A Stroll, Mayhaps?

Lolli Lovre

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 8 Inch Flexible Fir Wand with Manticore Venom Core
The weather was still cooled down, everything was frosted in a way, but spring was there. It was obvious when spring came, Lolli was at her best. It wasn't too hot, it wasn't too cold; and everything was coming back to life. She loved the smell on the grass thawing, and buds on the trees that formed. She looked around, in the distance she saw people, and the lake. This was going to be a great year, and Lolli knew it. Something that would make it better, would be a friend. Maybe someone that wasn't so obnoxious, like some of the children were. As Lolli's mind wandered, she stumbled upon a quiet boy, and looked at him with a smile. It was now or never that she was going to make friends; hopefully now. She cleared her throat lightly. "Hiya." She said with a chipper, quiet tone. She hoped to god he was a nice boy. She really didn't want to have to hurt anyone.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it's so short, I'm in a bit of a rush.
Stefan found that sitting outside was pretty pointless. He could hardly see any of goodness that others saw. He just saw black White and shades of grey. Everything just seemed so dull he couldn't see why people loved the earth. He didn't know how to begin understanding the colours of the world. All Stefan knew was that they added a lot. Or else people wouldn't act so shocked about him not being able to see colour. ButStefan would give anything to even see colour for an hour. Everything most knew in colour Stefan knew in black White and grey. Even in his mind. Stefan just did not know what it was really like to see. To really see. Stefan looked up as someone sat down in front of him. A girl, who looked like she was a first year like him. He returned the smile, and just waited. She spoke. Stefan just smiled. He wanted to reply but he continued to smile. He had no idea who this girl wass and if she actually wanted to be friends. Stefan looked away from the girl and to the grass. "Hi" Stefan replied. His voice quiet, and careful. "First Year? stefan asked.</SIZE>

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SideNotes: his left arm is in a sling. And he has a black eye.
As well as other bruises and scars scattered around his body.

Also, sorry for lameness.
When he looked at Lolli, she felt her heart skip a beat. Others would think that it was from his looks, because he was good looking, but no, it was the bruises. She had noticed the sling, many people her age break their arms, but he had been beaten; she assumed. Her eyes, instead of cheery, were now gentle. She knew better then to bring it up, she barely knew this boy. So instead she smiled at him and nodded. "Ravenclaw. You?" He didn't say much, so neither would she. Maybe it would make him more comfortable. Lolli knew exactly how to adapt to people, or their emotions; she learned as new people came into the orphanage. This would be no different. She adjusted her outfit, pulling her sweater down over her waist, and then down over her hands. Then she waited.

OOCOut of Character:
I see no lameness! xD
Stefan did not notice the change in the girl. From cheery to gentle. For Stefan had grown used to people not caring that he did not easily see the change in a person. That and he had little social experience. Stefan had barely been out since he'd been born. His father kept him on lock down. And because of this Stefan had really no idea how to act around children. Not without flinching away or staying completely silent. Stefan looked up at the girl as she stared at him. Wonder was in his eyes. Wonder and fear. Fear because this whole new world was so different and quite daunting. And wonder as he wanted to know what the girl really looked like. Stefan only saw Black, White and Grey. But he was sure the girl did not have grey hair. For all he knew she could be Ginger, whatever that was. Stefan smiled. He was ignorant to how she was actually being towards him. Stefan gave a small sigh. "Slytherin" Stefan said. He did not understand the house system. He had no idea what that meant. No idea why he was slytherin. He didn't even know how people were able to tell houses apart. The crests were hardly the easiest thing to spot. He was pretty sure that there was some form of colour allocation for each house, but Stefan didn't know. "What's the difference?" Stefan asked. Speaking slowly, and carefully, as if unsure of the words he was speaking. He didn't want to appear too weird, but Stefan knew nothing of magic. He knew so little he felt permanently stupid. Stefan smiled at the girl, before feeling a heat in his cheeks, as they turned red. He hoped he wouldn't scare the girl away by what he thought she might believe to be a cross between ignorance and stupidty.
Lolli's smile didn't falter as a silence came over them for a few moments. Wind stroked through her hair, chilling her to the bone, though she didn't shake. She pulled her knees to her chest and kept her eyes held with his black ones. They were beautiful, onyx was rare where she was from. Or at least at the house. She nodded at his house, she had heard many nasty things about Slytherin. She parted her lips as a smile. "The crests." She answered. "The animals, I guess, represented the founders. Rowena Ravenclaw, I guess was a Raven." She then thought. "And I've heard personality wise, that Salazar Slytherin was an awful lot like a snake." She kept up her smile as she though. Weren't the quiet ones supposed to be terrible. She hoped not, he seemed so naive. She liked that, it meant she might get to teach someone something. "Are you muggle born?" She asked with curiosity, not that blood status really mattered to her.
The Crests Stefan had noted were different for each house. Each house had one animal. A mascot. But Stefan didn't really know what each animal really meant. He was a Slytherin, thereby a snake, and he didn't at all see himself as scaley, something that dragged themselves upon the floor. It just seemed a little odd. He didn't know what the Slytherin thing meant. He had never asociated human personalities with that of an animal. But Hogwarts seemed filled with these little things. And people acted as if it was the most perfectly thing in the world. Of course, Stefan was different. He understood very little. And hadn't experienced much. But he knew he was really just making up excuses as to why he didn't know anything about anything. Stefan smiled a small smile at the girl in front of him. She said something. muggleborn It was a term that Stefan didn't understand. He really didn't know anything about the wizarding world. He knew none of the terms, and was finding the entire thing overwhelming. Something he had never really felt before, as he had been so sheltered. Sheltered, being a lose term for on lockdown in your own home for 11 years. "I'm sorry, muggleborn?" Stefan asked feeling his cheeks hotten up. He was embarrassed to be asking. "I have poor eye sight, I did not really see the difference in the crests. They all look the same." If Stefan could see colour, the differences would be more clear. But since he only saw in Grey, white and black, meant that the differences were a lot more difficult to notice. He wondered if he should tell the girl, about his condition, or if it was better left unsaid.</SIZE>

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SideNote: His eyes are actually blue. He just doesn't know that.

((When I read black eye, I thought you meant his eyes are black xD My fault))

Lolli let another silence take over. She looked at her hands, her veins brightly showing through the pale skin. The doctors had stuck them so many times when she had first came down with her disorder. She could still remember the various tests. Finally, she let herself shiver. It wasn't a cold shiver, it was a soul chilling shiver. Lolli didn't like doctors much, she really didn't. She looked again to the boy and said, "oh, they are people who have non-magic parents." She said with a smile. She didn't mind explaining it to him, she herself had been raised in a magic household, if he had not, he wouldn't know. But, Lolli didn't look down on him for it. "Don't worry, I don't know what I am either." She commented. And it was true. Lolli was an orphan, so she never knew he parents. All she knew was that her sister, Corey, was also a witch, and a very talented one too. She nodded. "Do you need glasses then?" She asked. She hoped that she wasn't going too far with the questions.
Stefan was sure his father was non-magic. But his mother, he could never really be certain about. He assumed that he was from two non magic parents, because his mother would've helped him. She would've saved him, if she had lived. Stefan was sure of it. He had no clue what his mum actually looked like but he knew she had to be kind, and honest. He would just never know for certain. Stefan looked at the girl, as she said that she was also unsure. That reassured Stefan, that he wasn't alone in his lack of knowledge about magic. But it did seem like she knew more than he did. Perhaps the parents she had, had been open about it, and spoke about it. Or gotten a book, telling them all about it. Stefan had no idea about anything about the school. He thought that perhaps he had more in common with the girl than he'd first thought. Certainly most didn't talk about life outside of school, but it seemed good to even know that he wasn't alone. The girl seemed like she would make a good friend. If Stefan knew what a good friend even was. "Glasses? No" Stefan said. He owned glasses, but chose to wear contacts all of the time. Mainly as his father had basically forced it upon him. But, they only helped make his sight slightly better. "Contact lenses" Stefan continued. He wondered if he should just say it. It was really nothing to be embarrassed about. He was colourblind. There was nothing that could be done about it. If the girl found it funny, then, he could still walk away. She didn't know his name, and he didn't know hers. She had admitted something about herself. So it right for him to admit something about himself. So with a small sigh. "They don't help much because I'm colourblind. Completely colourblind. They only make my sight better when it's quite bright, and things get blurry."

[Tis Cool.]
There was a moment of silence again. He seemed to be pondering the things that he would answer with. She hoped that he wasn't like her, that he knew his parents. Things like that could make things awkward. She rubbed her arms slightly and smiled a little bit more at the boy; then she listened to him a little. She strained her ears to hear him, over some kids playing a little bit in the background. "Color blind?" She thought for a minute, he couldn't see any colors at all? "Really? From birth?" She asked. She had heard of being color blind, like that dogs were and such. It was a curious thing to come upon, he didn't even know what she looked like. She could see him, his dark hair and his blue eyes; it made her slightly sad for him. But, she kept her mouth shut. Some people didn't like having pity, Lolli knew she didn't like pity for her size.
Stefan just nodded. He knew he was speaking quietly, he had not spoken much before coming to school. He'd barely a word at home. It was really a wonder that Stefan knew how to speak. But then again Stefan when he focused could do some things well, he'd never really been given the chance to show he could. He knew most didn't complain when people spoke quietly. But Stefan knew he'd have to speak a little louder, to be sure that she would hear him every time he said something. "Yeah, From birth." Stefan said. He knew it was weird to be colourblind, and it really was just an incoviences, but Stefan was finding it alright. He was used to it. It was annoying. He had stared in the mirror of his dorm room, hoping to know what he actually looked like, but he had no idea. "It's weird, I know. Believe me, I know it's weird." Stefan said, his voice slightly louder. Stefan met the girls eyes. He had always thought that it was clear when people had a sight problem, as it was always as if they didn't quite see. Stefan was sure he was like that when he actually met another person's eye. "It's funny actually. I don't think people realise how important colour is. For instance" Stefan took a few strands of grass and held them out in his palm. "This is grass, and grass I know is green, but I have no idea what green is. I know black, white and grey. This grass to me is greyish black. Not green. I literally have no idea if this is actually green or what green actually is." This was probably the most Stefan had spoken since leaving the house to go to Hogwarts. He was even smiling more. He looked at the girl. "I'm Stefan. Stefan Archer." Stefan introduced extending a hand to her. He didn't know how much he would be able to trust the girl, but he was willing to give her a chance. She seemed nice and Stefan was needing a friend.
Lolli listened to him. There wasn't a change in him, per sey, but he was a little more open to talking. a few words here and there, then a sentence or two. She smiled a little bit, her whole face lighting up when she did. She nodded, she didn't think it was weird. Lolli was different. For her, weird was someone who was normal in a muggle society's eyes. She thought the girls who spoke properly were weird, the girls who didn't climb trees, the boys who were too nice or too mean; they were all weird. He was interesting. She smiled at him as he introduced himself. 'Stephan, that's a wonderful name.' She thought to herself. She encased his hand in her own. Though he was petite himself, his hand still engulfed her tiny, and bony one. In her cloths, baggy and such, she didn't look so small; but when hugged, or in this case with a handshake, it was obvious just how small she was. "I'm Lolli, Lolli Lovre." She said with even more of a smile. "You know, i think it's interesting, how you're colorblind. Not weird."
Stefan had to hold back the shudders and flinches that rushed to him as the girl took his hand. He was not used to any form of personal contact. Well, contact that wasn't meant to hurt. Stefan was very aware of how he was shaking the girl, Lolli's hand. One thing that Stefan was thankful of, was that his hurt arm and wrist was the left. Had it been the right Stefan would've been in great bother. Stefan had enough issues as it was with learning. And writing, not being able to use his normal hand would've caused a lot more trouble and meant he would have had to go to the Hospital wing to get it fixed. Stefan was curious about the girl. She seemed so open to him, when history had told him, that people would not be. A freak his dad's voice sounded in his brain. No better than an animal was how Stefan truly felt about being colourblind. It was all fine well, to talk about how odd it was and interesting in parts, but Stefan was incomplete. He wouldn't talk about that. People would ask him, where he would find such thoughts, and this could all be traced to his father and what his father did. Stefan didn't want to talk about his father. His father was a bad man, but Stefan had no one else. "You're the first to say that. Interesting is not what most would say." Stefan took back his hand and wiped it on his trousers, while his eyes stared at the grass. "What do you find interesting? About colourblindness and just in general." Stefan asked, sure that this was the way that a conversation was meant to go. Stefan stared down at the ground, and to his hands. His left hand, was a maze of scars. Most of which had been from the one thing. Stefan's eyes stayed locked about his hand for a brief second before he looked up at Lolli, a smile on his face. He was casting out the memories of his home life as he sat, with Lolli, wondering if he would actually be able to become friends with her.
Lolli watched him as he shook her hand. Was it her, or was he cautious about her? Like a scared animal? She wasn't sure, and she wasn't about to judge him on it. Some people were very timid around others, Lolli used to be that way with the new comers at the orphanage; now she had befriended them all. She couldn't act timid around people, because in turn they would be timid around her. it was almost like Karma, or at least that's what Lolli compared it to. She withdrew her hand when Stefan did, and kept a polite smile on her face. He seemed to think that interesting was not the right word, Lolli had picked up on that. She smiled and said, "It's interesting because it's very rare. A lot like my disorder, I have a pituitary gland disorder, I might not grow much more,wont look much older." She commented. "I find that things like what you and I have, make us more unique, I mean, I've never wanted to fit in. I think that it's cool; I mean, If I went color blind, I would miss the colors, but it would be fascinating!" Lolli's language was a bit a head of her age, mostly because she had been raised under a strong hand.
Stefan wondered why the nice people were always the ones with the annoying problems. He knew that he wasn't a bad person. He'd never really done anything wrong, and yet he was destined to never see colour, and most likely pass on his condition. And Lolli wouldn't grow much bigger. She seemed so nice, Stefan felt annoyed that she would have to put up with such a thing. But then as she explained what she had meant, it seemed to make sense. Although, he was sure if she became colourblind, she would miss the colours a lot more than what she believed now. It was interesting, but it affected everything. Stefan couldn't go out in very bright sunlight as the brightness made it hard to see. And in remote darkness, Stefan was blind. Contacts didn't help in most ways of life when colourblind. But he knew that he was unique. He was nothing but himself. And as much as Stefan loved being unique, he would give anything to see colour. To know what he missed. "I guess being unique is cool. I'd never thought of it that way." Stefan said. He'd always thought of his eyesight as poor and as his father inforced, made him a lesser human. Which Stefan, had it not been for Hogwarts, had been close to

OOCOut of Character:

Sorry, Feeling uncreative
Lolli smiled a little bit as what she said seemed to sink in for him. She nodded. "Who wants to be normal. That's boring." She giggled slightly. Lolli would never be normal, even if she didn't have her condition. She was an orphan, and had been pushed to do her best. She was strong, and graceful, and smart; where as most girls were fashion zombies and stupid. Lolli didn't want to be a normal girl, she liked being Lolli. "Do you like Lollipops?" She asked him, remember that she had a few in her pockets. One's she had bought from a Drug Store, before leaving for school. They were wrapped in a pack, so that they wouldn't become sticky or anything. One of almost each flavor. They were Lolli's favorite. She craved them whenever she felt an uncomfortable silence coming on. And knowing that she had very few conversations starters, made her crave one.
Stefan looked at Lolli with a confused expression. He watched as she took a packet of what Stefan assumed to be food of some sort out from her pocket. Stefan had never really had the luxury of all the food he wanted. He was underweight, and generally ate very little, but he also had no idea what most foods were. Food more than anything was a colour thing. And since he didn't see the colours, he generally didn't have much clue as to what he was eating before he ate it. "Lollipops?" Stefan asked looking up at the girl, clearly confused. At home, he'd been given mostly fruit. An apple or orange. He couldn't just take food, or go out and buy some. He ate what was given to him. And nothing sugary was ever in his diet. He assumed that what ever lollipops were, they would be full of sugar. "What are they? My father was quite picky about food." Stefan asked. He was pretty sure that he wouldn't like them. He didn't like sugar that much. Well, he thought he wouldn't like it. He had no real way of telling if he did or didn't.
Lolli's eyes went big, and her mouth dropped slightly. This boy, Stefan, had never heard of Lollipops? She looked at him. "Well, some of them are surgery, and have weird flavors. But, I was never allowed to have much sugar at home, so I got the fruity ones." She smiled. "they have less sugar. What type of fruit do you like, you can try one, see if you like it?" She offered. She wouldn't force it on him. She pulled out an orange one, it was orange flavored too. it was one of her favorites. When Lolli stopped eating meat, she had to find something else to preoccupied her, and Lollipops were those things. "You don't have to if you don't want to though." She said, reassuringly.
Stefan just nodded along as Lolli spoke. Lollipops seemed like an odd food. He'd never heard of them, and never tried them, so was quite curious as to what they actually tasted like. He didn't want to rush into tasting the weird flavours, but the fruit sounded like a good idea. Although, as Stefan stared down at the packet, he had no idea which was which. He wouldn't be able to tell if he was chosing the right flavour. "I'd like to try one." Stefan said looking back up to Lolli. "You'll have to pick one for me though. And tell me what flavour it is." This was the main reason as to why he'd told himself to take any food from strangers. He had no idea what colour it was and therefore, it's potiential flavour. "What other food do you like?" Stefan asked her. This was him making conversation with her. He was curious about her, about how similar they could be. Or how different. He knew she would know a lot more food than him, so this would be a sort of learning experience. One he knew he needed.
Lolli smiled, he wanted to try one, but he didn't know which. She decided to help out by starting with a lemon one, which was very bright. She assumed that it would show a shade brighter the the darker colors, like grape. "This is a Lemonpop. Then this really dark one, is Grape." She paused and looked in there. Maybe she had few flavors then she though. She remember the others were back in her dorm. "This one is Orange, like the one I'm eating. And this one is Apple." She smiled more and held out the four lollipops, each were individually wrapped inside of that bag. She then answered his question with a smile, "I don't eat meat. So I've tried almost every fruit or vegetable. Soy Burger's are very good also. What about you?" She asked. She hoped they'd have something in common.
Stefan nodded along as he was shown the different lollipops. Lemonpop, was a lighter shade than the almost black grape. It would take a lot of time, but Stefan was now beginning to think that he could learn the different shades of grey, black and white and be able to see more. It wouldn't be the real colours, but he wouldn't have to ask. It would take time, and effort. But Stefan thought that if there was no chance of getting his sight to be like everyone elses, he would have to make do with learning. Stefan looked at all four of the lollipops. The orange one and apple one both looking quite similar. In the end Stefan took the apple one. Stefan loved apples. It was his favourite food. It was the thing he was most often given. He assumed that it was because it was cheap and easy to buy in bulk. "I'll have the apple one." Stefan said taking the one on the end. He undid the wrapper, and some what hesitantly put the lollipop in his mouth. It was odd, the taste. It was exactly like an apple. A lot more sugar than there was in an apple, but it had the taste. Ever so slightly bitter like an apple. "It actually tastes like an apple" Stefan said with a smile, looking up at Lolli, his voice full of surprise. "I don't eat meat either. I stick to fruit and vegetable. But I eat what I'm given so, it's probably not that wide a range." Stefan continued taking the lollipop out his mouth to speak. "What's Soy Burgers? And for that matter what are burgers?" Stefan had been very closed off from the world growing up. He had no idea about most things. But there was no of moving past it, unless he actually started asking questions.
Lolli watched, a smile creeping onto her lips. She waited a few moments as he chose, when he did she moved the rest back into her little baggy, and into her hoodie pocket. She saw his hesitant way of putting it in the mouth. When he commented on the taste, her smile broke out. She pulled hers out of her mouth. "Yeah, isn't it cool?" Lolli wasn't sure how the muggles had made it taste like that, it was nearly like magic. She giggled slightly at him, her face completely different with a smile on it. She seemed more childish, more open and warm when she smiled. She listened to what he said, and was happy to find another person like her. Another vegetarian. "Oh my, then you must be happy with the food here, eh?" She asked with a little more of a smile. She had noticed how many different foods there were. "The people who own the house i live in cook meat every night, I have a choice rather to eat it or not. I couldn't imagine only being able to eat what I'm given..." She frowned slightly.

Her frown turned into a look of confusion when she asked about burgers, and soy burgers. she put her thumb against her lip, chewing slightly on the cuticle as she thought. "Well, a burger, is something made from cow meat, they slaughter them and then put them out for food." She shuddered, it was a disgusting thought. "But Soy Burgers, are foods made from vegetables, and such, to taste like the meat, without being it. They are amazing!" She said with a smile. This boy, he seemed so sheltered. Lolli wanted to take him under her wing in a way, teach him. She stuck her lollipop back in her mouth and waited for him to speak.
Stefan was actually beginning to warm up to the girl. She seemed trustworthy. She seemed nice. Although it was still early minutes, Stefan could actually see them being friends. It was a foreign thought for Stefan. Friends. He'd never had any friends. There had been the other boy James, just before school, but He hadn't seen him since the train. This girl could be his first friend. His first real friend. And this thought, made Stefan smile. The lollipop was in his mouth and he was listening to the girl. "You grow used to only eating what you're given. it's that or nothing." And Stefan meant nothing. If he chose to not eat the food he'd been given, he'd be hungry for the rest of the day. No matter what he was given, even if it was off, he ate what he was given. As for hogwarts food if he was honest it was actually pretty whelming for him. He'd never seen so much food in the one place. Stefan hadn't known what everything was either. it had been pretty odd but he was growing used to it. "There's too much food here. It's a little overwhelming. During the feast, I'd never seen so much food in my life. I had no idea what to eat" Stefan's gaze stayed fixed upon the lollipop he'd removed from his mouth to speak. Lollipop's were the most peculiar thing he'd tasted, ever. As for the subject of burgers. It seemed pretty odd. He wasn't a fan of meat. Mainly, because he hadn't had it in years. And he meant years. If Stefan was completely honest he was sure that couldn't ever remember having eaten meat.

As for Soy burgers Stefan knew he'd never had that. It was a little weird to put foods together to make it taste like something else. Stefan wasn't going to say anything about it, since, he really didn't know what he would be talking about. "It sounds nice. I've had a burger before. Soy or normal. I think I'll stick to fruit and vegetable. You can't go wrong with them. Plus they are easy to tell apart without seeing colour. Which is different for other food." Stefan looked up at Lolli and smiled. Actually meaning the slightly happiness he was beginning to feel. "Apart from meat, what else don't you like?"
She nodded at what Stefan said. It made sense. What didn't make sense to her, was that he wasn't given much. Did he live with poor parents? She thought about it, and the more she thought about it, the more she doubted it. She had watched T.V. shows about children who were abused, was Stefan one of these children? Lolli didn't want to come to sudden conclusions, maybe his family didn't have much money; maybe a lot of children lived in his house. She was glad when he said something again, something to take her mind off of the thoughts that made her shudder. "Really? I'm sure you'll get used to it." She said, about the food. She hadn't seen that much food in one place before; not even at the wedding she had been to. Lolli watched him look at the Lollipop, she was glad he liked it.

Lolli listened to what he had to say. With his condition, it made a lot of sense, she thought. He was very adaptive, she had noticed; taking in shades rather then colors. She smiled a little bit more, and then looked at the grass for only a moment. Trying to picture it as black and white. She couldn't. She was glad when he broke another silence, she had wanted to ask about him; but she had forgotten. "I don't know..." Honestly, Lolli liked mostly everything, except her foster father. But, she wouldn't bring him up; conversations about him made her upset. "What about you, is there anything you don't like?" She asked, turning the conversation around.
Stefan wasn't the type to notice things, but it seemed that the girl picked up on what Stefan said a little more than Stefan would normally think a person might. He hadn't meet very many people, but by the silence, it was quite clear that Lolli was actually thinking about what he said. Stefan liked that. It was odd since most of what he said at home was ignored. But Stefan knew that Hogwarts would be different. As for things he hated. There was not that much that Stefan hated. Apart from his general homelife and eye sight. He didn't know very much, so he had very little to hate. And hate was too strong for most things. Yes, Stefan hated his father. He hated the house he was confined to. But He had reason to hate such things. Unless Stefan found a reason to hate something, he couldn't see the sense in hating it. Stefan didn't like his eye sight, but he did not hate it. He knew most would hate it, but he only disliked it. "For food, I don't like lemons and limes. I like the taste of lemons, but The two are similar in shape and size and feel, I always get them mixed up." Stefan said honestly a small smile upon his face. He was close to laughing about the silliness of his hatred of the sour fruits. "And in general, I don't like heights." Stefan concluded with a nod. He actually was deathly afraid of heights. He'd taken one to many trips out the window of his bedroom. It was whyhe avoided flying lessons like the plague. He knew he'd be the one to fall. "Odd question, but what's your favourite colour?" Stefan asked curious. He knew it was a pretty odd thing for him to ask, but he wanted to know. For future reference, and so that, if they did become friends, he knew which colour to ask for instead of just taking any, without knowing which colour it actually was.
The lollipop in Lolli's mouth was shrinking by the second. She watched Stefan look at her, and she looked back at him. It was interesting to hear the silence, but know that he was thinking something. Lolli often only thought about music, or her karate... or dance. She never really had to ponder anything like she did now. No one had really asked her about herself, they assumed they knew. It was a nice change to meet Stefan, and have to think. She listened to what Stefan said about foods, and giggled slightly. "I can see how that would be difficult." She commented. She saw the small smile on his face, that was a good thing. He seemed to be relaxing a bit around her; maybe she'd have more then one friend here.

Lolli didn't mind heights. She practically lived in the attic back at the orphanage. That's when another thought popped into her head to ask him. "What about spiders?" Lolli had brought Nilla with her as a friend, something to keep her company. She wasn't sure what type of spider Nilla was, but Lolli had had her for just under a month now. She hoped that he didn't mind them. Because if they did become friends, then she wanted to introduce Nilla to him. Lolli was taken out of her thoughts by his next question, which came as a surprise to her. "Well, I don't really have one." She commented. "I like the bright colors though, like this!" She puled out the Lollipop, which was orange. "If I had to pick, it would be Orange; like the fruit." She said with a giggle.

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