Open A Sailor's Journey

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Conan Burke

irish ☘️ | shell collector 🐚 band-aid hands 🩹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Dogwood Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
17 (08/2046)
Conan didn't usually attend Halloween, but he thought that maybe this year would be a little different. He decided to go as a Sailor. Though he regretted the choice the moment he had put it on. Conan disliked the look of it, but there was no going back now. He guessed that it matched the idea that it somewhat matched the idea of his shell collection in some way. When Conan arrived at the great hall, he looked around the great hall, hoping to see anyone he knew but it was hard to tell with the amount of people that were around in the great hall. However, Conan was intrigued by the spooky tent that was nearby and decided to make his way towards the tent. The Sailor stood outside of the tent in wonder, deciding if he wanted to check it out or not.
Anisha's wings fluttered as she walked, which had seemed like a fun idea until it was something she had to deal with in practice. It was a nice effect, but it did get annoying. Especially when she was trying to push through crowds of kids. She had lost sight of Raafe quickly, and hoped to run into him at the tent. Instead, she spotted a different classmate. Anisha barely knew Conan, but she always liked getting to know people better. He seemed to be considering the tent, so Anisha stopped next to him and put her finger on her chin in an exaggerated 'thinking' stance to copy him. Then she glanced at him sideways.
Conan noticed a presence beside him, though Conan continued to look at the tent for a bit, still contemplating if he wanted to go in or not, before turning to look at the person beside him. Conan didn't really know Anisha but Conan didn't mind getting to know people or speaking to people he didn't really know. "Woah! Cool wings!" Conan exclaimed happily as he pointed at the girl's butterfly wings.
Anisha had hoped the boy would find her copying him a bit funny, but he didn't really seem to react. Instead, he pointed out her wings. Anisha grinned rather proudly. "Thanks! I usually hide them." She joked, as if she always had butterfly wings under her robes. "You're a sailor, right?"
Conan chuckled at the girl's comment. "What happens if you're caught with the wings and the wings aren't hidden? When it's not Halloween, of course," Conan asked, as he continued on the joke in some sort of way. "Yup!" Conan says, with a nod. He wasn't sure if it was the best Halloween choice, but he definitely couldn't turn back now. He then looked at the tent. "Have you been in the tent before?"
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