A sadden walk in the Alleys

Link Black

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Madderz MAIN
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Tallon
Link felt as if these were the darkest day of his life, as he walk into the deserted alleyways of London. It was late into the evenings, and unlike others who were busy in their safe little home, he roam in search the streets endlessly. As if he were looking for some sort of danger to come out and jump in front of him not caring much of the outcomes. He was depressed, he knew but at the moment he didn't have no other to turn to. Zion would have been his main support but Link knew he was busy at work, things weren't the same anymore.

He felt himself come across a bench, and decided to rest for a bit. His mind often wonder, of course he didn't want to think to much about Kirea. No at the moment it wasn't the time, but he did wander often about joining a certain society that nobody should ever think about joining. Yes he wanted to be one, its where he thought he belong, it had come across his mind many times, but he wasn't sure how he went about it. Would he have to prove himself to become worthy, but than he had a doubt they wouldn't take someone like him. Or would they? I mean he sure if he proved himself to be worthy they would accept him.

The thoughts pounder his mind ever since he left hogwarts years ago. That's why Link never made himself attached to anyone, he knew if he ever did join that he would had to disappoint a fair amount of people. But no being a orphan had its advantage. Its not like he cared anymore, he never did really about others. If he could hurt more, he would, Link was demented but she had stop that from him for a while. But now that he was going back into his old ways, he didn't phase him anymore. Life was to short to care what other people think, now it was time for him to seek that society of D.E's.
Jacqueline Black was walking down an ally in London. She was there on Burke family business. Her stomach was beginning to grow larger from Raziel's child. The two lovers had gotten married over the summer but hadn't spent much time together since. It bothered Jac but the woman tried not to dwell on it.

Today, Jacqueline was wearing an outfit that did a good job concealing the extra weight around her middle. While she wasn't a fan of muggle clothing, she was doing it to show Raziel that she had indeed changed. Jac clicked along in her heels, passing a boy on a bench. Suddenly, she recognized him. Link Woods, Raziel's (and now hers she supposed) foster child. Jac narrowed her eyes as she turned to look at the boy.

"Link? What are you doing here?" Jacqueline asked, her blue eyes piercing him. Kiera had inherited her mother's face except for the eyes. Katheryn had gotten her mother's eyes.
Link had not expected anyone to notice him, as a woman would walk by him. Out of the ordinary it turn out to be his foster father newly wedded wife. He hasn't been with them for over some times now, so he wasn't expected to answer to a well endowed woman who was conceal under muggel garment. "What is it to you?" he say in a cold whisper, not wanting to look at the face that reminded him of Kirea.
Jacqueline's eyes flashed angrily as Link answered in a disrespectful manner. Jac had half a mind to whip out her wand and force the boy into obedience. She had to remember that she was now married to Raziel and teaching at a school. Her temper could not get the best of her. Jacqueline turned her nose in the air, making her look very haughty. "I suggest you try that again." she said, her voice like ice.
"Look Mrs. Black I'm minding my own so I suggest you do the same" he cock back looking at the woman with so little emotion. Never did he ever had to answer to a woman or anything close to a mother so why now? A sly smirk would play upon his lip as he shook his head looking down. Not now was he in the mood especially with this one, resemblance was nothing but lacking of characteristics was another.
Jacqueline glared down at the boy. He was not being pleasant to her and it was upsetting her. He was supposed to be staying with someone right? Hadn't Raziel said something about that? Jac knew that this was the same boy that Kiera had been infatuated with. She smirked. "I suggest you not tell me what to do." she said her eyes flashing. Her wand was one quick whip away. Jacqueline stared at the boy. "I thought you were supposed to be staying under the supervision of an Zion?" she said, remembering the man's name. "What are you doing here alone?" she said. Jac knew this part of town and it wasn't exactly a nice part of London.
"Zion yes what's wrong with that?" he would say looking back up at the woman. "I'm here cause I want to be, thanks to your good for nothing daughter." he blurted out not even caring if it hurt her feelings or not. But of course this was the mother that had abounded the Kingsley girls wasn't it? Maybe they had something in common after all. "Shouldn't you be at Hogwarts teaching your embicle that you called students?" he say with little less respect.
Jacqueline whipped out her wand and pointed it straight at the boy. "Don't you dare call my daughter good for nothing. Both of my daughters are talented and beautiful. What is it to you anyways? What does Kiera mean to you?" she sneered, peeking inside his mind to guess the correct daughter. She smirked at Link as he told her she should be teaching. "As a teacher, I am free to come and go. Tonight I have family business to attend to." she said in a haughty attitude. Jac kept her wand pointed at him. She knew powerful magic and some of that magic was very dark.
"The correct question is what do they mean to you? Obviously not enough seeing as you left them abounded with their defenseless ex muggel husband of yours" he taunt back not phasing by the pull of her wand. Of course Link had cared for Kirea, Kirea was his lullaby, but you think he would admit to that. Not a chance he looked at the woman, shaking his head once again. "Mrs. Black go home, save yourself an argument with the likes of me. I'm just a little tramp, so don't bother your negative energy on me." he finally said with a stiffen sighs.
Jacqueline's temper was pushed to the limit as Link asked what her children meant to her. "I love my children. They mean the world to me and I'll be damned if some boy is going to say otherwise." she snarled at him. "If you don't want to tell me, I'll find out on my own." she declared. She raised her wand and said a word. At that moment, Link saw all his emotions and thoughts towards her daughter. His thoughts raced through his head as she read his mind. Finally, she released him from her grasps. She smirked. "You love my daughter only she has a boyfriend." Jac sneered. "She doesn't even see it. Kiera is blind to your real affections." she said with a laugh.
The moment Link could feel her enter his mind, he felt himself shake not with fear but with shocked. He never had this spell on him before, he had all th reason to stupefy her. But he couldn't do it not when he was in this state of mind all his thoughts and memories would be release, only to feel the link mind be disconnected. With a grip of his wand he felt the static electricity erupt from his wand as he attempt to diswand or rebuke her just a few feet back. "You have no business to enter my mind that way!" he shouted with a low growl descending from the depths of his cold pale lips. But in some way he was glad somebody saw what he been trying to prove to Kirea as well.
"I can do whatever I please." Jacqueline said to the boy, looking down at him. He would not be able to overtake her with magic. She was powerful, more than most people guessed. She flicked her wand and the spell that was flying at her was deflected. "You just want darling Kiera to leave you alone now but she won't. She doesn't see what its doing to you." she taunted him. "You adore her. She is your everything and you mean nothing to her." she said, her voice cruel. Some old habits die hard.
Taunts did nothing to Link, seeing the spell haven't phase her, he would simply shrug. "What is it you you anyways?" he would bark back. Link knew it hurt the more she spoke about his Love for Kirea but he kept his face expression at bay. Not giving in the emotion that she wanted" If you kill me now, maybe it do her good" he would say feelings his lips curl into a cruel smirk.
Jacqueline smirked at the boy. "She is my daughter. I only want what's best for her." she said. Jac didn't think that Link was what was best for her. "She doesn't want a Death Eater you know." she told him. Her blue eyes icy. That was Kiera's problem with Jac wasn't it? She scoffed at him. "I will not kill you. I wouldn't intentionally hurt my daughter." she said. Jacqueline wouldn't hurt Kiera. Jac loved her stubborn, strong daughter.
"Well thank goodness Alex is not one" he say coldly feeling his fingers tremble a bit. He knew what she had saw, and it made him a bit nervous looking up the woman his lips would part to say something more but he couldn't. All the strength he held had vanish in that very second, but he held himself strong shaking his head. "I'm wasting my time sticking around here." he finally say after minutes of silence. Stepping back he would turn his attention away from Mrs.Black feeling his cold fingers slide back into his jacket pockets.
Jacqueline smirked. Yes, Alex wasn't a DE but was he what her Kiera wanted? She honestly didn't know."Yes that is lucky isn't it?" she murmured. She laughed at him as he walked away. It didn't bother her. She let him go.
Link turned around facing the woman once again. "If I ever was to disappear tell Kirea I tried" he say his voice as cold and chilled as ever. He doubt he be around much, his adventure wasn't here. Maybe another location is what he was looking for. His hand would gasp the wand he held it slipping into his jacket, feeling the weather drop slowly.
Jacqueline frowned. "Tell Kiera you tried what?" she asked.
"To stick around" he says almost failing to speak those words. "Unlike ..." he would say softly towards her feeling a urgent question come to mind. "Were did you go when you left your daughters with their biological father?" he ask his grey optics narrowing his gaze upon her. "Were did you hid all this time?" he ask.
Jacqueline was surprised by the amount of knowledge he had on her history. She could only assume Kiera had told him everything. It wouldn't be unlike her daughter to do that. "I didn't hide boy." she said scornfully. "I simply returned to the wizarding world and to my family." she said.
"Return from were?" he would persuade with his questioning. He had to know in some sort of way, he wanted to know were she had been all this time. He also wanted to know if she could tell him anything, anything about the last name Woods.
Jacqueline Black stared oddly at this boy. "I returned from the muggle world to my pureblood family. I couldn't live around that filth anymore." she said, her eyes cold.
"You must be misunderstanding me Mrs.Black" he says coldly. "So you went back to the wizaring world, were you hiding somewhere you didn't belong?" he ask once again. "Or was there someone else that had capture your attention?" he breath again.
"No one captured my attention until Raziel." Jacqueline said cooly. "As he knows, I was a Death Eater. That is no more." she said to Link. Or at least it was no more as far as Raziel was concerned.
"So you were a follower than" he finally asked getting her were he wanted. He wanted to know this part of Kirea mom, it interest more that she was actually telling him all this. "Tell me Mrs. Black I'm pretty sure you seen enough of my memories, did you see my father?" he say fully turning his attention towards her again. In a soft alluring voice he would use to manipulate others to tell him what he wanted to know. "I'm sure you seen him? Did you or did you not?"

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