A Stroll, Mayhaps?

Stefan shrugged when Lolli said Spiders. Sure, he didn't like them, but they didn't scare him away. He could deal with them if he needed to. It was only a select list of things that scared him, or that he severely disliked. Stefan had grown accustom to most things, but there was a few things that he could not stand. Not even for a second. "I don't like them, but I can put up with them." Stefan replied shrugging. He wondered why she would as about spiders. It was an odd thing to ask. To him it was an odd thing. "Why do you ask?" Stefan was curious as to why. His mind thought that maybe Lolli had a secret obsession with spiders. Or a secret and profound hatred for them. Either why it didn't bother Stefan, he was just curious. And not often did Stefan really act upon his curiousity. Never so calmly. Stefan did not have much to think when she answered his question. He couldn't help but let out a small laugh, when she pulled out the lollipop as a demonstration as to what her favourite colour was. Stefan could tell she was still adjusting to having a colourblind friend. If he could counted them as friends. He pulled out his lollipop and looked to it. Bright colours, If her lollipop was that then it would stand to reason that they were a lighter shade of grey. "Is the apple flavoured lollipop a brightly coloured one?" Stefan asked looking down at the lollipop in his hand, then back up to Lolli. "I need to learn the difference between bright colours and dark colours. I finally have the time to learn and someone to help." Stefan had wanted to say friend but, he was unsure as to if they were friends. He wanted them to be friends. He just hoped that Lolli also wanted to be friends. If not, he was unsure as to what he would do.
Lolli smiled. She could be satisfied with his answer, at least now she knew that he wouldn't run away if she had him meet Nilla. She smiled wider when he asked. "Well, about a month ago, I was going through the attic at the orphanage, and I found a spider in the attic. I have been sketching it for almost a month now. I named her Nilla; she's here with me too!" She smiled and giggled a little. Lolli was not like most girls, whom were afraid of spider; who would run away. She had a fondness for the little wood spider, and took care of her well. "I was just debating on, if we talk again, introducing her to you. She doesn't bite, or anything; she's nice." Lolli took a few more licks on her Lollipop as another silence dawned over them.

Lolli bit down a bit, taking off a chunk and shewing it. She knew it wasn't good for her teeth, but she grew tired of waiting to finish it. She watched as Stefan took his out of his mouth, and smiled when he said that he had someone to teach him. She didn't ask if that meant they were friends, she assumed it did. "That one is darker, see!" She held up the lemon one, that was still in it's wrapper. She assumed it was a lighter shade, since the green was darker. "I wonder, if you got all the colors down on a piece of paper, and you studied the different shades, if you would learn them?" She asked. She had a picture in her mind, there may be a few colors that would be hard, but she found it to be a good idea.
Stefan somehow did not find it weird that Lolli had a pet spider that she had found in her attic. It was strange how it just seemed like a perfect normal thing to do. Stefan couldn't say that he would be doing such a thing. But it would be nice to have the company of an animal to make sure that he always had someone to talk to. But then, he wasn't allowed animals in his house. His father not only hated animals, but said Stefan was his animal. Since he had the sight of some. It made Stefan both annoyed and envious. He knew animals were generally treated better than him. He wanted tp be treated like a person. Not an animal. And even if he was to be treated as an animal, treated in the animals were generally treated. With love and kindness. Stefan had scars, and bruises galore to show he wasn't treated with love and kindness. But, with a small shake of his head, Stefan tried to cast out the memories. It was futile. He knew they would forever be imprinted upon his brain.

Stefan nodded along as Lolli showed him the supposedly yellow one. And with a small nod, he compared it to the green one. There was barely any difference in the two. The yellow and the green of the lollipops must be close to make it hard to tell them apart. Stefan was sure, it was mainly because there was a limited amount of shades of grey, before it either became white or black. "It's a good idea. But I don't have any coloured pencils. At least, I don't think so." Stefan thought outloud. He had no idea if the pencils he owned were coloured or not. He knew a number were grey, but he wasn't sure about the others. "What about the paper? wouldn't the white of the pair, make some a little more difficult to see." Stefan continued. Looking up from his lollipop. "It's a good idea, but I'd have to try it, to know if it could work."
Lolli picked up on it, it was a small gesture that, if s he wasn't looking hard, she wouldn't have caught. A small shake. Was he saying no? Was he trying to adjust his hair? Lolli wasn't sure. She, herself, never shook her hair for either things; unless talking to her sister. Lolli toyed with her short, chewed nails. It was so quiet. Since her lollipop was eaten, she chewed on the white stick it had been on. She couldn't stand silences. Birds in the air cheeped loudly, they were so loud. Lolli blinked a few times, and looked behind her. She then went back to looking from her hands, to Stefan, then to her hands again.

"Oh yeah."
She said, a light redness darkening her cheeks a bit. She was embarrassed, having not thought the plan through completely. He was right, how the lighting would effect it. "Sorry." She said with a frown. A failed idea, at home, that would never stand with 'father'. That man boiled Lolli something awful! He was a perfectionist, and she never was good enough. Every time something went wrong, it was all her fault. Granted, she had broken his vase, jammed a few doors, and constantly messed up; but he was still supposed to support her.
Stefan did not notice the fact Lolli's cheeks reddened. Mainly as anything to do with colour he did not notice. Obviously. But Stefan couldn't help but feel a little bad about how he'd more or less dismissed her idea. He couldn't blame her for not really being able to know what to do about his condition. He knew while a friend would be useful in helping him, he'd probably have to do most of it himself. Since it wasn't possible for another person to actually to know what it was like."It's okay, don't be sorry." Stefan said quickly, feeling some what awkward. "It's not your fault. I never said it would easy. We can use glass, or something that a person can see through. Surely." Stefan continued unsure of if that would actually work. He had no real idea. It would probably mean that he'd have to learn the colours in all types of light and darkness. And while it wouldn't work well, it was one way of trying it. Stefan had never been given the chance to try to learn the colours. And this was perfect, he just need to be sure that Lolli was on board. Stefan had one reason for actually wanting to learn the colours, And that was to impress his father. But it would take time. Stefan knew he wouldn't be ready by the Summer Holidays. "Learning colours isn't going to be easy, I just need to learn them."

OOCOut of Character:

Sorry, Major Lame

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