A small character

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Darmorel Milner

Well-Known Member
When I first created this account I was hoping to be more active, but with the start of a new school year and whats been going on in my life recently, I found I only had time for one Main Character, and her plots include one or two more main characters that I have to play for her, which is sort of overwhelming.

This character will be one that's less active, one who I check on every two or three days, maybe even more. Because of this, I don't want to become friends with someone who is super active, and I can't reply to them everyday like they want. I would feel bad, and that's why I want to have Darmorel as more of a minor characters friend than anything else. I might agree to RP with someone's main, as long as they understand that I won't be able to reply EVERY day like I will with my other characters.
Don't get me wrong, I wish I had the time to do it all, but with all the activities that I'm in, plus homework, I can't keep up as well as I was able to during the Summer. And If I did have the time to do it all, I would.

But anyways, on with Darmorel, she's a very strong willed person, and won't quit a job once she starts. She's sort of weird, but really spunky. She's a musician, but she doesn't talk about it much, or she'll go off on her own and sing. She's also a very creative, bubbly person who loves to hang out with friends. Usually she carries around a bag filled with paper, pens, and a camera. She loves taking photos and sketching what she sees. Overall she's someone you could depend upon or talk to and she's very trustworthy. I won't delve into her family life right now, considering that she won't be that big of a character. Hopefully after the plots with my Main die down a little, (Which they most likely won't till after 6th year or so) I can get Darmorel as more of a main character, which I would enjoy.

So if anyone wants to do anything with Darmorel, just reply here. If you have any additional questions you can either message Darmorel or PM Kaede Okinawa. Thanks everyone!
I don't mind either befriended her or becoming rivals?

Its the same with this character so I understand no worries.
It doesn't really matter to me, if Darmorel has any rivals she'll probably just blow them off most of the time, considering she doesn't like being pushed around by other people. But she can still get a little fired up when people are mean, so she might react a little bit :frantics: But not overly. But yeah, any way you want it is totally cool with me. xD
Do you want to start an RP now or would you rather save it for a later time? Because I'm flexible with anything.
Lol sure start an rp now I'm all for it
Your to silly xD okay hmmm lets see not really post when you can
xDD I'm a pretty silly person IRL. xD I can't help it. xD
But okay! I'll go post it now since I have nothing else to do because I have no life. xD I'll PM it to you when I'm done.
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