A Slient Birthday

Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
September 15, 2021 and Zazuka marvaled at the fact that she made it this far. Her body hadn't grown much, she was taller but she was still a willowy girl that looked like she could brake easyly. Not true though, Zazuka was tougher than she looked. True she didn't live in fear that her father would suddenly go too far and finally kill her but still she was surpised to be sitting in the great hall on her birthday. Hogwarts was her home and sanctuary. Zazuka would not traid being here for the world.

Zazuka wondered for a moment if anyone who knew it was her birthday would remember. Then she desided she didn't care. She was alive and happy. As happy as on could be at the cusp of being a hormon ridden teenager with an ablity that they where not sopped to have. Zazuka wondered who desided it was only after a seies of Ministry test was one consitered a true Seer then she realised that there where lot of charletens out there that would use the skill for personal gain.

They atleast wanted the gift for something. Zazuka thought that her life would be better and simpler if she didn't have it. She was getting sick of waking up with the same heavy feeling she always had. She wanted it to stop but didn't know how to do it. Finally she desided that everything would get better once she started studing her gift. Maybe she would find a way to turn it on and off so she could get a proper night's sleep and not wake up to find her face wet with tears.

Slowly Zazuka shook those thoughts out of her head. There was no need for them today on the day she was born. Zazuka took a super sugery piece of frech toast from the pile infront of her and started to eat. Today will be a day that she was determened to be happy. Truly happy and not the smiling mask she wore so convicingly for everyone.
Andromeda smiled as she walked into the Great Hall, she hadn't been looking forward to today at all to be honest but it wasn't just her birthday, it was also Zazuka's. The year before they had given each other fierce presents but this year Andromeda had been too ill to even contemplate present shopping, the little strength she had she had picked up the knitting needles her grandmother had once given her and using some left over balls of green and brown wool had fashioned together a really cool looking postman style bag. She had asked Esmerelda to charm it so that it would be strong and durable, as well as water proof. It was all nicely wrapped up now in brown paper, even the card was a handmade one but she knew that Zuka preferred these to shop bought ones anyhow.
"Happy Birthday Z" she smiled sitting down beside her, it was hard to believe that both of them shared the same birthday though Andy was now a year older. Best friends, same birthdays it just all seemed like kizmet really.
She placed the package and card on the table infront of Zuka.
"It's not much this year I'm afraid but it's still from the heart".


Zazuka's head shot up in surpise. How could she had been so selfish as to not remember it was also Andy's birthday? Had her thoughts of other things consumed her so that she negleted to notice that she shared a birthday with one of the most importent people in her life. Zazuka smiled though she felt horribly dissapointed with herself. "Happy Birthday to you too." She said then looked at the card and package and her heart sank even lower.

"I... Um well didn't get you anything." Zazuka said looking down but then got an idea. "But I can do smoething for you. I've been expiramenting with the animation spell taught to us in Trasfiguration and am now able to do some pretty awesome things with the dolls I make." She said. "I will have them give you a consert." She said quicky diving into her bag and taking out five small dolls. They where the gothic type she usually made. One had green hair and looked slightly less angry than the rest of them. Two where identicel to each other while the other two could not be more diffrent. She poked each of them with her wand then whispered "Animare".

Each of the dolls looked up at Zazuka then at Andy then moved to the spots they wanted to. The twins sat opposet each other on the handels of cups while the two that looked nothing like eachother sat along side eachother on the plate. The one with the green hair stayed standing. Zazuka reached into her bag and took out four small cellos and one tiny flute. She gave the cellos to the four dolls sitting down and the flute to the one with the green hair.

They took the instraments and nodded. "I hope you like it." Zazuka said with a weak smile. The doll next to her opposet started the song then cued the others to join in. 'Angel' started to spout from thier cellos. A soft slightly hounting tune that Zazuka liked. The twins seemed to be in competition with each other as the song went on but it made the song sound even better. Zazuka left them to play while she opened her own gift and smiled. "I love it." She said looking at the book bag. She vowed to herself that she would use it as often as she could.

Andromeda smiled and truly didn't mind that Zuka hadn't gotten her anything. The thought was in the giving after all and Z had done so much for her already. When the five dolls began to play the haunting melody, Andromeda sat mesmorised by them. They were beautiful and enchanting and amazing. When the tune came to an end, she clapped loudly not caring if anyone else in the hall looked over.
"Zuka that was amazing. Thank you. Now that was a gift, mine seems mediocre now to that" she grimaced, though she knew that Zuka really loved her bag.
"You'd have thought that the school would have laid on some cakes for us or something, two of their finest prefects" she smiled.
Zazuka blushed softly. "It's nothing really but I am pretty proud of what I've acomplished with them." She said. "Nonsence, I love my gift and it's from you so I know that no one else has it. Thank you!" She said hugging her bag to her still underdeveloped chest. "You would think so, maybe we can take this to the kitches and have the house elves make us some cakes or we could just ask them for the ingredents and make the cakes ourselves. That would be fun." She said all to fast. The dolls where whispering amonst themselves now not really paying attention to what was going on around them.
Andromeda smiled and leant her head in her hands, her elbows resting on the table.
"That's not a bad idea, I haven't been down to those kitchens in ages. It'd be interesting to see how the house elves are doing as well" she turned her head slightly to look at Zuka and glance momentarily at the dolls.
"You up for it then? Heading down to the kitchens - we could head down a bit later, see if Andrew or anyone else what's to join in the fun".
Zazuka nodded. "Oh that's a good idea. I never mentioned to Andrew that it's our birthday today." She said looking up. "And since I never mentioned it he doesn't have to feel guilty. Maybe Harri and Ellie would want to come down and join us too." She said with a bright smile thinking of the two girls. Zazuka looked down at the dolls and tilted her head. "I don't have the heart to lift the spell from them but I don't know how I can carry them in my bag now." She said. They where still made of soft matiral but some how Zazuka thought them as truly alive.
Andromeda smiled as she sat up a bit straighter.
"Now that certainly sounds like a plan, can you arrange for the others to come?" it sounded silly for her not to ask Harri and Ellie herself, seeing as they were in the same house but she rarely saw them except for class anyhow and making small talk just didn't appeal to her anymore. At least in a group situation with Zuka at the helm, she would feel so much more comfortable.

It seemed odd that after all this time, Andromeda who had always been the vivacious, extrovert was now quite happy to stand back and let her bestfriend lead the way.
Zazuka thought that Andy would be more exsighted but she then she knew what it was like to with you where never born in the first place. "I can. It will be fun to do the pop up spell again. I haven't done that in a long time." She said looking up. "I should get going and set everything up in the first place. Thanks for the idea Andy and I will be expecting you around mid afternoon with the other's." She said and shot up from her seat with her new book bag. Zazuka was so exsited about what she was going to plan that she left behind the dolls. They stopped whispering and looked up at Andy as if asking if she was going to take them.
Andromeda smiled as Zuka in her excitement got up and said her farewell before rushing off to sort out the details. It was only after she had left that Andromeda registered the five dolls before her all staring at her.
"Well I presume you lot will be nice and quiet while I finish my own breakfast then" she smiled, realising then that she was actually talking to inanimate objects, enchanted sure but still inanimate.
"I am losing my marbles completely".

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