A second year in need of friends

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Barbara Grant

Well-Known Member
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Hello :)

I never really got into Barbara in her first year, and as a result, she hasn't built any friendships :( !
I've only ever had the odd rp with her and randoms she hasn't spoken to since.
So, Barbara's in desperate need of some friends!
I really need friends, a best friend/friends, boy friends, a best boy friend, perhaps even a love intrest :) ?
I'm up for anything really!
Barbara's a really fun, bubbly, happy girl. She's quite a tomboy and absoloutely loves football, she's starting to get into Quidditch too now, and she loves hip hop dancing, she done it all through her childhood and is on the Quidditch cheer-squad.
She's nice to everyone, but does have a bit of an attitude on her, when crossed. She's an extremely loyal friend to have!
I'm looking for friends which are in her year or above, but I'd also like some first year friends too :) !

If you're intrested in rp'ing with Barbara, please drop a comment here or pm me ^_^ .
Ares is looking for flings for the upcoming year.. If your interested PM me

Ok, So I have

Emilie, shes a bit of a trouble maker, but really friendly, kind and loyal.

But I think Barbara would be a good friend with Jasmine Green, my second year Gryffindor. She is a really tomboy who absolutly loves soccer/football as well, any type of sport really. She still needs to be brought out of her shell though, as she was bullied for most of her life before Hogwarts, for being different. So, she needs some confident friends to help her. She was pretty brave in her first year, but this year she will be quite shy when first meeting people again, even old friends. This is mainly because the group of girls that used to bully her found her again in her holidays. So Barbara may be able to help her, in her claim to confidence xD A best friend maybe?

I can offer Imogen as a friend.

She's nice and friendly, hard working and has a love hogwarts. She's polite and a very happy child. She's generally very easy to get along with. She will stick up for her friends and believe that friends are the most important people. Besides her sister.
Hey dude :)
I have Lauren here.
She is really friendly and nice, she is hardly ever sad and doesn't get angry easily. Lauren is quite smart, even though she doesn't like sports she does love the outdoors. She is quite creative, she loves drawing.
Hi :)

I have a second year Gryffindor you can be friends with if you want :) Kaysei's is sweet and quite a drama queen. I also have a third year gryffy boy if you want a relationship or something. Robert Kain
Replies ^_^ ,

Emilie: Sounds like Emilie and Barbara could be friends ^_^ and I think Jasmine and Barbara could be besties :D Barbara was also bullied in her last years or Primary school, because she didn't have any girl friends and was always hanging about with the boys playing football and messing around play fighting, the girls all seemed to hate her and seen her as one of the boys, they would tease her and try to push her about, but Barbara never let it bother her, she just got on with her life, she's quite a strong girl. She could help Jasmine through this tough stage by showing her not all girls are the same, and there are more like her out there, like herself ^_^ I'm sure they'd have a great time! Would you like to rp :D ?

Imogen: Aww ^_^ Imogen sounds like a great friend for Barbara to have, Barbara's also easy to get along with and is nice to everyone! She's very protective of her friends too, and would stand up for them until the end. Friends mean alot to her, she treasures them, partly because she's never had many. Perhaps Barbara and Imogen could meet in the Common Room ^_^ ?

Lauren: 'Sup Dudette :cool: :lol:
Oooh, Barbara isn't very interested in school work and all that, and can be a bit of an air-head at times, so Lauren could maybe get her more interested in her studies ^_^ as well as being a great friend!
Would you like to rp :D ?

Napolde: Hello ^_^ Aww sounds good, for both of them :lol: .
Perhaps Kaysei and Barbara could meet in the halls on there way to a class or something, since there both in the same year and will have the same schedule, and Robert and Barbara could bump into each other in the common room! What do you think :D ?

Stephanie: Would you like to rp with Leslie and Barbara ^_^ ?

Thanks for posting guys :hug: !

Okay, cool! :)

Would you like me to start a topic in the common room, or do you want to?

Barbara sounds great for Jas. Plus she's a football/soccer lover too... I'm thinking they will be besties (which is cool, cause Jas needs a bestie who is a tomboy and shares the same interests as her as well as make her a little more girlier). Especially cause she can help bring Jas out of her shell. And a good friend for Emi too :)

I can start the topics if you want. Will send them to you when Im all done... which shall be very soon, well tomorrow anyways ^_^
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