Open A Rough Day

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Leonardo Orr

lonely; serious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curly 11" Flexible Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
06/2043 (18)
Leonardo was not really one for dressing up, he had never really given much of an effort at least never at the costumes, but after his terrible holiday and the way that ebing at school made him feel better he wanted to try and wanted to dress up. It was just a bit difficult because he didn't have a single costume and he didn't have any money to buy a costume, so he'd dressed in his simple costume. He had dirted up his face, and pretend blood coming from his hair and down his ear. He looked like he'd had a rough day. Like he'd had a very rough day. Leonardo felt a little nervous walking into the great hall, he went to the snacks table and took something. He didn't have any plans and doubted he would meet anyone but this wouldn't mean it would be a bad celebration.
sky moved through the great hall. it was fun seeing all the creative costumes. some the recognised and some she didn't. many people she didntrecognise because she either didn't know them or they were wearing masks or other good costumes. she paused at the drinks table to have a drink and try again to get rid of the herring test from the Bertie bots bean she had eaten when she saw someone who sis did recognise standing alone. "Hello Leo. happy halloween." she said. it was not the first or even second halloween that she had run into her friend "It is good to see that you are in a costume this year." she said before pausing " at least I hope it is a costume" she said.
Maisie was skipping through the hall, humming happily. She loved the decorations, she loved her costume. She loved everyone elses costumes too. Amid her skipping, she spotted a few of her classmates. She skipped over, smiling widely at them. "You guys look great!" She greeted, smiling at the both of them. "I love those butterflies!" She told Sky, before looking at Leo. "Is that blood? It looks so real!" Maisie giggled.
Leonardo spotted Sky and gave a little nod, "Happy Halloween," he had a warm tone, and an almost smile graced upon his features and then it vanished. Going away as quickly as it had come. "It is a costume, but I just used stuff I could find," he wasn't going to tell Sky that he didn't have the money and his grandfather would never okay such a purchase so he had to go about doing what he was. He had been about to ask her what she was dressed as another girl he didn't know as well, the name escaped him. "It's fake blood," he told her with a serious tone. "I've had a bad day," he explained.
Niamh realised that Leo’s mile faultered as she had spoken. it’s a good costume. I didn’t want you to have been hurt on the way here. she said clarifying herself. She hadn’t meant to comment to say she didn’t like the costume. are you enjoying the feast? This year. I like the new decorations
mad a girl approached them she smiled. She didn’t know her that well but she was called maisie and was in their year in gryffindor. thank you. I love those glasses. Very old school diva she said smiling.
Maisie smiled, giggling and striking a pose. "Thank you, I love them," She replied, before smiling at them. "Your costumes are great!" She told them. "Do you guys wanna go explore the forest?" She asked, pointing to the forest set up in the corner.
Leonardo wouldn't have expected her to care too much about whether he'd been hurt or not, this was just halloween, and it made sense that what happened was only in relation to that. The boy nodded, "I am, yes. Are you?" Leonardo asked her, but they were quickly distracted. He glanced over at the forest that the other girl was motioning to. "I don't know...," he was not very good at things that were scary, but he wouldn't say no if both girls wanted to do it.
Niamh smiled as Leo said that he was enjoying himself. he always seemed so serious that it was sometimes hard to tell. "Yes. It is such a fun atmosphere this year." she said. she then had a thought. "would you, do you want to" she started but was cut off by Maisie. she wasn't going to ask Leo with her there. she didn't know the girl that well. and didn't want rumers starting up.
she looked over at the forest when suggested to explore it. it didn't look that scary. like it was ominous with the fog in it. growing up they had often gone to the cabin in the woods for holidays it was always cosy there with the fire. especially on clear nights where she and her mum would go out, often in the snow, and play to the northern lights. this forest didntl look anything like that. but it still would be cool to see how they managed to build one in the great hall. Leo however seemed a little hesitant. "It looks interesting. do you want to go?" she said offering a hand out to Leo. it would be good to look at but she wasn't going to abandon her friend on his own because some pretty girl she hardly knew asked to go into the forest.
Maisie smiled, looking between her new friends. "It's okay if you don't want to, we can just go get some snacks instead if you'd rather," She told him, smiling. She looked back to Sky, happy that she'd decided to stop and talk to the two of them. This was fun.
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