🌹 Rose Giving A Rose Says A Thousand Words

Salem Lee

🌻Quality Quidditch | Enjoying the Little Things🌻
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
03/2041 (20)
Red Rose for @Minnie Calida

Salem felt like it was pretty understandable someone had sent Minnie Calida a red rose. From what she could tell Minnie was amazing, captain, seeker, and her name got called out a lot during the end of year feast, which had to be good. Salem was usually too busy hoping to eat to really be sure though.

Speaking of eating though, she'd stopped by the great hall, hoping to grab something herself, but quickly made a detour by the Ravenclaw table, happy to spot Minnie was already there. "Hi Minnie! Someone really likes you," she announced, showing Minnie the red rose with a flourish.
Minnie was at the ravenclaw house table, there was a book in front of her and she was mostly focused on it than on her food, but she'd eaten enough around and knew she had other places that she should go. But, for the moment she was just reading, she looked up as someone greeted her and her cheeks flushed pink at the red rose the young girl was brandishing. She'd sent a pink one, feeling a little too nervous in what this was to send a red rose. "Oh," was all she could say. She was sort of assuming that it was from Eric, she knew that roses probably weren't his thing but he had done other things that weren't things for him. "Is there a note?" she asked trying to not seem too keen.
Salem paused when Minnie asked about a note, checking her pockets and then her rose basket before she'd found where the note for her had gotten to. "Oh yep, here you go," she said, passing them both over. It was interesting to see different people's reactions. Minnie seemed so composed whereas Salem knew she'd been a lot more excited to get a red rose like she had from Jordie.

I'm bad at writing these things. But I like you a lot.

Minnie was glad there was a note, she would've hated to not know for sure whether or not it was from Eric. She took the note and quickly read it, reassured that it was who she'd wanted a rose from. She felt a little nervous about having gotten him a pink rose where he'd gotten her a red one, but she knew he would be unlikely to hold it against her, not when things were so new between them. The note too was sweet. She didn't need words, the thought, the gesture more than enough and knowing he definitely did this because he wanted to and not out of obligation. She smiled softly and then looked back the girl who'd brought it to her, "Thank you for these," she motioned to them.
"You're welcome!" Salem said after watching Minnie read the note. She definitely seemed more excited about the rose now and Salem gave her a knowing look. Or at least she tried to, it might have just looked like she needed to sneeze. "Enjoy your Valentine's Day," she added, giving Minnie a quick wave goodbye before moving off to grab some food herself so she could finish her deliveries.

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