Wendall Layton

Requires Adult Supervision 🍿
OOC First Name
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ML ♡
Curved 16 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
5/2038 (25)
After heading to the professors office, Wendall hadn't gotten any answer, so he thought of the only other place a professor would go when no one was currently in the Great Hall. With a nervous shaking hand, he knocked on the professors common room instead, knowing that any professor at all might be about to answer him. At least if that was the case, maybe they could point him in the right direction. It wasn't like he had much to go on. Wendall waited nervously to see if @Professor Jacqueline Styx was even in here, although he had a feeling that when he did find her, he might end up getting in trouble for this anyway.
Jacqueline Styx rarely used the common room, but today she sat in an arm chair by the fireplace. The professor flicked her wand at the door as someone knocked on it. It would have to be a student as no professor would knock. "Yes? May I help you?" she asked.
As the door fell open, Wendall got his first peep at the interior of the professor lounge, and looking towards the professor he had to assume the voice had come from, the first year edged his way into the room. "I'm looking for professor Styx." he double checked his notes, "Jacqueline Styx," There were two now, so he had to be specific if he didn't want to end up facing his DADA teacher.

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