A Revival

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Kiera Kaster

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12" Ash wand with tail of unicorn hair core
Okay so I haven't had much time to devote to rps in the last six months because I was finishing up my college degree. However, I have officially graduated!!! :woot: :party: I now want my characters to be more active. So here's a list of characters and a bit about their personalities. Sorry, it's kind of a lot...so bare with me here :p


Kiera Potter
This is Kiera Potter (though most of you are probably familiar with Kiera :p ). She is twenty four years old. She graduated from HNZ where she was in Gryffindor. She was also Head Girl during her seventh year. Kiera is a chaser for the Holyhead Harpies and the owner of Ollivanders in New Zealand. She is a former Olympic gold medalist gymnast, but gave that up when she had her twins, Lyra and Link. The twins recently celebrated their one year old birthday. She is married to James Potter, son of Harry Potter and the Chudley Cannons seeker. The couple has three residences around the world. They own a house in California, New Zealand, and London, so they rotate between those three locations. Because of her own personal accomplishments and her marriage to James, it is not uncommon to see her name in the news paper, especially in the trash gossip articles by Cynthia Vandervoort. I am interested in having Kiera rp with old friends or enemies as well as new friends or enemies. Let me know if you have any ideas :p


Katheryn Kingsley
Katheryn Kingsley is the sister of Kiera Potter and Cameron Kingsley. She is a twenty three year old broadway actress who is quite successful. She was made famous for her role as Ariel in the Little Mermaid. She was given the role in the beginning because of her fiery red locks. She graduated from Hogwarts New Zealand where she was in Hufflepuff. Kat currently lives in New York City. She is a kind, sweet girl. Kat needs a romantic interest as well as friends. I have sorely neglected her. ^_^


Cameron Kingsley
Cameron Kingsley is the eldest of the Kingsley siblings. He is the Head of the Unspeakables office at the ministry in New Zealand. Cameron is a graduate of Durmstrang. He also served as the Durmstrang champion when the Triwizard Tournament was hosted by HNZ. He is married to Professor Cyndi Kingsley, deputy headmistress and Gryffindor HoH. They are expecting their first child to be born in January. I'm looking for friends or colleagues to rp with him. If you have something else in mind, just let me know.


Professor Jacqueline Black
Jacqueline is a Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts New Zealand. She is married to Raziel Black (an auror). They have a seven year old son together named Gabriel. Jacqueline also has three adoptive children (Loncars). She is also a Death Eater though she seldom participates in DE activities. Jacqueline is a skilled legimens. I'm open to pretty much any ideas for rps with her. Friends, enemies, or colleagues.


Lindsay Hall

Lindsay is newly married to Alastair Hall. She has a five year old daughter, Arabella Rider, and two sisters, Audrey Love and Karah Love. Lindsay attended school at both Hogwarts New Zealand and Beauxbatons. Lindsay is one half veela as her mother is a full blooded veela. Lindsay is the owner of the Magical Menagerie. Lindsay is a kind woman and she is also very musical. She really needs some friends :p


Audrey Love
Audrey is a graduate of Beauxbatons. She's twenty years old. Audrey is part-veela and uses that to her advantage. Audrey likes to be the center of attention and she likes to have fun. Audrey is very outgoing and her excitement for life is contagious. She has a successful career as a musician/performer in Europe. Slowly, her music is spreading across the pond to America. I am looking for a romantic interest for her as well as some friends.


Alianne Finch
Alianne Finch is the wife of Izaak Finch ( :wub: ). Aly just had a baby boy in September. She is a bright positive person with lots of energy. She is sweet natured and very adventurous. She has amethyst eyes which runs in her family. She is originally from Tennessee so she has a thick southern accent. Her twin brother, Alex, moved to New Zealand to be an auror and she followed him because she had nothing better to do. It was the best decision of her life since she met Izaak in New Zealand. I'm looking for friends for her. If you have something else in mind, let me know. :D


Professor Natalie Reyes
Natalie Reyes is an Astronomy Professor at Hogwarts New Zealand. She is married to one of the librarians, Damien Reyes. They have two children, Luciano and Layla. All of the Reyes' speak Portuguese as well as English. They lived in Brazil before moving to New Zealand. I would like Natalie to have interaction with students and staff at HNZ. She also needs a few more friends.


Faxen Lowart
Faxen is a Gryffindor 6th year. She has had quite the interesting year. She is currently dating one of her best friends (Dymetris Kozlov). She is good in the love department for now. Faxen is adventurous with very few fears. She is quite musical and hopes to pursue that career option. I would like for her to have more friends and just more interaction with other students.


Ezra Shaffer
Ezra is a fifth year Slytherin. He is ambitious which is what got him sorted into Slytherin even though he is a muggle born. He is a bit on the cocky side sometimes, but overall he is a nice guy. He is in love with Karah Love so I'm not looking for anything in the romance department. What I would like are friends for Ezra. ^_^


Chloe Livingstone
Chloe is a twenty two year old model. She is internationally known as a model. She is from a wealthy family. Her father is a wizard and her mother is a muggle. They own a chain of hotels around the globe. Chloe grew up on the upper east side of New York City. Chloe is beautiful and she is vain. She is a flirt. Chloe is used to getting whatever and whoever she wants. :r I haven't rped much with her so I'm pretty much up for anything.
Well my Professor Abby, needs more friends so maybe she ciukd have a chat to either one or both or yours??
these two have to roleplay but i don't really know what or how
to go about it so maybe they should just be on the beach with
their kiddie (what is it's name?) and be all cutesy and stuff?
these two are both gryffindor prefects. so naturally they are
friends, right? i think that karah and faxen would both sort of
understand each other because of their situations with ezra
and dymetris too so that could sort of start them off maybe?
obviously we should roleplay these two together. maybe jacq
hears about azolla and michael getting together eventually &
thinks that it is her place to give azolla some advice about it
and boys in general and azolla gets mad because she doesn't
think that it's any of jacq's business and wishes that it were
her mom instead of jacq so she sort of acts out. idk ideas?
<SIZE size="50"><COLOR color="#000">kieraandnina
so as we both know nina and kiera have sort of an interesting
past but they've both matured a great deal. what i'm thinking
is that nina has had a second child who are about the same
age as kiera's twins so maybe they have playdates and they
drink wine together and have nice chats as friends instead of
enemies or what have you.
Sapphire and Faxen could talk at least. They've been classmates for a while and she's been accused of dating her boyfriend why by now Faxen should know that it's not true. If anything they would have music in common :D
I have Maia Purdue, she's a twenty-one year old actress/shop owner. She was big in the West End, but she had a lot of Drama in England, and so she left for New Zealand, and became a shopkeeper. She's just re-entering into the acting world, and she's run into her ex-boyfriend, who is part of the reason why she left England. I was thinking maybe she could become friends with Katheryn? Perhaps they could do a play, or musical together?
Abby and Natalie
I think that Abby and Natalie would get along best because of their similar ages. Natalie is a sweetheart and easy to get along with anyways. Maybe later we can see how Abby would get along with Jacqueline. Would you start an rp and pm it to that account?

<SIZE size="100">Alianne and Izaak
The baby's name is Liam :p (I had to look back through old pms to figure it out :r ) But I definitely agree that they need to have a little family outing. The beach sounds like the perfect place. Will you start it or shall I?

<SIZE size="100">Faxen and Karah
Oooh I like! I think that they would be friends since they are both Gryffindor prefects and fairly close in age. I think they would get along perfectly. They can definitely connect over their boy situations ^_^ I can start this one. I'll pm you the link on Karah's account.

Jacqueline and Azolla
I definitely think these two need to rp. I think your idea sounds good. Jacqueline would feel the need to give advice to her adoptive daughter. She did like Azolla's mother so she would want to make sure she raised her daughter properly. Once Michael and Azolla get together this is a go.

Kiera and Nina
I love this idea! Kiera and Nina do have a very interesting past, but they have both grown up since their school days. Kiera and Nina did have that one rp where Kiera met her child. Maybe they have been friends since that point, keeping in touch and what not? I think that play dates with the kiddos sounds like a good idea. The twins are about a year and a half old at this point. Maybe Kiera could invite Nina and her children over to her house? What do you think?

Faxen and Sapphire
I think that it is long past due for these two to have a conversation. I think they would get along because Faxen does know that there was nothing between Sapphire and Dymetris. I think we should rp and see where it goes from there. Would you mind starting an rp and pming it to Faxen's account?

Katheryn and Maia
So is Maia living in New York? Katheryn mostly stays in the city unless she is visiting one of her family members. I think it would be interesting if they met through a Broadway musical. Neither one of them would know the other one was magical ^_^ That would be interesting. What do you think?
Yeah, that'd be cool. Maia's currently living in New Zealand, but she's going over and back between there and Londow, however she's had some bad reputation in London, becaus eof her abrupt departure, so it'd make sense for her to go to New York to find acting work.

That sounds good, I will start a thread for them soon, maybe in the Professor's common room? Makes sense they would run into each other there at some point.
that is a cute name. could you start though? i'm a tad busy.
that sounds awesome. i reckon that they'll be friends which
would be awesome because karah needs female friends.
that's great. when azolla and michael get together i'll start the
rp for jacq and zo.
<SIZE size="50"><COLOR color="#000">kieraandnina
that sounds awesome. i have an idea. maybe nina and kiera's
wee ones end up liking each other? it would be really cute if
one of them go to hogwarts together and become finals and
all that? of course that is way in the future but i still think it
would be absolutely adorable. you'd just have to decide which
of the twins (if you're game) so i can decide if nina's kiddie is
a boy or a girl and the like. let me know!
Congratulations Kait! ^_^
I've seen this and thought of posting for my lonely character/s.
Mostly for Harold Garrison, I think Katheryn could be the one? And by that I mean like a bf/gf relationship, if that's fine with you. If you want more, that's fine with me. So a quick summary about Harold:

Harold Garrison currently works at the Ministry, he loves Quidditch and is a Quidditch player as well. He's basically athletic, nice and caring. In addition to that, he's charming (not a flirt like Enzo), independent and strong willed. A few years ago, he lost his wife, son and unborn child in a car accident. This left Harold devastated and broken, he quit his old job which is a muggle school teacher. Then he decided to start a new life in the Wizarding world, Harold is currently single. I'm hoping to find a lady for her to take on seriously and maybe marry her, hopefully before he turns thirty. For more information, just check his Character Development.
So what do you think Kait? :r
Abby and Natalie

That sounds lovely. Thank you :D Just pm it to Nat's account and I will reply!

<SIZE size="100">Katheryn and Maia
Yeah I think that would make the most sense. I can start something for them if you like ^_^

Alianne and Izaak
I will start it in the next few days and pm it to you. ^_^

<SIZE size="100">Faxen and Karah
Faxen is also in need of female friends. It seems like most of the friends she has are male :p I'll get right on this.

Jacqueline and Azolla

Kiera and Nina
*squee* this is such a cute idea! :wub: it! I guess Nina's kid can be a final for Lyra? She's going to be a mini Kiera I think ^_^ Though I really don't have a preference, so if you want it to be for Link that's fine too. The twins have brown hair and bright green eyes.

Katheryn and Harold
Oooh I think that this could work ^_^ I want them to rp together and see how it goes. I feel like it will go swimmingly though :D Katheryn could come to New Zealand to see her family. Maybe they could meet in the Harbour or something? Would you mind starting it?
<SIZE size="50"><COLOR color="#000">kieraandnina
yay i'm glad you like it! i'll definitely make it a little boy for lyra.
i'm thinking his name will be augustus nicknamed gus when he
is small but will grow out of that. it'll be too cute. shall i start?
Wow it's been a while since I posted in once of these. xD Much like yourself, I've been out of RPing as well due to school. Lucky for you, you're graduating. I still have a few more years of med school. :(

Anyways... I need to get two of my characters out there.

So I think something could probably go on between the two of them? Since Audrey is part-veela, I also has a Veela family, so I know how to quite well play against a veela. It could be interesting to see how well Selwin plays against Audrey's veela'ness. He's pretty arrogant, is a successful doctor in the muggle world, though he hates it, but someone dear to him made him promise to them that he would not leave the job. So he's stuck there. Him being a death eater will bring about more interesting things from with in him. I think perhaps the two can have something going on for a while (bf/gf?), and then later on we can see maybe more?

Kiera and Nina
Gus is pretty cute. I think Lyra would always call him Gus ^_^ That would be lovely. Just pm the link to me please :D

Audrey and Selwin
I think that this could be a definite possibility. I would like to rp with the two of them and see how things go. I think it will be loads of fun ^_^ Do you mind starting something and pming me the link?
A little late, but yes, I'll create the topic and will PM you. ^_^
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