A surprise date

Angelica Toralba

Well-Known Member
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
It was great for Angelica to really up-do her title as a the 'Date arranger'. She is now arranging Ashton and Axelle's date, she had heard the two are seeing now. So, she prepared a simple garden date for the two, she was going to just simply arrange all and leave the two alone for privacies. Angelica prepared the two couples food by the help of a house elf and placed it in a picnic basket with a picnic blanket.

She then dress to a formal one, as if she's the one with a date. Angelica finished all the things she need to do before going to the garden and arrange the lightening. While on her way to the garden, she spotted roses, Angelica took out her wand and swish it at the roses. One by one, it was entangled at the stems and floated in her direction. She then continue walking until she was at the garden, she stop at a spot and flicked her wand, to have the entire garden a bunch of candles already had lights.

Flip the blanket at the grassy ground and placed the picnic basket on the ground. Its getting dark and any time the two couples will be here. She just need a little more time and she knows that Axelle is slow when it comes to glamming herself.
Ashton walked down to the Garden, he wore a slightly casual suit, his silver striped tie was loose allowing the top of his shirt to be open, he felt uncomfortable if it was done up tight.
He looked at the Garden and smiled although he wasn't one for formal dates he would still go and enjoy himself, he just didn't like the whole suit idea. Ashton put his hands on his pockets and looked at Angelica "it looks brilliant" he said as he gave a small smile "you did a brilliant job" Ashton took one hand out of his pocket and pulled his tie a bit looser before stuffing his hand back in his pocket.
Axelle adjusted the straps and bottom of herblack dress. She didn't usually wear formal outfits, but tonight was special. Angelica had set up a date for her in the garden. She wasn't one for dates without a bit of information on the guy, but Angelica was hell bent on this going well. She walked onto the grounds and towards the garden, amazed be the sight that she saw. The lighting, and flowers, and everything was perfect.
"This is amazing!" She whispered to Angelica. "You are the best."

With that she walked up behind her date, who looked extremely familiar. As she got closer she realized who it was and smiled. Her heels made her tall enough to cover his eyes, and as she did, she muttered, "guess who?"
Ashton felt hands over his eyes and he smiled when she asked guess who, "hmm let me see, she is very beautiful, properly drop dead gorgeous right now, hmm it has to be My Stunning Girlfriend Axelle Lorine" he said as he took her hands off his eyes and turned around kissing her on the lips softly.
"you look stunning" he said as he grabbed his wand out of his black pocket and gave it a quick flick uttering some words silently, a single red rose slowly appeared and Ashton held it "for you" he said as he held it out for Axelle.
Axelle smiled as he began complementing him. When he turned and kissed her, she felt the butterflies again. She smiled and said, "bingo." She giggled slightly, "you don't look half bad yourself." She smiled when he brought out his wand and made a rose appear. She smiled and took it. "Why thank you sir. Angelica really did wonderful, didn't she?"
Ashton laughed as he pulled down his tie again "If you havn't realised i hate wearing formal clothes, i'm much more comfortable in my singlets or no shirt at all really" he said, When she commented on what a great job Angelica had done he nodded "its beautiful, but you make the garden seem less beautiful" he said
She smiled and laughed. "Us girls are so lucky, we don't have to wear ties." She smiled and blushed when he said that she made the Garden look less beautiful. "Well thank you, my dear." She said kissing his cheek.
"That you are" he said as he brushed his hands through his hair. She kissed him on the cheek and he smiled "No Problem, this place is truely magnificent" he said again "she has done an excellent job"
She nodded. "Yeah. So, you wanna take a seat?"
Ashton smiled and held out his arm for Axelle, Although Ashton Hated Formal outings, he had been taught deportment, although he used to scream and complain to going to deporment lessons it worked out in the end. He walked Axelle over to the table and pulled out the chair for Axelle
Seh grinned and took his arm. "What a gentlmen... now who are you and what have you done with Ashton." Seh joked to him, taking a seat.
Ashton pushed in her chair and smiled "Hi, I'm Ashton Valley, the Deportment side" he said as he sat down himself, he laughed "and your going to have to get used to my multiple sides"
She rolled her eyes at him and said, "yeah, yeah, didn't anyone ever mention that chivalry is dead?" She asked with a bit f a chuckle.
[color=#56d7e]Ashton smiled "i might have heard that some time" he said as he looked at her "they might have if i really payed attetion i mean...." ashton grabbed some water "want a glass m'dear" he said[/color]
She shook her head and giggled. "A.D.D, much?" She nodded though, "yes i would like some water."

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