A small feast for you and me

Eleanor Hope

former hufflepuff and queen of flowers ♕✿
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
The second semester had soon came around and Eleanor was very excited to see what it would bring. She had come back in such a good mood and was eager to make her second semester just as good as the first. There were many people that she had met, even before she came to the school, who were very fun to be around and it didn't take long for her to fall in love with Hogwarts and the people in it. She didn't understand why her sister didn't like the school as much as her but she knew that she'll end up loving it eventually. It always took time when it came to Lily and sometimes Eleanor felt sorry for her. Their holidays had been full of fun, mainly because they were able to see their parents again, especially her mother who gifted them each their very own dragon tooth from her work. Eleanor always loved it when their mother came home and gave them something from her adventures. Sometimes many things she gave them were slightly bizarre but Eleanor loved her mother and she was thankful nonetheless.

After smuggling some food from the great hall after a rather large breakfast, Eleanor made her way up the grand staircase, juggling the food in her robes. She wondered how long it was going to take her to learn every single secret of Hogwarts. Hogwarts was such a big place and she was sure that not even people who had lived there their whole life would have any idea of every single one of its secrets. But it was definitely something that Eleanor was determined to find out. She continued to walk, opening up a small chocolate frog that she had found and shoving it into her mouth before it jumped away. She tossed the card away on the second floor as she walked along, not really bothering to look at what it was. She didn't care about the card and was more focused on eating the chocolate.

As she continued to walk, Eleanor stopped abruptly when she noticed an open door to an empty room she had never been to before. Looking inside, she noticed that it was full of tables and chairs and nothing much else. She couldn't help but take a better look and soon she had found herself inside. It seemed like an abandoned classroom and Eleanor looked at it quizzically before walking over to one of the tables and laying out all of the food onto it. She smirked and eyed the large pile of food she had taken, before digging straight into it all with her hands. She picked up a chicken leg and began tearing at it with her teeth, glad that no one was witnessing what she was doing.
Asaiah was happy that he was back at Hogwarts for his second semester. He was looking forward to continuing everything he did last semester and though he promised his parents that he would to much better this semester, the Slytherin wasn't planning on letting his promise to his parents interfere with his plans with Marisol. His Christmas holidays had been pretty fun. His mother had invited Marisol to stay the entire holiday and Asaiah didn't had a problem with that at all since the two spent most of their time playing Quidditch with his brother and sisters and adding things to the adventure list they'd come up with the night of the Yule Ball.

After having a satisfying breakfast, Asaiah decided that he would wander around to school on his own for once. He was hellbend on knowing every little secret of the school, the secret passages, the Room of Requirement and more, though the first year had no idea as to where to start and where to look for any secrets that Hogwarts had hidden from its students. Asaiah walked out of the Great Hall with two slices of toast in his right-hand, munching on one of them as he walked up the stairs and into the first floor corridor, hoping to get a glimps of something unusual. Though the Slytherin saw nothing out of the ordinary at first sight, he knew that the first floor wasn't just a boring corridor with nothing excitable in it instead of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, which fascinated him for some reason everytime he set foot in the room.

Licking the breadcrumbs off his hand, Asaiah was now wandering around in the second floor corridor. As he has expected, the first floor offered him little so when he passed a painting that told him all about Divination and why he should take the subject in his third year, the Slytherin quickly made his way up. As he was walking, still looking for anything that wasn't normally there, Asaiah found a chocolate frog card laying on the ground. He quickly picked it up to see who was on the card. Gifford Ollerton - nice! Another card I can add to my collection. the first year thought and looked around to see if there was nobody who was looking for their missing card. Walking further into the corridor with the card clutched in his hands, the boy noticed an open door with a girl standing in the room. Curious to find out who the girl was and what was in the room, Asaiah walked, almost tiptoeing, towards the open door and peeked inside. His gaze didn't fell on the girl, like he thought it would, it fell on what she eating. Chicken. His favorite food. He stepped into the room, still looked at the chicken leg the girl was eating. ''Can I have some too?'' Asaiah asked her without noticing the pile of food.

hope this works for you :)
Eleanor jumped, startled when she heard a voice behind her and quickly turned around to see what it was. She saw a boy who didn't seem much older than her who was standing at the door to the room. He was asking if he could have some chicken too, but instead of replying Eleanor looked down at what he was holding in his hand. It was her chocolate frog card that she tossed out in the corridor. "That's mine," she told him, pointing to the card with her left hand. "But you can have it." She took another bite of her chicken leg and continued eating, not really wanting to give her food to the boy. It was her success that managed to secretly get the food out of the great hall anyway and he didn't contribute to it at all. But could she really eat all of that food herself? Yes, she probably could in a matter of hours.

After a few moments of silence, Eleanor gestured for the boy to come over to her. "Take what you want." she said as if this was her own shop, hoping that the boy was only going to take a little bit. "But don't tell anyone." she added quickly. She didn't want the whole school to know that she was currently hiding food in this abandoned classroom without permission and would much prefer if only he knew for the mean time. He didn't seem at all like someone who would tell on Eleanor though which she was very thankful for. "I'm Eleanor." she said, wondering if he was going to introduce himself too. She stood and watched his every move, waiting to see if he'll start eating any of the food. Eleanor loved her food and so he should feel privileged that she was offering him some.
Asaiah looked down at what he was holding too and shook his head. ''Even if you wanted it back, I wouldn't have given it to you.'' he told her, though glad she said he could keep the card. ''Finders keepers rule, you know.'' Asaiah looked at her with a friendly smile. He didn't know how she would react to the finders keepers rule, or if she used it just like he did, but when the Slytherin noticed the lage pile of food on one of the tables after looking around the empty classroom, hoping he would find anything out of the ordinary in here, he forgot all about it. Mesmerized by all the food on the table he also forgot about the girl standing in the room for a second. Asaiah started counting how much the girl had taken with her. He stopped counting when he saw that she had just two more chicken legs and then looked up at the girl again.

Not sure whether he should break silence or not, the girl spoke up. When she gestured Asaiah to come closer and told him that he could take what he wanted, the young boy smiled again, walking towards her. ''I won't'' he said, looking at the pile of food again. ''I'm Asaiah.'' the Slytherin replied back, slowly walking to the pile because he noticed that the girl, Elaenor, was watching his movement. Asaiah looked at her whilst he was near the table with the food and without looking, because he'd remembered where the chicken leg was, grabbed the leg and started slowly tearing the crispy skin off first. The first year was still looking at Elaenor when he started with the meat from the bone. Although Asaiah didn't actually mind eating the food she offered him, he did mind her watching him as he was tearing the meat from the leg.
Eleanor narrowed her eyes at the boy at his 'finders keepers rule'. What if somebody lost their dog and you found them roaming the streets with a broken leg? You wouldn't really want to keep it as you would have to pay the expenses for the broken leg, and if you did take the dog, that would be illegal as you dognapped someone's dog. Finders keepers was a bit selfish in Eleanor's opinion, but she stayed quiet and simply continued eating her chicken leg. She couldn't tell if he was trying to be friendly or if he was always that self-absorbed. Nonetheless, she still pretend as if it didn't happen as he walked towards her.

He introduced himself as Asaiah and Eleanor smiled at the name. She didn't know anyone else with that name and wondered where his parents had come up with it. Maybe they were reading a book and it suddenly came up out of nowhere? Or maybe his great great grandfather was named Asaiah and he died in a tragic war against a large army of goblins? Whatever it was, Eleanor quite liked the name. "So, what made you wonder in here? Are you lost?" she asked him, trying to start up a conversation. She noticed he was uncomfortable with her watching him so she looked away and tossed the bone of the chicken leg on the floor once she was finished with it. She then began to take a small piece of chocolate cake and bit right into it. She didn't care what Asaiah thought of her and simply continued eating, enjoying every last bit of it.
He smiled as she smiled did too, unintentionally showing her his teeth with pieces of chicken meat between the gaps. He didn't meant to be gross or anything, but it was something that happened to him a lot when he ate stuff like chicken or even spare ribs. ''No,'' he said, his mouth full of chicken. ''I was looking for any secrets or hidden rooms when I noticed the open door and you standing in this classroom.'' As he tore the last bit of white meat from the bone, like she did, he threw it on the ground and turned toward the pile again to get some pudding this time, hoping Elaenor wouldn't mind thathe helped himself with another edible thing from her secretly brought pile.

As he was enjoying the pudding from the pile, he began to wonder why she was here herself so asked, ''How about you? How did you stumble across this abandon classroom?'' Maybe Elaenor often brought food with her from to Great Hall to the empty classroom and ate in peace. If so, Asaiah would've gladly joined her as he found the Great Hall a bit too noisy half of the time. Taking another bite from the strawberry flavoured pudding, the Slytherin then began to wonder in which House the girl opposite him was in. ''I'm in Slytherin by the way. You?'' Not wearing the new glasses he got from the eye doctor during the Christmas holidays because he was beginning to see less, Asaiah had trouble seeing the crest on her robes.
Eleanor found it interesting that Asaiah had been trying to find secrets or hidden rooms in the castle. She thought of spending a day or two doing that herself but most of the time she had always became distracted by irrelevant things whenever she tried, so she didn't think that there was any point in trying to do it again. The problem with her was that she gave up really easily, despite how eager she was to do it. She even thought sometimes that she should try and find Ares and ask him to explore with her but had never come around to it. Besides, even the people who have stayed at Hogwarts the longest would never know any of its secrets, so maybe she and Asaiah shouldn't get their hopes up. Hogwarts was really a big place and it made Eleanor wonder how long it took for magic to build it. She knew magic did things quite fast and if magic could create a place as big and mysterious as Hogwarts then magic could really do anything.

When Asaiah asked Eleanor the same question she asked him, she had to really think of it before answering. Why was she in the abandoned classroom eating a large pile of food? And what made her think of stealing the food in the first place? She should probably save some for a midnight snack. "Well, it's not really that hard to miss." she began, watching as he ate the strawberry pudding. "And I needed somewhere to place all of this food before I dropped it all. I wouldn't have been able to make it to my common room with all of this by myself." she told him as she wiped the chocolate that was on her face with her hands and then wiped it onto her robes. Eleanor beamed when he told her that he was a Slytherin. "My sister is a Slytherin." she said matter of factly as if it was something she should be proud of. "She's not the... nicest person to be around." She smirked at him before leaning over the pile of food to get to another piece of chocolate cake. She smiled, hoping that he knew that she was only joking. "You have to guess what house I'm in!" she exclaimed, covering the crest on her robes with her hand. If he guessed right then perhaps she'd invite him over for another mini feast some time? She rather enjoyed the company.
''I'm happy that you came across this room then.'' Asaiah said. ''Otherwise it would have been another boring day today, probably.'' Even though his first semester had been great, there were also days that Asaiah had nothing else to do then to sit in the Slytherin common room, sitting on one of the comfy sofas or laying on his bed, hoping to fall asleep soon so it would be a new day. When she told him that her sister was also in Slytherin he immediately looked up. ''What's her name? Maybe I know her!'' he exclaimed happily, wondering who her sister was before she gave him an answer. ''Noooooo, don't make me guess. I'm the worst at guessing.'' he whined, but the girl already covered up the crest on her robe so left Asaiah not choice but to guess in what house she was in. The Slytherin tried really hard to figure out in which house the girl was sorted in but honestly couldn't answer it. Even though he remember Elaenor telling him that she wouldn't have been able to carry all her food to her common room all by herself, he didn't have a clue. So instead of trying to remember everything she told him, Asaiah looked at her from top to bottom. If remembering wasn't going to help him, maybe her appearence would. Elaenor definitely wasn't mean looking or grumpy or angry so he quickly crossed away that the girl wasn't in Slytherin House, also because he'd never seen her before in the common room. She looked happy and energetic so Ravenclaw wouldn't be an option either as he thought of Ravenclaw students as nerdy people who wouldn't steal food from the Great Hall and eat it in abandoned classroom. As it came to the last to houses, Asaiah squeezed his eyes whilst looking at her. ''You're either in Hufflepuff or Gryffindor.'' the boy said after a moment of silence. ''I think it's the former, because I would've remembered you from Defense Against the Dark Arts class if you were in Gryffindor House.'' Feeling a bit like Sherlock Holmes, Asaiah stuffed the last of the strawberry pudding in his mouth.
Eleanor found it a bit upsetting that Asaiah seemed to be having a lot of boring days at Hogwarts. Hogwarts was too much of a magical place for that to happen. She gave him a reassuring smile. "No it wouldn't have!" she exclaimed, trying to think of something to make him feel a bit better. "I'm sure we both would have found something interesting to fill our day. But I guess you're right because if this didn't happen then we wouldn't have ever met each other which I guess is a bit disappointing..." She trailed off, not knowing where exactly her sentence was going. She was never really good at cheering people up, not that Asaiah was looking too sad or anything. She just found it very absurd that he had had boring days at Hogwarts and she was willing to be his friend to try and change that.

"She's in our year. Her name is Lilyanna and she looks exactly like me but with green robes." Eleanor told him, chuckling. Sometimes people managed to get the both of them mixed up and one time someone told her that there was some sort of mysterious clone of her walking around which just made her laugh. If you managed to be able to hang around the both of them regularly you would easily see that they were completely different people but Eleanor couldn't blame the large number of people who always had the both of them mixed up. Truthfully, she would probably do the same if she was them.

Eleanor beamed at Asaiah when he managed to get Eleanor's house right. Did she really seem like a Hufflepuff just based on appearance? She didn't mind anyway as she truly loved the house and she was very much proud to be apart of it. "How did you know!?" she asked, very surprised. She uncovered the crest on her robes to reveal a black and white badger with yellow in the background and then grabbed a small pumpkin pastie next to her and bit into it, sighing as it almost melted in her mouth. "What's your favourite food?" she asked him, wondering whether it could have been the strawberry pudding he just finished or maybe even chocolate frogs just so he could collect the cards. She never understood why people bothered collecting them. She didn't really see much point in doing so. Nonetheless, she sat and waited for his answer as she ate her pumpkin pastie, clearly enjoying the company he was giving her.

Sorry this turned out longer than anticipated xD
Asaiah smiled at what she said. ''All of my friends are busy doing something else that isn't exploring the castle with me. That is why it would be boring, because I won't have my friends to play with.'' the boy told Elaenor. Asaiah nodded his head in agreement. If they wouldn't have met each other a few minutes ago and neither of them was keen to find out was was behind the door which led to the abandoned classroom they were standing in, eating the food the Hufflepuff girl brought, this day would've been indeed a bit disappointing. Luckily for the two first years, they were interested enough to see what was behind the door on the second floor corridor. For a second he wondered what Freya, Wyatt, Marisol, Arthur and even Bryony were doing at this moment that was more important than roaming around the castle with him.

When Elaenor told him that her sister looked exactly like her, the boy had to think for a moment. ''Oohhhh, you mean like twins?'' Asaiah asked. ''That's so cool! I've always wanted to be a twin. Well not with Hannah because she is annoying but with my brother.'' Excited that he'd just met someone that was a twin, the Slytherin grabbed another piece of strawberry pudding from the pile with his hands. ''Green robes.. She is in Slytherin as well? Then I might have seen her before!'' he said with a smile on his face, eager to befriend her twin sister, Lilyanna as well. Asaiah had never met twins before in his life, so would do anything to meet her sister.

Asaiah chuckled slightly when asked him how he figured out in which House she was in and said, ''Well, you don't look very grumpy and boring so you wouldn't be in Slytherin and you're way too happy to be in Ravenclaw - they're all serious and stuff from what I've heard - so it was either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor, and like I said, I haven't seen you in the Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons, so that would mean you're in Hufflepuff House.'' As he explained to Elaenor how he knew in which House she was in, the boy once again felt like he was Sherlock Holmes who had just solved a case. Smiling because he had figured it out in one guess, Asaiah bit in the strawberry pudding in his hand and when she asked what his favorite food was, he replied with a full mouth. ''It's chicken.'' the boy told her hoping that she understood what he said while his mouth was full of pudding. ''What about you? What is your favorite food?''
Once again, I swear I'm sorry about the length. :(

As Asaiah began talking about his friends Eleanor wondered how many friends he had made already. Eleanor had only officially made two and most of the time she still managed to find herself on her own, despite the other couple of acquaintances she had made along the way. She thought it would be easy to make friends when she first started attending the school but, now that she thought of it, people were already making more friends than her and there were too many people at the school to befriend everyone. Maybe it was really difficult after all? "Maybe you should just join your friends in what they like doing? They're not really your friends if you don't do anything other than exploring with them. Otherwise they're just... accomplices." She smiled, hoping that he would perhaps take her advice. She should probably take her own advice too now that she thought of it.

"Do you have a big family?" Eleanor asked when he mentioned his brother and someone named Hannah. Eleanor had only had her sister with her and if it wasn't for her birth then Eleanor would be all alone, despite being the younger twin, and she didn't think she'd particularly like that. A big family was something Eleanor had always wanted but half of her family lived in France which was much far away from where she was. She wished she had a brother or another sister though and would do anything for her parents to decide that they would have another baby, but Eleanor doubted that was going to happen and she could only hope. "Being a twin is great but we have to share a lot of things." she told him. "For instance, we have to share a bedroom and share each other's clothes but at Hogwarts I guess it's a bit more easier not to, especially that we're in different houses." She smiled, finding a positive point in being in a different house to Lily. She had missed sharing a room sometimes with her though as there was no one to turn to when she was having a bad night. She shrugged it off and listened as Asaiah began to explain to her how he managed to guess Eleanor's house. "But you don't look grumpy and boring!" she exclaimed as she began to help herself to the pile of pudding he was eating from.

Eleanor nodded when Asaiah told her his favourite food was chicken. That would explain why he grabbed the chicken first out of everything there. "I don't really have a favourite food." she replied after he asked her the same question. "I guess every food is my favourite." She shoved the strawberry pudding into her mouth and ate it. "Want to play a game?" she asked, suddenly getting an idea. She wiped her hands once again on her robes, putting pudding all along the side of it and proceeded to drag out all of the chairs around the room and place them in the middle. "Let's see who can stack chairs up the fastest." she smirked, waiting to see if Asaiah wanted to play with her. Just eating food slowly became boring and she was very eager to do something fun.
Asaiah listened to Eleanor as she said that maybe he should join his friends in whatever they like doing in their spare time. He hadn't thought about it in that way yet, so began to wonder what some of his friends would be doing right now and if he would join them. After a few seconds he looked up at the Hufflepuffer and smiled. ''I guess you're right,'' he said, thinking about it some more. ''I've been busy with exploring the castle that I didn't really think about joining my friends in what they are doing.'' This was the sort of advice that he would happily do something with. Perhaps after this, the first year would run to the Hufflepuff common room and see if Freya was around so he could hang out with her again because he hadn't seen her much in his first semester at Hogwarts. Asaiah looked down at his strawberry pudding and put the last bit in his mouth, already glancing at the pile for what to take next.

The Slytherin nodded his head and smiled brightly. ''Yeah, I do!'' he happily exclaimed. ''There's me, my sisters Hannah and Jennifer, brother Thomas and mom and dad.. Oh, oh, oh and my owl, Axel.'' Asaiah told Eleanor. ''He's part of the family too!'' the kid absolutely loved his family and would never let someone say bad things about them, not even about Hannah, even though the two couldn't see eye to eye half of the time. Asaiah listened carefully as Eleanor told him about being a twin. To him it all sounded positive and big fun but of course he didn't now how he would feel since he wasn't a twin. ''But don't you miss her now that you two are separated?'' he asked the Hufflepuff girl, genuinely being curious if she missed her sister or not. The Slytherin grinned as he was told that he didn't look grumpy and boring. Though not every Slytherin student looked as if they would be mean to you, there were a few that did. ''That's because I was raised to be nice and have fun.'' the boy said with a smile. Whilst talking Asaiah started looking over at the food pile again to but decided not to grab anything else off of it.

He tilted his head slightly to the right and looked at Eleanor as if was mad. ''Come on, everyone has at least one favorite food.'' he said, not wanting to believe that the girl hadn't one. But when she told him that every food was her favorite he smirked. ''So you like spinach, sprouts and broccoli too?'' he asked her, because he didn't. He hated spinach, sprouts and broccoli. Asaiah watched as Eleanor started to drag out every chair in the room and put them in the middle. The Slytherin nodded his head with a smile. ''Alright, let's do it.'' Asaiah answered, dragging a few chairs to his side.

Eleanor smiled when Asaiah told her that she was right. She didn't usually hear that all the time, especially considering she lived with a smart know-it-all who believed she was always right. It comforted her to know that her words meant something to him and she felt her heart warm. She listened with wide eyes as Asaiah told her about his family. He really did have such a big family and Eleanor was slightly envious. "You have an owl too? Mine is small and he snorts like a pig in his sleep so I named him Piglet." she told him with a slight chuckle, wondering if Asaiah thought that was a bit silly too. She didn't know why but she thought the name suited him well, despite him obviously being an owl and not a pig. He was only given to Eleanor so she could send letters to her parents whilst she was at Hogwarts but she hadn't even sent one yet, much to her parent's disliking.

Eleanor didn't know if it was obvious but she really did miss her sister and wondered if Asaiah missed his siblings also considering he goes to a different school to them now. It was natural to miss people but she was still slightly ashamed of it. "Sometimes..." she muttered in reply to his question. She just shrugged it off and pulled a face at Asaiah's words about her liking spinach, sprouts and broccoli. "No I do not!" she shouted angrily, a bit frustrated that Asaiah would say something like that. "I like all food that isn't green... except for jelly beans." She skipped toward the large pile of chairs on the side of the room and dragged them all out in the middle. There were 28 all up which meant 14 chairs each. She put the chairs into two piles. "Okay, you have that pile and I'll have this pile. No magic allowed." she told him, gesturing towards both of the piles. "Ready, set, go!" And with that, she fumbled to put a second chair on top of the first and then a third, trying her best not to make the stack fall down on top of her. It was going to be quite a big stack and she only hoped that no one was going to get hurt.
Asaiah smiled too when he noticed that Eleanor was smiling. He felt happy that he'd gone to the second corridor instead of skipping it, and that he decided to walk towards the open door. She had been pretty cool so far, so the twelve year old was happy to spend the rest of free time with her. Asaiah giggled when Eleanor explained to him why her owl was named Piglet. It was a cute but silly name for an owl, but if the owl snorted like a pig then Asaiah understood very well why she gave him that name. Since the Hufflepuffer had explained to him how her owl got his name, he thought that it would be a good idea to tell her how his owl got his name - though when Asaiah thought about it, he wasn't able to remember how he thought of the name Axel for his tiny bird. ''I really want to tell you how Axel got his name but I honestly don't remember it.'' he told her, still trying to remember.

Asaiah laughed at Eleanor's reaction. It was just the sort of reaction he was looking for. He agreed with her, every green food was disgusting except for jelly beans and those green gummi frogs his father used to buy for him and Hannah. ''Mom says that if I eat all my spinach I'll get super strong, but guess who isn't around to see if I eat really eat all of my spinach?'' the boy said with a grin on his face. Even though the first year hated lying to his parents, if spinach was involved Asaiah wouldn't have a problem with it. That is how much he disliked the green food. He watched her as she dragged the large pile to the middle of the room and made two piles from them. ''Alright.'' he said with a nod. ''This is going to be easy, Asher.'' the kid muttered and walked over the to pile that was his. ''Right, no magic allowed.'' Not that he knew any spells that would help him with stacking chairs onto each other, well, except for Wingardium Leviosa perhaps. After the starting signal the first year immediately began to put a second chair onto the first one and a third one onto the second one and a fourth one onto the third. Although Asaiah had a bit of trouble after stacking the fifth chair onto the fourth, he quickly grabbed a chair from the side to stand on to make it easier to stack chairs.
After half of Eleanor's chairs were stacked, the pile was starting to get taller than her and she fumbled to get the eighth one on top. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that Asaiah had a genius idea to get another chair to stand on so he could reach and Eleanor copied him, quickly grabbing a small chair on the side to help her too. She held onto the stack of chairs next to her to help her get up onto the single chair but when she made it on top of the chair, she accidentally pushed the stack down and there was a loud noise as all of the chairs in her stack fell onto the ground. She jumped, falling off of the chair that she just managed to stand on, an alarming look on her face. Eleanor could feel her heart beating against her chest, hoping that no one had heard the sudden noise. She didn't want to get into trouble but could feel a laugh escaping and she began to roll on the floor with uncontrollable laughter, not being able to help herself.

"I-I can't b-believe it." Eleanor said in between laughs. "Looks like y-you won." She sat up and took some deep breaths, her stomach starting to hurt from all of the laughing. She hadn't laughed like that ever before and wondered if Asaiah already thought she was a bit weird because of it. Her mother always told her that small things amused small minds and, during moments like these, she couldn't believe her more. Who ever thought that you could get some fun out of simply stacking chairs? Eleanor eyed the large pile of fallen over chairs on the ground, not having any intention to stack them back up neatly. She was sure that it could easily be done with magic but Eleanor really hoped that no one else was going to find out about this.
Every now and then Asaiah would glance to the side to see how far Eleanor was with her pile of chairs, and much to his surprise, she copied him by also using another chair to reach the top of the stacked pile. The Slytherin smiled and quickly continued stacking his own pile of chairs again. He didn't think that stacking chairs onto each other would be fun at first but once they were getting closer to each other and there were only a few chairs left on both sides, Asaiah had to admit that it was pretty fun. The Slytherin didn't pay much attention to the Hufflepuff girl and her pile after that thought until the sudden noise of chairs falling on the hard floor startled him. He quickly looked down to see the stack of chairs laying scattered around the room and a Eleanor rolling on the floor and laughing uncontrollably. His first reaction was jumping off of the chair he was standing on and see if that she was OK and hadn't broken any bones but her laughter was so contagious that it made him slowly laugh too, though he somehow felt bad for laughing.

Like her, the Slytherin boy had to take some deep breaths to calm down again. ''Oh- Oh god.'' he said while putting both of his hands against his stomach. ''Please t-tell me your fine.'' Asaiah asked her, hoping that she wasn't in any pain caused by her falling off of her chair and on the ground.

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