarian Beef Gyuvech into the dining room. He set them onto the table, and he smirked as he looked at his masterpiece. He winked at his future daughter, "I am a damn good cook."
Ariah wasn't as close with her soon to be father-in-law as she was with Benjamen. During the past year or so it had been Benji that she had been staying with, and him that she had been learning the ways of Leviathan's family from. Well Nicolette taught her some things too. But that mostly consisted of how to dress and do her hair differently. Basically she assisted with making Ariah look ten times more sophisticated and beautiful than before. At least now she didn't dress like she was twelve or something. So when Axel invited Ariah over to dinner with him and Kamaria, she jumped at the chance. She wanted to get to know Axel better than she currently did. Plus she wanted to catch up with Kara and everything. Ariah was told that Leviathan wouldn't be there so she could relax during dinner. If he was invited then Ariah might have been more hesitant on accepting Axel's invitation. It wasn't that she didn't want to see Levi again, it was more or less the fact that she was too scared. What if he saw her again and he still hated her for what she said and did to him when they broke up. What if she feels something powerful for him but he didn't want anything to do with her? They still had to get married so it wasn't like she could just pretend like it didn't matter. It mattered more than she was ever willing to admit to herself. Ariah didn't want to end up married to someone who hated her. Especially when she knew she still had feelings for him. Curling a finger through her hair, Ariah gazed at herself in the mirror for a moment. It normally wasn't like her to care too much about the way she looked, but she didn't want to look sloppy. When she was invited to dinner she immediately figured she was going to be dressing up. In the end Ariah decided that she was only going to dress up a little bit. After all this was nothing that formal to her. Once she checked her make up one last night, Ariah decided to get going. Benji was busy babysitting at the moment so she didn't bother to say goodbye to him. Ariah apparated to Axel's home and stepped inside the large home. Ariah felt strange. She had never been inside Levi's childhood home before. It felt strange to be here. Especially when she and Levi were technically not together. It felt like she was spying on his life or something.

"Why do you insist on calling my by my middle name Axel? You know I can't stand it." Ariah muttered as she stepped into the dining room. Her heels clicked against the floor softly as she took in the layout of the room. Whatever Axel was preparing for dinner smelled amazing. It made Ariah's stomach grumble in hunger. The dining room was also set up beautifully. The blonde had to admire the mans vision for having a good family dinner. When Axel came in with the plate and mentioned that he was a damn good cook, Ariah smirked. "If you're such a damn good cook, why are you single?" Ariah teased as she look around the table and tried to decide where she wanted to sit. There were plenty of seats but she chose one that had a few free seats around it. Ariah didn't really mean what she said to Axel in a bad way. In a way she feels bad for him. Having a relationship fall apart stunk pretty bad. Ariah was about to pull put her chair and sit down. But something caught her attention first. Something small. "Axel, why are there four steaks? There's only three of us." Ariah felt like something was going off in her mind. Why would he cook more food than was needed? Unless he wanted to have some extra just in case she wondered if there was going to be more than three people eating dinner tonight. Eyeing Axel carefully Ariah hoped he was going to be honest with her over this.
Axel hoped that the brother that he had living at the Zhefarovich Manor was doing his job and teaching Ariah on how to be the Zhefarovich that she needed to be one day. Axel was sure that she would make his son happy. Eventually. And provide him with a grandson or a granddaughter with the purest of bloods. Sooner or later, getting rid of that infection that his children had, the inbred that ran through their veins thanks to their mother. Axel wanted nothing more but to bring his children together, and by Merlin, he was going to do that. The dinner was going to be superb, and he was going to make it so. Though he would have to be sure that nothing was going to get in the way. And he would have to play it cool until then. Axel did not bother setting the table yet, the plates were stacked, as there were more than just four, there were six, because some of the steaks needed the size of just one plate alone. Axel retreated back into the kitchen and got some steak sauce as well. He didn't like it, but he knew that Leviathan did. Ariah wouldn't know that though. When Ariah arrived, he smiled at her for a greeting, before he shrugged, "Because, I know you hate it." She looked beautiful, and thought that Leviathan would be able to drool over her, so all of this was going to work perfectly. He would have to make sure that he did not let anything slip. He smoothed down his black tee-shirt, and his jeans, dusting them off of any fallen seasoning that may have fallen upon him. His tee-shirt was a little on the tight side because of his muscles, but this was his home, and he was even showing off his Dark Mark with glory. By now, he was sure that Ariah would not have an issue with knowing that her soon to be father-in-law was a Death Eater. Axel cracked his knuckles before he leaned up against the doorway, leading into the living room from the dining room. He was about to call them down before Ariah said something to him, that made him narrow his eyes.

She had gotten darker no doubt, and now she was testing her teasing against him? Two could play at that game. "I'll tell you if you tell me on how you are still single." He smirked even more before he added, "You are going against a pro. You'd never win against me." Axel peeked out from the living room before he stepped toward the stairs, and he smacked the wall twice, quite loud. It was his way of telling his kids to get downstairs. It was an odd way of doing it, but Axel did not like to yell, and he was not about to go upstairs and leave Ariah here, or worse, follow him up and discover that Leviathan was actually here. He went back into the dining room before he was questioned on why there were four steaks, and there were supposedly three of them. She had a good eye. His answer was thought up rather quick, and it even seemed believable. He lied, "I'm a big eater." He also motioned over his form, before he took a seat, after grabbing two plates, one for his steak, and the other for his Gyuvech. He would start eating without having his children down. All of this cooked and stuff, it was making the Death Eater really hungry. Axel, unlike his brother, was a great liar when time came down to it. He would have his entire family together, one way or another.
After being told of the dinner that they were having tonight, Kamaria Zhefarovich had no idea why in the world she was told to dress up. Who was coming over? Surely not Asparuh because he was gone right now, so who else? A new lady friend of Axel's? She did not know but she put on a very soft dress that she had left in her closet after graduation. She wanted to tell her dad about how she got into the Ministry, working as an official in Magical Law, learning all of the laws. Kara had been rather proud that she was accepted. She was currently in her bedroom that was enchanted to be bigger than it actually was. She was not allowed to move out yet, apparently. Axel had laid down the law on that one. She did not see the reason why she had to be stuck in this house, when she could be out getting her own and moving out, starting her own life. She knew the Zhefarovich laws, she knew the ways around town. Why else would she even bother getting a job? Kara wanted to move out desperately, but Axel told her to wait at least until Asparuh returned so that he could still keep an eye on her. It was getting kind of ridiculous. Kara hard the two smacks on the wall to tell them to come on down. She was sure that Leviathan was taking a nap right now. Grabbing her heels she walked from her room, and then entered Leviathan's before she saw him on his bed, passed out, and his trunk was not even unpacked. 'Oh my, I have the laziest brother in the freaking world!' thought Kara as she bent over him and she used one arm to shake him violently to wake up. She hoped that there wouldn't be an issue with Leviathan today. The moment that he started to stir, she hissed, "Wake up, lazy ass. Dad wants us down for dinner and get dressed in something fancy, he says." She smacked his side again because it seemed like he was ignoring her, which was not what she was wanting at all. Kara rolled her silvery eyes before she stood up straight, and she used the Banishing charm on the mattress, sending it across the room with her brother on it. There, now he was awake. Smirking, she left his bedroom so that he could get dressed.

Walking down the stairs, she entered the dining room where she saw Ariah. So that was their special guest. Ariah looked really good too. Kara stepped forward, and she embraced the older girl in a light hug, before she pulled away and she smiled, "It's good to see you, Ariah. Hope that our family hasn't been too harsh on you." Though in the back of her mind, she was sure that the hanging around lower bloods have been beaten out of her. She did not know who was caring for her at all, but she was hoping that Ariah would enjoy eating here with her brother and her father. Kara didn't know why she would have come since Leviathan was here, but Kara remained silent on the subject. She found a place at the table, and she grabbed a plate and some silverware. Taking a fork, she went for the Gyuvech, and then for some steak as well. Her plate did not nearly look as feeling as Axel's. There were wine glasses around the table, full of red wine. This must be a special occasion. Perhaps they were going to talk about the upcoming wedding or something? Whatever the case is, she could not wait to hear it. Kara wanted to be able to help make the decorations and things like that. Perhaps even be a bridesmaid, but that was all Ariah's call. Whatever she could to help out, she would do so. It was hard to tell on who was more excited for this event, but she hoped that the bride and the groom would patch things up beforehand or else it would be one tense wedding. One that no woman would ever really want, not in her honest opinion. Kara would love to be married one day, but for now, she wanted to focus on her job.
Ariah frowned and shook her head softly. What was it with the men in this family? They really liked to pick on her for some reason it seemed. Ariah did her best to avoid being an easy target, but they always found something to poke at her with. Then there was members like Nicolette who were literally insane and tesrted just about every nerve she had. ”You suck.” Ariah bit back. Nina was honestly the world’s most horrible name. The former Slytherin hated it with a bloody passion and cursed her mother for giving it to her. The niceness that once lived within Ariah was now questionable. No longer did she tolerate those with dirty blood. The family she was soon to be a part of had brought her to believe that they were evil and dirty. Same thing with Half-breeds, Werewolves, Squibs, you name it, she hated it. Her brothers would not be proud of the person she had become, and that was why Ariah was trying her best to make sure she wasn’t around them just yet. Not until she figured out how to cover up the harshness that she now felt. Colton would be so disappointed in her. She could already feel the hurt in his eyes. Shaking her head to try and forget about her brothers, Ariah focused on Axel. There really wans’t much she could say to his response on her being single. She didn’t want to mention that she technically wasn’t, and if she was still considered single by him then, that it was kind of his sons fault for not being able to control his temper. Then Axel would start getting into how he knew Levi still loved her and she loved him, and well Ariah was conflicted right now. Her heart longed for Levi but her brain told her to run and avoid him at all costs. He was bad news for her right now. Her heart felt like it was too weak to see him. Once she did she knew they were going to have to talk about things. What if he was still angry? Ariah still cared for him and all his anger would do is smother those feelings she had for him. Shaking her head Ariah figured that Axel would be a big eater. After all he was pretty built, how else was he able to keep himself so strong? A perverted notion also struck Ariah’s mind and she was forced to cover up her smirk by taking a glass of wine and taking a swift drink of it. ”Sorry. Fair enough thoug.” Ariah relaxed a little bit and sat down in one of the seats. Her belly rumbled once she was able to get a whiff of Axel’s cooking. Boy did it sound delicious to her right now. A couple of minute’s passed and Ariah was about to get some steak when she heard a loud thund upstairs. It was loud enough to make her pause and look to Axel. What was Kara doing up there? Hopefully nothing too extreme or anything.

”Uhh…” Ariah put the streak onto her plate and shook her head. Her forked stabbed into the cooked meat and pulled the piece of steak up to her mouth. Before Ariah could take even the smallest of bites though, Kamaria showed up downstairs. Ariah's lips curled up into a grin. She was so happy to see her future sister-in-law again. Kamaria looked so much older too. Ariah finally took a bite of her steak and chewed it slowly before she answered Kara. "For the last year or so I've been putting up with Benjamen and Nicolette. What do you think? It was pure torture. Did you have a decent year at least?" Axel was a lot easier to be around because he didn't torture her relentlessly. He did his best to teach her and be a father figure in her life, Benjamen just had a tendency to make her mad. Ariah wondered if Kamaria had ever met Nicolette yet. That woman really knew how to get under a persons skin. Ariah never expected her former head of house and Professor to be married to a woman like that. Ariah began to hear what sounded like moving upstairs again and paused. Did they have a cat or something? Ariah gave Axel a look again. He better not be lying to her.
Leviathan Zhefarovich did not want to go downstairs at all. He wanted to lay down in his room, wallow in his own misery seeing as he was soon to be hitched to a woman that hated his guts but he didn't feel the same about her. It was the vital opposite of hate. They say that there is a fine line between love and hate, but he called bull on that one. Levi was envious that his sisters and other brothers did not have to go to this stupid dinner that his dad was having. What reason could he even have? A before marriage dinner or something? Levi didn't want to have any part of it, but it seemed that his sister was not going to let him do what he wanted. Levi wasn't sleeping, but he was pretending. He ignored her for a bit, but when she used magic to throw his mattress with him on it across the room, Levi rolled over and gave her a very rude gesture before he uttered, "B*tch." She was determined to make his life even more hell than he lived. Just because she made straight Outstandings on every subject that she took didn't mean that she could boss him around like some mudblood. Finally, he stopped laying around before he would have to get up, and get dressed. The smell of food was making him drool, almost literally. Levi sat up on his mattress before he groaned and he got up. He got his wand, and waved it, making the mattress go back onto the bed without so much as a sound. Levi decided to get dressed but he was not about to dress up for some lame dinner. He did not think that he needed to anyway. He searched his closet, and he got out a blue shirt, and a pair of jeans. He put on black socks, but no shoes. Levi thought that his dad might end up killing him, metaphorically, if he showed up in casual dress for some special guest. Levi didn't care at all. He was going to do what he wanted.

Slowly Levi made his way down his stairs as silent as the grave, inhaling the scents that was drawing him into the dining room. They were going to be eating without him, whatever, as long as he got some good food within him. Levi entered the dining room hearing Kara talking, but he interrupted with a sarcastic, "How nice of you to be eating without-" his silver eyes landed on the guest, before completely stopped what he was saying. The moment that his mind took in Ariah, after he had ended their relationship rather harshly, it was now definitely changed. He had stopped exactly where he was, just staring like someone had invited a dragon over for dinner and it was sitting in his seat. Levi knew that he was not mad at her anymore, but was she still mad at him? Was she angry because of his jealousy? He knew that he had to control it, but it was pretty hard for him to control. He had always been afraid of losing Ariah. Sure he would never lose her to another guy, but he could have lost her as a wife one day, hanging around with dirty blood would have left her dead. But now he was staring at her, and he could swear, that he was falling in love. Would she feel the same? Levi heard his dad telling him to man up and sit down. This was the first time that he realized that he had ended up against the wall, to hold himself up. Levi had forgotten what he had said, but he was looking down at the floor, tearing his vision from hers. She hated him. She probably didn't even know that he was going to be here. Looking at his dad, he was sure that was what he had planned all along. Levi took a plate, and got himself a steak and some of those noodles with beef, before he took his seat. There was one thing that he had trouble doing was taking his eyes off of Ariah for too long. Letting out a sigh, and he wanted to say something, but he just could not find his voice. This was really awkward for him, and one could easily see that he was nervous, and he was not comfortable, but there was something within his eyes that he wanted to hide, which was fear.
Ariah was about to take another bite of her food and ask Axel if he was happy to have his kids back home and out of school, but she was interrupted by someone else speaking. Ariah turned her head. The person didn't even finish his sentence. "Levi?" Ariah asked as she leaned in and stared at the man that entered the room. That was Leviathan? Goodness gracious he had grown up since she had seen him last. He had grown up a lot! He barely looked like she remembered him too. He actually had facial hair now. It was adorable in her opinion. Ariah had been scared to see him again, but now that he was actually here, she was filled with the same sense of adoration that she had always had when it came to him. In the year they been separated, it was evident that the two of them had changed a lot. Ariah didn't change as much physically as Leviathan had, but personality-wise she had done a complete one-eighty. It was pretty surreal to believe that a little bit less than a year ago they had been completely different than they were now. It was hard to believe that a mere year had changed so much for everyone. "You dirty liar. I should've known." Ariah narrowed her eyes at Axel. A part of her felt stupid for actually listening to him. He and his brother would quite the tricksters. It was a bit irritating at times. Whenever Ariah was around them she had to be more careful about what she believed. They had already tricked her a few times. It was embarrassing. Nicolette wasn't the type to trick. She was very upfront about what she was feeling or what she wanted. Ariah almost thought she would prefer that, but at the same time, it made her ten times as harsh when Ariah failed at something. Ariah eventually learned that Nicolette was not to be crossed in certain areas. Axel and Benji however, she was still trying to figure out what their game was. Once Ariah was done glaring at her future father-in-law and dropped her fork and sighed. If she had known about Levi coming she wouldn't have dressed like this or had her face stuffed full of food. It was cruel both of them not to tell her. Was Kamaria in on this too? Was the entire family except for her and Levi in on this cruel joke? She assumed Levi didn't know either because he didn't look like he did. He actually looked very surprised.

"Gee Kara, how hard did you throw the poor guy?" He was against the wall, was he the cause of that loud thud outside? Why did Kara do that to him? Then again Ariah could figure that it might have had something to do with motivating him a little bit. Was he still had lazy as he was when they were together? Ariah could guess so. Some things were just too precious to change about people. That trait was one of them. Ariah found that her appetite was gone, but when she lifted her eyes she noticed Levi was looking at her. Was there food on her face or something? Ariah felt her face and there was nothing. Did he like what he saw? Ariah didn't really know what he was staring at. Ariah didn't hide the fact that she was staring back either. In fact, unlike him she didn't break gaze either. Suddenly a smirk formed onto her glossed lips. She might as well say something to him. Other than the fact that he looked cute with facial hair. "Heard you beat up a first year." Her voice cracked. As if she was trying to hide the fact that she was about to laugh. It was funny to her. Levi getting into it with a little first year. A girl at that. Someone probably half his size taking him on. More or less, Ariah was teasing Levi. That was the first thing that came to mind too. He would probably love it that she brought that up.
Leviathan was still shocked as hell, like someone had showed him a dragon's egg or a basilisk's egg to take care of because of Ariah being here. She did not seem like she was mad at him or anything, but was not full of anger, but perhaps confusion or something. Levi couldn't read her like he used to anyway. He kind of forgot how to be a good boyfriend, but he would do what he could anyway. She had said his name, and he smiled ever so slightly. It was nice to hear her at least say his nickname, or a shortened version of his name. Levi looked over at his dad when Ariah had called him a dirty liar, and all he could see was that twisted smirk that his dad carried, and he would continue eating. Levi cut into his steak, and he put a piece into his mouth, using extra manners than before. He did not want to look like a slob in front of Ariah. It was the way he was. He wanted to impress her anyway. He looked over at his dad whom seemed rather proud of himself with the mess that he was making, but Levi wasn't fighting with Ariah right now though. So there might not have been a mess. His dad was a trickster, and he knew it. Levi was never going to fall for his father's tricks. Axel had a way to get around with people, it was almost frightening. Levi wondered what all Ariah had done while he was at school. Sometimes it sucked when she was a year older than him. Levi wanted to ask, but he was still scared of what he would say to her right now anyway. Axel started to speak about the wedding arrangements, before Levi looked at him.

"She didn't throw me. She just...moved the mattress that I was sleeping on and tossed it across the room like a b-" Levi stopped talking when Axel cast him a cold glare. There was nothing he could say about his sister in front of Axel. Plus Kamaria was looking at him like she might curse him into next Friday. However when Kamaria said that she didn't know who was coming to dinner tonight, it kind of confirmed that the only one that was behind this all was Axel, so he was working alone. It would explain why Levi didn't know. This was something that he wanted to just chill, and he wanted to eat and go back to his room. What if Ariah was going to tell him that she hated him and stuff? Levi didn't really want to hear that, he didn't think that his heart could take it. Levi had stared at Ariah for a long time, ignoring his father's plans for the wedding. He didn't care about that, but right now he was just going to eat, because he was hungry. He about eat half of his steak when he heard what Ariah said to him, her voice cracking like she was about to laugh. She heard that he beat up a first year? He took a napkin and wiped the steak sauce from his lips and mouth before he made sure that his mouth was clean and clear of food. He shrugged, before looking at her once more, "I didn't beat her up... I shot a few spells at her because she wouldn't leave me the hell alone. If I was a girl and she was a boy, I would have yelled rape, since the little brat wouldn't take no for an answer." Levi looked back at his plate before he finished, "Besides, I'm spoken for."
Ariah wasn't very surprised that Kamaria would do something like that to her brother. Those two fought an awful lot for being twins. They probably more than even Colton and Adrian did, which was pretty bad. "It still kind of sounds like she threw you. Let me guess...you were...sleeping?" Ariah glanced at Kamaria for conformation. Levi didn't seem to chance much since the last time she saw him a year ago when they had broken up. She was pretty sure he had either been trying to sleep or was asleep and Kara was trying to wake him up. Or it was something like that. It could have been something more but Ariah didn't want to let her mind wander when she had no idea what really went on. Perhaps Levi could enlighten the situation to her a little bit better. Without calling his sister names that would upset his father. Ariah had to hold back a laugh when she saw Axel glare at him. Ariah took another bite of her food before she heard Levi's reasoning on why he cast some spells at a little first year. It was more interesting that listening to Axel and the wedding arrangements, not to mention it made it easier to ignore the fact that Levi was gawking at her like she had grown a third head or something. Did he think that she looked good or was he still afraid to face her like she was afraid to face him? Ariah was still nervous that he was upset with her. Or that he didn't want to get married. "Yes you are." Ariah muttered feeling stupid. What was she supposed to say to that. He was spoken for and she was happy? That he really didn't have a choice with that one. Ariah wanted to kick herself. Why did she ever open her mouth?

Ariah took another bite and pushed her plate aside. This wasn't working. It was too awkward right now. Maybe it was because Axel and Kamaria were in the room and she and Levi weren't really sure of what to say. Or maybe they both weren't sure about getting married. Either way, Ariah knew nothing was really going to get done with the whole "I think I'm going to go for a walk." Ariah excused herself, and pushed her seat back. Ariah hoped that she could clear her thoughts or something. She wanted to fix things before she got married. Ariah still cared for Levi a lot. Probably loved him. But marriage was really scary to her. Especially to someone who could easily scare her and didn't seem to trust her. Ariah apologized to Axel and the rest and started outside. Once outside she breathed out loudly. 'I feel like such a loser.' Nicolette told her she needed to work on the way she carried herself, but apparently Ariah didn't do a very good job with that. How was she ever supposed to be a wife? Ariah stepped off the porch and onto the yard. She needed to think of something to say to Levi and soon, but what could she say to him. Sorry, but he hurt her feelings? She still missed him though. That sounded stupid.
Leviathan was not feeling at all that good. He wanted to go back to his room and wallow around in his own misery for days and days, since he knew that he was not wanted here by the girl that he might even love. Levi could not help it when he shot another look over at Kamaria, before she smirked and still talked to Axel. Such a little suck up, she was. Levi turned his stare once more to Ariah before he nodded, "Kind of." So she threw him, there was no denying that anymore. He did not care either, but he continued to eat like a healthy young lad that he was. He ate enough for two women, and there was no hiding it. It was not like he cared anymore anyway. Levi hated being held back by his dad when it came to Kamaria, whom was jealous over him, yet he was jealous over her. It was a complicated twin situation. At least Athena was free to make her choices. She would always remain free as well. That is, as long as she kept to the laws of the family. Levi did not think that she would be killed for anything she did anyway. Axel would not allow it. Levi finished his steak, and started on his noodles and beef, until there was hardly anything left. He was definitely not a slob since there was nothing on his cheeks, hands or even mouth and nose. Taking a napkin, he made sure that his face was at least clean. The last thing he wanted was someone to laugh at him.

The next three words made him drop his fork. She was confirming that he was spoken for, but he did not know what that meant. Was she happy with that, or what? Many questions ran through the Slytherin Alumni's mind. Levi noticed that she had pushed away her plate, and said that she was going to go for a walk. Levi looked back at Kamaria and Axel, as they were watching her too. Levi did not know what to do, especially since he knew that he was in the wrong at some point, but he had told her those things for her own safety. And that he was afraid that she would try to go for someone else and end up being killed for it. His family was dangerous and he knew it. He felt something hard it him, and when the metal clashed on the plate, he saw that his sister had thrown a fork, and Levi was about to yell. But she said for him to follow Ariah. It seemed like the right thing to do. But did she have to throw the f*cking fork?! That really hurt. He slowly rose to his feet, and he scooted the chair in. Levi walked outside and closed the door behind him. He followed after Ariah, where he called out, "Hey! Hang on a second." Levi approached his future wife when he stood next to her, attempting to get her to stop, somehow. It was hard. For one, he did not know why he was running toward her, but another, he was just feeling that they needed to get over their issues, so that they could get married or else things would end up worse.
The moment she heard the door open and close behind her, Ariah made sure to walk more slowly. She knew who it was. Ariah wanted him to come out with her, and thankfully something pushed him to go. It wasn't that Ariah didn't want to be around Axel and Kamaria. It was more or less the fact that she knew she and Levi needed to work things out before they could ever get married. Even if they didn't fall back in love, she needed for things to be okay. Otherwise there was a possibility that they would have an unhappy marriage. Whether they were happy together or not, Ariah would have to give Leviathan a baby. So she figured she needed to try and make sure they weren't at one another's throats. Raising a kid in that environment would be unhealthy. Ariah turned around and let her mint colored eyes fall onto her future husband. "Levi..." Ariah was thankful that he had gotten the hint. Then again she suspected that Axel or Kamaria might have had something to do with it. But either way, he was outside with her. The first thing she did when he was close to her was she wrapped her skinny arms around his built frame in a tight hug. It was the only thing she could think of to show him that he was missed, and that she was sorry. She buried her small face into his chest and breathed out. She missed giving him hugs. Even if she knew he hated it. But she just had to. Ariah missed him. She was sorry she had let him go that day. She should have gone after him and told him how she loved him, and she was sorry. Ariah released him from the hug and she shook her head. Her hands pulled away from him and she began to fiddle with the edge of her dress. Now she had no idea what to do. What if he got mad at her for doing that? Well, it didn't really matter did it? Either way they were going to be married.

"I am so sorry." Ariah didn't even know what she was apologizing for. But she felt like she needed to for some reason. There were so many ways that she and the man standing in front of her had messed up on. Ha, it felt weird to be calling him a man. But that was indeed what he was. Just by the way his face had changed, and his body had grown, she could tell that he had changed. The only thing that Ariah wasn't sure if changed or not, was the way he felt about her. "I know that last year we...well we ended off on bad terms but-I think you and I need to put it behind us. Especially now. I've been trying to tell myself all year that I was mad at you, but...I don't think I ever really was." Ariah managed to withhold fro, saying that she loved him. That she was afraid to get married and start a family, but with him she didn't feel so scared. She knew Levi would protect her. That he would be there for her, and she could count on him for anything she needed. Marriage was a huge step, and they were both so young. But Ariah wanted him to know that she was sorry. Her eyes lifted to meet with his own. Did he forgive her? Her skinny fingers crawled to his wrists where she took a hold to make sure he would stay and actually look at her. Until he said something that gave her a sign, that he forgave her.
Leviathan managed to catch up with her, but he was still speechless. However he was caught off guard when she said his name, and then she hugged him as soon as he was close enough. He flinched for a moment, because he had not been hugged by anyone in so long, he had forgotten what it felt like. 'Oh what the hell,' thought Levi as he gave in. He wrapped his arms around her, just embracing her with everything that he had yet careful enough to not break her body into a million pieces. If she hated him, she would not have hugged him, right? That was what he was praying for. Levi let out a sigh and he grinned, but he didn't want to have her look at him while he was smiling. He thought that he looked weird when he smiled, but he was sure that she thought that he looked cute when he smiled. The former Slytherin Prefect felt like he was on top of the world, after he had wiped out all of the filthy mudbloods. Just holding her. Levi could have groaned when she pulled away from him, but his arms dropped to his sides, and he looked down at her. She was still short to him, but she couldn't help it. Levi looked down at the ground for a moment, as a breeze fluttered past them, as if they were being teased by the wind. And then she even apologized which took him completely off guard. What did she have to apologize for? He was the one that screwed up things and dumped her before he could even hope to believe her last year. How could he let her apologize for that? Then again, she might be apologizing for what she had done to make him overreact. He could not help that. Letting out a sigh, he finally said, "Me too. For um, overreacting. And my jealousy." There wasn't much else he could say on that matter, he was just far too nervous to say such a thing. He would have to just stand there, looking like a fool.

Ariah reminded him of what happened last year and he averted his silvery eyes to look away from her mint ones. He shook his head since he did not want to hear it, her chewing him out, but then something else came up, saying that they need to put it behind them, and that she was never really mad at him, at least that she never thought that she was. Levi looked back at her, and he nodded, "Yeah, we need to put it behind us. Past is past, that's all. I thought you hated me all year..." Levi confessed it, and hoped that she would not think of him any ill feelings at all. She had not contacted him, so he did not contact her, it was a messy situation, but he did want to put it all behind him. That was what he wanted to do, but he didn't know how he could really show it. She soon had a hold of his wrist and he looked down. With his other hand, he reached and took a hold of her hand to hold. All he wanted to do was get married. He stepped closer to her and he bent down to give her a soft, lingering kiss upon her lips. Levi pulled away and smiled at her, even if he did not want to but he was. Levi then heard a shout coming from the house, where he looked back and there was his sister, looking at them and smirking. He listened to what she said, and the smile washed off his face, "You all are getting married in July! Got a month of preparations! Hurry up now!" Levi flinched once more before he turned his eyes to Ariah, and he shrugged, "I'm not ready to be a married man, but I think I'll work on it, cause I wouldn't be able to do it with anyone else but someone I love." With marriage came babies, and that was what he was afraid of. In a very offhanded manner, he also confessed that he loved Ariah.
Ariah was careful not to be extremely rash and forceful as her hands found their way to his face. The smoothness of her hand gently brushed against the stubble he hand on his face. He looked so handsome with facial hair, that she didn’t mind how weird it felt. When Leviathan apologized to her Ariah stopped touching his face and sighed softly. ”I feel like…if I had let you know that you had no reason to be jealous, because you’re the one I love, you wouldn’t have acted like that. I never really took the time to show you how much I cared for you. I’ve always thought it was cute when you got jealous but, I never really took your feelings into account. For that, I am sorry.” Ariah told him softly. There was so many things she wanted to apologize for that she knew it was better off if she didn’t mention at all. Levi seemed like he hated what he had done. It was easy to see that he was sincere. Ariah believed him anyways. There was no reason for her to be doubting what he told her anyways. When you loved someone it was so much harder to think badly of the things they said or did. Ariah found that out the hard way when she Graduated from Hogwarts and was left with the fact that she couldn’t bring herself to hate Levi no matter how sad or angry he made her. Ariah leaned into to her tippy toes and brought her lips in to kiss him on the nose softly. He was so cute. ”I was mad for like a week. Then I just got really sad. Then…I was sort of kidnapped by your family and next thing I knew, I found a group of people I was even angrier at. Your relatives can be horrible sometimes.” Ariah laughed. She wouldn’t go into details of what they had done, but it was pretty bad. For the longest time Ariah lived with Benjamen himself. He was okay at times but there were days when she wanted to hurl things at his head. He could be awful when he really wanted to be. Ariah remembred the day he attacked a woman. Brutally. Axel saved her life and brought her over to the Zhefarovich manor but, Ariah had no idea what had happened from there. Was she okay or did she die? Ariah doubted Benjamen felt bad at all either. Regardless of how much pain and misery he put that poor girl through.

”July? But that’s so soon. I really wish they didn’t rush us into all of this. It’s clear that we have no idea what we’re doing. Well, I do know that you look so handsome with facial hair!” She almost wanted to call him stubbles! Ariah shook her head at Kamaria’s response. They were rushing them to get married, rushing them to have children, and even rushing them to fall in love?! These people had little patience for anything did they? Ariah smiled after her man kissed her on the lips softly. She had missed that. Ariah bit her lip and wrapped her arms around his neck. Or she tried to. He was a lot taller than she was still, so she just barely managed. It was cool having a tall man to love on though. He could reach things she couldn’t, and it meant that she felt just that much safer in his broad arms. Ariah returned his kiss, only this one was a little bit more deep than the one he had given her. Just to show him that she had missed this and that he didn’t need to be shy or cautious about kissing her. ”I love you too.” Ariah whispered in his ear sensually. With more seriousness than most people were used to seeing from the old Ariah. But the new Ariah took a lot more risks when she needed to. Well Ariah knew that he still loved her. Now all they had to worry about was the wedding, the honeymoon, and whatever happened to them after Ariah officially joined the ranks of the other Zhefarovich women brought into the family.
Her touch was just so comforting, and he wanted to keep her around much longer than the rest of his life. Levi would probably lay down his own life for her. There was nothing Levi would not do except divorce her and kill her. He wouldn't do anything bad to her that he had control of. He placed his hand over hers, and he enjoyed the feel of her skin. It felt nice, to be able to touch her once more. This had to be the most touching conversation he had ever had in his life. Levi looked down and he released a chuckle. Even if she did take the time to show him how much she cared for him, and how she loved him then, he probably would have still been mad. Levi shrugged, "Either way, the ending would have been inevitable because I can't control my temper and whatever comes out of my mouth when I am angry. I didn't mean it though. You aren't a blood-traitor." He meant that, he felt really bad ever since it had ran out of his lips. It was not that he thought that, but it was his anger, desperate to hurt her as much as she had hurt him in some really absurd manner. Levi adored Ariah more than anything, and why he had broke things up with her back then was a mystery. He should have known that she was not going to get herself killed. She was much smarter than that. But all year, he was afraid that she would never forgive him, and they would end up in a horrible marriage. But it seemed like he was blessed with the fact that he was going to have this wonderful and beautiful wife. Theodore must be enjoying his own marriage by now. He heard that they already had a kid, and another on the way. His face paled a fraction when she said that she was sort of kidnapped by his family members, and there was a new group of people she was even angrier at. Levi only had one thing to say about that... "Kidnapped? Um, which family member? I know some have been horrible. I don't think you've meet the Patriarch yet, right?" He hoped that it was not his dad's brother, Benjamen. That guy was cruel, but there were other cruel members of the family. His own dad was one of them. But Levi was positive that his dad had nothing to do with it. Oh how wrong he was, because his dad was the one that arranged it all. Axel could be a real genius, but it was also very scary too.

The former Slytherin Prefect shook his head and he shrugged, "The beauty of an arranged marriage, we have no say of when it happens, and how we have to rush into children. Or just one within the first year. We can talk to Theodore and Aleyha on how they went through with theirs." However he paused for a moment when she complimented on how he looked with facial hair. "Thanks, just gotten lazy with shaving. I think I look more grown up." He was joking slightly with that statement, cracking a smile on his facial features. Her arms attempted to slide around his neck, and he knew that they would be much more comfortable on a couch, or in a bed... Her kiss was much deeper than the one that he had given her. If she was trying to have a competition, he could beat her at that. Even if he was rusty. He simply rested his hands upon her hips, and she whispered that she loved him too in his ear. He loved it. She had gotten what he had said, and it felt nice to be loved, not hated. Levi this time gave her a fully heated kiss, one that was definitely not shy. He missed being able to simply taste her, it was like he could not get enough. He gently pulled away, his lungs starved. He smirked, "So, want to go back inside to my room and...help me fix my bed?" He wanted to have some alone time with her, perhaps get back to the heated, passionate kissing he had missed. He was almost certain that one had to wait until they were married before going all the way though, with an arranged marriage.
Ariah sighed and let her fingers fall from Leviathan's face. She knew he didn't mean it. Even back then she was pretty sure she didn't believe that he meant it. He couldn't have. Not after all those moments they spent together. "Oh hun, I knew you didn't mean anything you said. I was just hurt that you said them regardless. I do think you should work on your jealousy problems though. I'm yours and yours only, you should remember that." Ariah stated as she kissed his cheek softly. She thought it was cute when he got jealous over smaller things, but he sometimes got scary when it got too bad. Leviathan had a really bad temper when it got out of control. That was what Ariah didn't like. She didn't want her man to be angry and always yelling at her, whether he meant what he said to her or not. It was going to be different from now on she hoped. Ariah just wanted to be happy. The less struggle the better for them. Ariah just wanted to wrap her arms around Levi and bury her head into his chest. She would stay there until it got too cold to stay outside. Then they would cuddle next to the fire or something. It didn't matter how or where, Ariah just wanted to be with Levi and catch up on all the time they lost after she had Graduated. "Your dad and your uncle. No I haven't met Asparuh yet either. But from what I hear I don't really want to." Ariah thought Leviathan's father himself was lovely. Axel was so charming and fatherly. It made Ariah feel as if he had been her dad the entire time. Benji wasn't quite like that, but Ariah knew he had no kids of his own. Perhaps once he did he would be a lot nicer to people her age. Ariah did think he could be funny sometimes too. Ariah hoped that Levi would become as half as charming as his father was. There would be good things in store for him if he did.

The shorter blonde nodded her head and smiled softly at her man. "You do look more grown up. I like it. You can definitely keep the facial hair and have no complaints from me." Ariah really enjoyed the rugged feeling of him having facial hair. It pricked and tickled her skin. When Levi and Ariah were last together like this, Ariah remembered him mostly having just smooth skin. That was nice but for some reason the small bit of facial hair really added a nice touch to his features. Ariah hoped he decided not to shave it off anytime soon. If he did Ariah would be bummed. Ariah frowned when Leviathan pulled away from the kiss. Well that was no fun, she was just getting used to the softness of his lips. But his question made her blush. Help him move his bed? Sounds intriguing. Ariah smirked and wrapped her arms around his back. She definitely would like to help him out. "I think that sounds like a really good idea. Come one." Ariah tried her best to pull him along. He really needed to move that bed....like as soon as possible. Ariah stared toward the door, with Levi in tow. She bet Axel and Kara would be happy to see the two of them entering the house together like they were.

February, 2031
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It had been eight months since Leviathan and Ariah were married in the arranged marriage ceremony. Then Axel decided to invest in a nice house that was in the same city as Axel lived, but they still had their own place which was good enough for the pure-blood. Now he would have to find a job eventually, but Axel had told him just a few weeks ago, that he had just four months left before his deadline was up, and Ariah would be dead. Levi was getting a little worried, because for one, he didn't know how to be a father, and two, what if he couldn't produce an heir? At least the Zhefarovich family did not demand a certain gender. Levi was currently laying down on a couch in the den, and he was looking up at the ceiling. What if he was defective, and he couldn't produce? What if Ariah's life would end, because he couldn't knock her up in time? Whatever happened to that little gene that they had within, that produced many children? Axel had six! Hades had a bunch, Kalif had a bunch, and Arnost produced almost twenty children. What was wrong with him? Levi rolled over so that he was facing the couch and he snuggled into it. He didn't know what Ariah was doing right now, but he did not know that she was even willing to have anymore intercourse. They had done it so many times, Levi had just about bet that he didn't have the will to go another round or two. Levi was just one of those guys, but he would have that baby eventually, before June. He didn't want to risk her life anymore, and he didn't want to fail his family. The pure-blood line much continue with the two of them.

The former Slytherin Prefect rolled back over onto his back, and he looked up at the ceiling with his liquid silvery eyes. He missed his wife, but he was doing one bad job at being a husband. For one, he could not cook for the life of him. Ariah was doing all of that work, and he often cleaned when he could so that the two worked together to keep their house looking spic and span. Levi let out a sigh, and he debated on going into the hot tub, or going swimming. Either one sounded good right now, and it was rather warm outside. He thought that he would at least do something productive since he could not have a baby properly. Getting up, Levi apparated up to the master bedroom where Ariah was not present in. He quickly changed out of his clothing and into some trunks. He went through the corridors and then he was upon the back balcony. He looked down at the water. It was clear, and there was little movement. He could see Ariah by the pool, where this evil scheme hatched in his mind. He got onto the gate, and he balanced. He was going to jump from the second story into the pool, on the deep end of course. Levi was going to splash his wife. Heavily. And he only knew how to do that by doing a cannonball. He took a deep breath and he shouted, "CANNONBALLLLLL!" He jumped up into the air, wrapped his arms around his legs, and he was soon falling. He could feel the wind, and he could see the water coming toward him, before he felt the chilling water, letting out a huge splash. Levi sank nearly to the bottom of the twelve-feet deep pool, before he swam to the top, the water moving and waving at a fast rate. He emerged from the water, and he looked innocently at his wife, pushing his blonde hair back out of his face.
Ariah was having a nice evening out by the pool. She had never lived in a home that also had a pool too, so she was pretty pumped when she found out her and Levi's home had a pool. Whenever Ariah wasn't cooking, sleeping, or spending time with her husband she was most likely out by the pool or the garden. It was nice out here. Ariah still found it weird calling Levi her husband at times. She loved him with all her heart but a part of her wondered if they were still too young to be doing this. It wasn't easy being married. That was for sure. It was a hell of a lot harder than it was just dating. Now they had larger decisions that they needed to decide on together. Roaming around and having a good time wasn't an option either because they both had a spouse to worry about at home. So now Ariah had another half to worry about when she made decisions, she had Leviathan to be concerned about. Not that it was hard or anything because Levi was fairy easy to please. Food and attention and that was about all he needed if not a few other things. 'Speaking of which...where is Levi today?' Ariah hadn't really seen him around today so she was beginning to wonder where he was at. Ariah knew he had been stressed lately so she didn't want to bother him every second of the day. He needed some time to himself as well. It was too bad though because Ariah didn't feel so good today and would just love to use him as a comfy pillow. He always knew how to make her feel better. Ariah dipped her bare legs into the depths of the pool and sighed. Pretty soon she would need to see if Levi was hungry so she could fix him something to eat. She was pretty hungry as well despite not feeling well. A nice big bowl of soup sounded so good right about now. Ariah was about to get up when she heard someone yell from above.

Ariah lifted her head just in time to get splashed in the face by pool water. "LEVI!" That water was cold. Ariah nearly jumped to her feet. That little butt! For one, did he really almost risk his life by jumping off of the balcony, and two, did he plan to get her wet? Ariah was now standing and happened to be completely soaked. Thanks to her dear beloved husband. Without even hesitating, Ariah grabbed a nearby plastic beach ball and hurled it at his head. She didn't throw it hard though. Just enough to possibly catch his attention. "Don't you dare look at me all innocently Leviathan!" Ariah placed her hands on her smaller hips and narrowed her eyes at him. He was in so much trouble when he got out of the pool. For not only splashing her, but for pulling a dangerous stunt that could have gotten him hurt. She knew he was stressed and probably needed some fun, but not at the cost of possibly injuring himself and getting her clothes all wet in the process. Ariah walked over to the edge of the pool and crossed her arms over her chest after removing them from her hips. It was as if she was waiting for him to explain what was going through his head.
Levi smirked when he saw that his plan had worked before he swam over to the part where he could stand up, which was at six feet. His head peered over the water, before he raised his eyebrows and continued to smirk. Levi was hoping that she was wearing white and he could see through her clothing, but alas he as disappointed. Well he still adored seeing her all wet. It was a very interesting development, and he was enjoying it. She would be getting mad at him, and he flinched slightly when she yelled his name. Now if she wanted to punish him, she could come into the pool, but how likely would that be? Levi shuddered as he felt the cold water, and he knew that if he found the water to be cold, so would she. Oh he knew that he was in for it, and he forced his smirk to turn into that innocent smile once more. It was tough to do for the former Slytherin, but he was managing just fine. Just because they were married, it didn't mean that they could not have some fun. They needed to have as much fun as possible before they had their first child. Which the deadline was looking bleak right now. Being a father terrified him, but not as much as Ariah getting killed because he could not impregnate her. Maybe there was something wrong with him. It is possible cause he was half way inbred thanks to his mother. What if it was his fault? He couldn't help but think that, but they had a few months to go. Plus for all he knew, she might be pregnant right now.

The former Slytherin meekly waved, and he then saw a plastic beach ball heading his way. Levi gasped and he quickly fell under the water, looking up to see that the ball hit the surface. It would have hit him too if he had not ducked like he did. Goodness he married someone that was very feisty. Not that it was a bad thing. He stood up in the water, his head coming out and he said from the water, "Hey, throwing things is spouse abuse!" Of course he didn't know if that was true or not, but he felt that he could use it at that time. Not that he was going to turn her in or something. That would get her sent away, probably killed, and him laughed at. Yeah, he was not going to do that at all. He laughed before he walked over to the side of the pool, just curious to see what all she would do. But he didn't want to get too close. She would probably smack him for doing the thing that he did. Sure, it hurt, but it was worth it. "Come on in, lovely. You are all wet anyway, so why not join me? It is nice after you get used to it." Levi did have another plan cooking in his mind, a sinister one at that. Looking over her, he thought that she was not wet enough to get in. Oh that would change. It was their pool so it was not like they needed clothing at all to get in. Or a bathing suit. A wicked smirk curled over his lips, as he took a step back from the side. If she was not going to come in, then he could do some damage from where he was at. The smirk alone would give her a warning. Using his arms, he pulled them back before he slammed them into the water, going forward, creating a huge splash that was heading right for his wife.
Ariah tried not to laugh when Leviathan called her throwing things at him spouse abuse. Did he honestly just make that word up? It was really cute. "I'm committing Spouse abuse, eh? What about splashing me? That could be spouse abuse too you little hypocrite." Ariah said playfully as she stuck her tongue out at Leviathan. It was kind of cute seeing him be that way. Normally it was her being silly so the change was both different and amusing for her to see. If he wanted her to get into the pool so badly he could have just asked instead of being a sneaky little butt head. Ariah wanted to throw in the fact that it didn't even hit him. So he had no reason to why. But that might have been a little mean. Especially since Ariah knew it easily could have thumped him upside the head. But he would have handled it either way. Ariah had seen Leviathan's way of being gruff and strong, he could handle a beach ball. Now if he had thrown it at Ariah, that would have been a different story. She knew this family and their strength. If Leviathan wanted to injure her he easily could. But of course she knew she didn't need to worry. Even if he didn't like to advertise it he was a real sweetheart. "I don't know. I kind of don't feel like swimming today, hun." Ariah admitted almost tiredly. If he had asked her earlier on she would have jumped at the chance. But now she was almost ready for a nap or something. Ariah knew he probably wanted to hang out or something, but she just didn't have the energy right now. Then again, she always made Levi do things he didn't want to do but she did. Like whenever she wanted to garden. Levi probably hated that but she made the poor man do it regardless. But swimming just sounded like a lot of effort right now. More than she had. However the last thing she expected was for her husband continue being a little pain in the ass.

"EGH!" Ariah screeched when a large amount of water was splashed up onto her. Now she was absolutely soaked. Leviathan really seemed to have a good knack for getting her covered in pool water today. Ariah narrowed her eyes and dropped her arms to her sides. Did he really just go and do that? He was being a little pain in the ass. Did he have to go and do that? "Do you really want me to get into the pool that badly? Fine." Ariah didn't even hesitate before she pulled off her shirt and pants so that she was just in her undergarments. She did have a bathing suit but that was all the way in the house. Nope, she was going to make her husband suffer and she was going to make him suffer now. Ariah stepped back a couple of steps before she ran into the pool and tried to jump onto Levi! Her body submerged into the pool and she kicked to the surface. Ariah had to brush some of her blonde hair aside so it was no longer in her face, and then her dark green eyes fixed themselves onto her man. Ariah lifted her skinny hands and waited until she got close to Levi before she splashed him. "How'd you like that?" Ariah asked after a few splashes. She felt like it was the only thing she could do to get him back. Especially since it wasn't like she could wrestle him or throw another ball. The only way to get him back was to sink down to his level. Pretty much literally because they were both in the pool. Ariah bit her lip and waited to see what he had to say about that.
When Ariah pointed out a huge fail in his logic, he looked down somewhat because he knew that his attempts were futile. Levi knew better than to really argue against her too. He would eventually win, even if Axel said that women were usually right. Levi shrugged and he pointed out, "Splashing can't hurt someone! Throwing a big ball can!" He smirked somewhat, messing around with her, because it was who he was around his wife. He was completely comfortable with her, and he could see no wrong with her. Ariah was perfection in his eyes, and he adored being around her. She might be feisty sometimes, but she was nice to cuddle next to. Plus she was rather good in bed. He hoped that he was good enough for her too. He had a nice body for her to curl into as well. He might not be as muscular or as fit as his dad, but he was still fit enough to hold his own quite well. And he was going to use that to protect the one that he loves. He also never wanted to hurt Ariah so he knew that he would have to be careful with her thin body. What a nice body that was too, he loved looking at it, which was why he was looking at her now. She was just stunning. When she said that she didn't feel like swimming, he narrowed his silvery eyes at her. Well, one way or another he was going to get her in here and he knew that the splash more than likely would. Since he would have to have something serious to explain then. He didn't know what she wanted to do out there, because to him there was nothing else out here besides the pool that they had. His sisters weren't here either so what was there? He hated tending to the garden because of the little critters he had to swing out of there, it was just not fun at all. Swimming was. Maybe he could blackmail her cause if she didn't get in, he might just try a canon ball from the top of the roof.

'Direct hit!' thought Levi as the huge splash drenched her even more. He wiggled his eyebrows before he wondered what she would do because of that. After all, he did just splash her. Again. Levi was ready to splash her again too, and had his arm pulled back just in case she decided to do anything like throw something else at him, which he could just dodge too. He nodded when she asked whether or not he really wanted her to get in that much, which he did of course. Ariah pulled off her clothing, and she was just in her undergarments before she jumped into the pool, no, trying to jump on him! Levi was splashed by her jumping into the pool, before she surfaced and he gave her a playful glare. It was until she got close enough did she splash him a few times. Thankfully he had his eyes shut or else they would have gotten irritated by the water in the pool. He waited until she stopped splashing before he used both of his hands to wipe the water from his face. He shook his head and he smirked, "Oh I like that a lot actually." He ducked under the water, and swam around so that he was behind her, wrapping his arms around her torso as he emerged. He moved her hair from her neck and he kissed it tenderly before he lifted away and said, "Let's have some fun, Mint Patty." He kissed her neck again and started to play with the straps of her undergarment on her shoulder, before he wondered if she would be up for it. He was giving her all of the signals, all she had to do was submit. After all, they should be working on having a baby anyway.


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