Closed A Spoonful of Sugar

Lillian Lockwood

Nature- Sweet- Shy- Baker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
3/3/2036 (26)
Lily was surprised how popular her little bakery stall was getting. She was having a great time, though more and more of it was being taken up by baking, keeping up with the demands of her stall. She'd gone from just muffins to including a large variety of sweets. Taffy, sweet rolls, cinnamon breads, dozens of biscuits and pastries. She was honestly considering hiring someone on to help her, though she wasn't sure who. But, even if just for now, Lily had work to do, and she'd finished setting up her stall. She was here four days a week now, taking one day to shop and then that same day and the next to prepare her recipes for the week. It only left her with one day to herself, but that was alright. She loved her job, she loved baking and seeing people enjoy her food. She was sitting at her stall, reading a book while she waited for the next customer to come by.
Simon rubbed his hand over his face as he walked quickly down the street. He had overslept this morning and Sydney had been less than helpful as he tried to get out the door to make it to his bookstore job on time. Not that Barnaby would notice if he slipped in a few minutes late but he was also the only one who remembered to flip the sign in the window to open. His stomach growled and he realized he hadn't had anything to eat and it would be a while before he'd get a break again. He turned the corner and saw that the bakery stall was set up today. He had never bothered to stop before since he wasn't the biggest fan of sweets. But he was desperate today and stopped to look at the selection and noticed the girl running sitting and reading a book. "Busy morning?" he asked with a grin.
Lily looked up when someone spoke, smiling brightly. "Oh, it's not too bad," She countered, shutting her book and setting it aside. "Seeing anything you like or should I help you find something?" She asked, shifting in her seat and straightening out one of her muffin displays. "I've got sweet, savory, salty," She gave the man a smile. "It'd be easier if you told me what you like rather than me telling you everything I have," She laughed lightly.
Simon chuckled a bit at her comment. "I don't think I'd mind hearing all my options." he teased and spared a glance over his shoulder. "I think you have the time." But all playfulness aside, he was the one who didn't have all that much time. Although, the world wouldn't end if Barnaby had to fend for himself for a while. Might teach him just how valuable Simon was as an employee. Maybe he could get a raise out of this some how. He should be late more often. "But I will admit I'm not the biggest fan of anything too sweet." he said not wanting to push his luck too hard in one morning.
Lily considered what he said, nodding and looking over her things. She pointed out a few of her more savory options. "I have some cheesy zucchini muffins," She offered. "They're actually really yummy, super savory, with just a hint of sweetness," She suggested. "Or I made some crisp green apple muffins, they've got a bit of sour to it," She explained.

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