A Start after a Pause

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Andrew Bruke

Well-Known Member
I have started these two topics
A New Term, A different World (Slytherin Common Room)
Admiring the Waters(Lakefront)

Both of them are open and I hope that I can come back on track through them.

I also need


I don't mind it being a guy or a girl. I could even use to best friends. We should just share the same kind of thoughts. And I would also need those two friends to help Andrew get out of the evil side, so yeah they shouldn't be evil-ish. 4rth-6th years can be best friends.


are warmly welcomed.

AND I AM ALSO SEARCHING FOR A DECENT GIRLFRIEND but it would take a while before I consider all that in depth. Just keeping my eyes open for her.

Haha I think I might be able to help with this some. For any of these, especially the best friend part I can offer some of my charries.

The only charries that I think could work out though since they are the only ones in school at the moment are;
[li]Theodore Snow -He's more of the evil of the twins though.</LI>
<LI>[li]Alyssa Snow[/li][/ul]
I can be a older friend, and I have a couple other character if you want to rp with me that is :p
I would like to be best friends with Theo and a Close friend with Alyssa. I totally love reading your RPs :wub:
Maybe We could start a topic in the dungeons involving Alyssa, theo and Andrew?

Maddiie, where should we start?
Yeah Kiera, Kat and AB should be close friends. Can Katheryn join the Lakefront post and we start from there.

Maddiie, where should we start?
I have Abigail Lurken who could be a best friend if you like. She is going to be manipulated to be a Death Eater so yes, but she isn't evil yet she just has a true hatred for aurors and those that do not come from 'noble blood'.

She and Andrew are in the same house and used to both be on the Quidditch Team so they could know each other from there and just get along instantly because she does respect him already, however she doesn't get along with Theodore so it wouldn't be a good idea for Andrew to mention him around her (she is still really bitter about the break up thing).
I have just two really that would get along with Andrew. Maybe only for other friends, not anything special. :p I have Hadan Johnson, who is nice now that she has grown up and adapted to change in her life. But she has a wicked temper if someone can spark it. And I also have Aleyha, and it would be cool to have the two Parselmouths in the school to converse every so often. ^_^
Cool. I appreciate this.
Hadan and Andrew have met before at the Cliffs and are in the same year I assume so they can know each other and carry on from there. I started a topic http://hogwartsnewzealand.com/topic/7232360/1/

Aleyha and AB could meet in Brighstone if thats okay. Could you start?

Yes, Abigail would make a nice bestfriend.Where should we start a topic?
Would you mind starting it Andrew :)
Sure I can start. Now that Brightstone is closed, could we RP ....In the Kitchens.
Cause I have 2 lakefront rps and Ab wont walk into the forest. Or maybe Slytherin common room?
I can start one for AB and Aleyha somewhere out in the lawn, or on the pitch. Since well, Brightstone closed/or will be closed. xD
I know Andrew probably isn't into Larissa's sort but she's always liked him so.. You know.. If he wanted there was always her.
Andrew Bruke said:
Sure I can start. Now that Brightstone is closed, could we RP ....In the Kitchens.
Cause I have 2 lakefront rps and Ab wont walk into the forest. Or maybe Slytherin common room?
Kitchens sound good :D
Thank you so much Larrissa for being so sweet and liking AB. If I ever need a shoulder for support, I'll know where to go...

Abiagil here's out topic

Aleyha could you start in the Lawn please.

Sorry It took time to reply
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