A Second First Date

Isaac Pike

Well-Known Member
Almond Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
The nerves inside of him were pretty much eating away at his insides. He didn't know how to calm himself down. He had never been this nervous about a date before. Isaac Pike had been on many, many dates. He had been with many, many girls. He was not the kind of guy who most people could see ever settling down with just the one woman. But, he was pretty much ready to. The girl he was seeing was stunning, she was amazing, and she had agreed to a date, without him needing to put on the old charm that worked so easily on many woman. he wasn't looking for a one night fling. He wasn't looking to repeat what had happened the first time they'd met. He wanted to start anew. He wanted for things this time to be different. He needed them to be different this time around. After all he didn't want to lose her again. Things with him hadn't changed much since he'd seen her early in the week. He was still splitting his time between New Zealand and France. Today was his only day off in France, and he was going to be spending it in New Zealand. He was really looking forward to it. He had everything planned. It was something he'd been working on all week. There was a part of the young man who had believed a simple dinner at a fancy restaurant and maybe some dancing would suffice, but he thought against it. He decided to do something a little different. Just a little beach, them and all the time in the world. He had lost his romantic touch when he'd stopped dating girls and had just started being with them for one or two nights at a time. He wasn't sure how to do romantic. Isaac just hoped this was close enough. He had dressed formally, a very smart suit. A navy blue suit without the tie, top few buttons undone. But, this suit was not his best. In fact despite the fact it looked pretty new it was old. But he was okay with wearing it since he knew at the beach an older suit would serve him better than a new one. Isaac was ready, he had been ready fro a little while, but he was still in France. Still in his apartment staring at his reflection in the mirror. Desperate that this would be good enough for her. From what he could tell about the woman he was going on a date with that evening, she was much more the type to notice his older suit, and he didn't want to make any mistakes. He really didn't. This had to be perfect. All he needed were for the weather to hold up, and for nothing in terms of his family to go wrong.

Finally, the young man apparated himself to his parent's house in New Zealand, where he got the picnic stuff all gathered. He knew it would look odd that he had a picnic basket, but he figured it would be a way to just show, that while everything had been prepared, it was all fresh, and it gave him the time to see his sister, so that she could tell him how he looked. She had loved the clothes he'd bought her. They had suited her amazingly, despite his sister now very slim build. He knew she looked beautiful no matter what, and he was so grateful to his date for having helped him pick out the dresses. Had it not been for her, he knew his sister would be a lot less happy for him. He kissed his sister on the forehead before apparating to the street just up from where he was picking up his date for the evening. One thing was for sure, he wouldn't bail. Solenn was not the kind of girl that you didn't turn up for. He had met her before, she'd put a trance on him the moment they'd met. He couldn't remember too much of the night they'd spent together, and the two of them preferred to never mention it, so in a sense this wasn't really the first date. It was the first official date. The first time in a long while that Isaac wouldn't just pick up a girl at some bar. He was sure that this could very well be the start of something, and he really wasn't interested in continuing in his ways. His parents had been fairly pleased. Finally thinking that he might settled down. Get a real job and just continue on with his life. They hadn't seemed to notice how much Isaac had changed since his sister had gotten sick. He worked a lot, and a lot of the money he made went towards the rent he was paying and to helping his sister. Isaac was by no means rich. He always seemed tired, and as if carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. His entire life in France was balanced with his life in New Zealand where he was with his sister almost every weekend. Isaac took a deep breath and headed back towards the shop he'd been at earlier that week. He knocked on the door and waited.
It took Solenn Goldameir to just pick her outfit for today, since this day would be really special for her. A date after a year she's going on a date with Isaac, a hot guy. She couldn't believe it herself, that finally she's going on a date with someone. Inside her wardrobe holds a lot of outfits, glamorous tops and gorgeous dresses but she couldn't decided. The pressure was getting inside her head, she needed to breath. Literally. "Ugh! I don't know what to wear! It needs to be perfect!" she yelled, alone in her bedroom. A few hangers were now on the floor, her bedroom looking a chaotic mess. Shoes were on her mattress, and it's boxes are open and cluttered. She wasn't really like this at all, Solenn loved being need and orderly but for some reason she was panicking like crazy. Worrying that she might be overdressed or under-dressed for her date, that would be horrible. The lovely brunette couldn't settle her decisions, she looked outside the window and noticed the moon glowing with it's natural beauty. It is indeed hot and there's no reason to wear anything long. Her eyes drifted to the clock and noticed that she needs to be dressed in a few minutes or she'll be late. Why didn't she just decided to bring her chosen clothes to the shop just like she planned, silly lady. As she resolved on what to wear, Solenn faced the mirror and looked at herself. A shade of white everywhere, she was really going for red but decided to keep it dreamy.

Running her fingers to her straight flowy hair, she wore a thin headband to keep her hair from covering her face. She wanted to see Isaac, looking again at the time she grabbed her white cardigan and was off to go. Solenn looks exceptionally beautiful, her hair down and her shoulders bare in the night as her cardigan was on her arm. She didn't want to look obvious that she returned back home, so as quietly as she can, she got her keys and opened the back door. Everything inside the shop looked just the way it was before, she opened the main door her heels tapping the wooden flooring. She almost jumped when she heard a knock, though her anxiousness was exchanged with glee, she wasn't by means late. Fixing herself once more, plumping her lips and pulling down her dress. Solenn slowly opened the door, excitement running through her veins. There he was, tall and gorgeous as ever, Isaac. She couldn't be happier to see him, "Hi, you look dashing." Solenn said. From his torso, she looked at Isaac's eyes, she smiled and closed the door behind her. Locking it and checking it was lock twice. Then her eyes returned back to her date, she wondered where will they go. Solenn didn't want to expect at all, she just hope that they wouldn't be in a bar like the first place where they really met.

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