A reunion of sorts

Sebastian Rossi

Well-Known Member
Straight 14" Rigid Aspen Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Sebastian had thought he was going crazy the other day when he had been walking the halls to class with Trilby. He could have sworn he had seen an old schoolmate of his, but there was no reason for the girl to be at Beauxbatons. Last he had heard, the girl was in New Zealand somewhere suffering through some kind of foreign exchange program. But, he knew that he had seen her in the school walking around. It was either that or she had another twin walking around that looked more like her than her own brother did.

As he walked from the Potions classroom back upstairs to drop off his books several days later, Sebastian saw the girl again. She was slightly ahead of him in the hallway and she appeared to be alone. He made his way around a couple of people who were simply talking in the hallway and tapped the girl on the shoulder, waiting for her to turn around. "Hey...excuse me" he added quietly.
Deme was busy looking at all the announcement posted in front of the school main billboards. To her disgust everything was written in French, she hated the school native language. Even if the guys here were extremely appealing, Deme didn't look twice to break her neck for them. She was still sad about her breakup with Dan, so being here just made it worst to comprehend. While squinting her eyes in a effort to make out some of the words Deme felt someone tapped her shoulder.

Turning automatically around, to her surprise Sebastian had eventually took notice of her;however, her reaction was dull and boring."Hey fancy seeing you here. Isn't that the way you greet each other? Saying rubbish words like that?" she said Deme responded plain and blunt. She still remember his rejection towards her. So why should she be all cherry about seeing him. He's lucky Deviant hadn't found out about the first time Deme thought. Deme already picturing her brother reaction if she did told him.
When the girl turned around, Sebastian knew that it was Demeter at once. He was taken aback by her greeting though he should have expected to be treated like that. Last time the two had seen each other, things had ended a little awkwardly with Sebastian telling the girl that he had a girlfriend, which hadn't been the honest truth. He had sort of panicked though, especially after she had planted a kiss on him after they had both agreed, or so he had thought, not to do that again.

"Whoa" he said, his pierced eyebrow raising as he looked down at her. "I didn't even know if it was really you. If it turned out to be some Beau girl she might not have understood me anyway so..." he explained. He couldn't believe he was having to explain himself at all. Rearranging his bag on his shoulder, Sebastian asked, "So what are you doing here anyway?"
Deme raised her eyebrow at his reaction. Why was he so suddenly interest in her. Did he not say he had a girlfriend, did he not stalked away when she tried to apologise for her stupid behaviour. Deme thought out her question and decided not to bug hum with it and just play nice and uninterested. Since she really wasn't, how could she be when she couldn't even hold anyone attention to take her seriously. "Sort had a little set back. So me and Dev decided to go into a different school. Unfortunately I was sent here and Dev was sent to Drumstrang."

Deme picked her bag up and over her shoulders letting it rest across her shoulder. "So fancy boy. How you been? Still getting used to the whole eating snails and having bad breath?" Deme sounded like she was joking but instead she looked around the halls filled to the space with students talking about the tournament. Deme wasn't rooting for anybody. She sees it to be a pointless tournament, students risking their lives just to win a dumb trophy.
Sebastian listened to her explain what had happened, and was dissappointed that Deviant wasn't around, though he didn't let it show on his face. He shook his head and rolled his eyes at her comments about the French ways. Putting his hand over his mouth, Sebastian pretended to breath into it. "Are you trying to give me a hint or something?" he joked and then put his hand back down. With a shrug, he added, "I've been fine. The school's not so bad. Not as fun as Salem...but I think we got away with too much stuff there." The people that he'd hung out with in Salem had pulled some crazy pranks with Sebastian during his time there, and even though they'd gotten into trouble, it was nothing to the punishments that they would probably receive if they tried them here.

"How's it feel being separated from Dev?" he asked curiously as he leaned back against the wall and then wondered if his question might hit a nerve. The twins had been close in Salem or more like Dev had been overprotective of Deme, but it was still interesting that they'd agreed or at least allowed themselves to be apart.
"Maybe I am" Deme didn't take it as a joke while a few french girls passing by gave the brunette the death stare. "Please these girls are full of themselves" she muttered absentee, Deme eyes glaring to the girls back to Sebastian. "I miss Salem. I want to go back. But mom not giving in so I'm stuck, maybe till I'm done" Deme pouted. Her soft bouncy bangs shield her eyes making Deme blinked a lot normally than most days.

"I don't know but I don't care" she bluff a little looking away from Sebastian. Sebastian could probably tell that she was lying anyone can at this point. Demeter felt vacillating stepping away from the billboard fully now. Her direction changing as she head down the long corridors. "He's probably doing fine without me. That brat" she rolled her eyes. "Sebastian?" Deme stop looking up humble at her old friend. "Are you staying here for the rest of your life? You know in France?" she asked uncertainty of his future plans.
Sebastian didn't comment because aside from a few girls at the school, he happened to agree with Demeter. "Not just the girls..." he muttered back. He knew how she felt because he had felt the same way during his first few weeks at Beauxbatons. If it hadn't been for Trilby, Sebastian didn't know how he would have survived. She had definitely helped him get over his homesickness and helped him adapt to the fact that the school was taught nearly entirely in French, which was a language he'd studied but certainly not to the extent of the other students. He knew that Deme probably needed time too. Time to adjust and get used to all of the changes.

Sebastian stared at Deme as she looked away. It was easy to see that she was lying, but he didn't want to push the point, especially since she already had an attitude. Trying to help her would probably only make it worse. He was surprised by her question and thought hard about the answer. He shrugged. "Yea, probably. I don't really have anywhere else to go" he said bitterly, "There's no mom waiting for me in Massachusetts when I'm done here you know." At least you do, he added silently.
"That doesn't mean you have to stay here forever" she told him looking distraught. Turning away Deme continue to walk away. She wasn't feeling good at the moment. Sebastain and Deme never really had a good connection. She was only his best friend sister, a girl that only had the deepest crush ever on him. And because she was the way she was, Deme will never admit her feelings for him. It wasn't right at least in her eyes it wasn't it.
Sebastian stood standing there, feeling like an idiot as Demeter walked away. He felt like a jerk. She obviously was feeling homesick and he had not done anything to help her feel any better. With a start, Sebastian jogged toward her and cut in front of her. "C'mon Deme. It doesn't mean you have to be miserable here either." he said resting his hand on her shoulder in a brotherly way. "You know me at least" he said with a faint smile.

He didn't know whether she would think it was a good thing or not. Their relationship had always been an odd one because Sebastian had the feeling that Demeter liked him, but he definitely didn't feel the same way. Perhaps he had for a little bit which was why they had shared that kiss. He had no plans of getting involved with her in that way, but maybe they could be friends. They'd never tried that before because Sebastian had always hung out with Dev and Demeter had always just been Dev's twin to him. Now, he could get to know her if she gave him the chance.

"You've got to keep your chin up" Sebastian said as he glanced around the near empty hall. "Some of them are just snobs, but there are some really nice people here too."
Demeter gave Sebastian a faint smile at least he cared enough about how she felt about a new place. "Your right Sebastian maybe I'm not giving them the benefit of a doubt. You know at least a chance at this school" for the most part she was thankful that he was here.If it had been Deviant she would have felt a lot a home but Sebastian was just as close a brother than anyone in here. "Thanks totally needed that.

I sort of had a bad week before I got here anyways. I waS sort of dating some guy from New Zealand. He Turned out to be the biggest jerk, I don't why I even bother with guys like that" she pinched her nose in disgust. "I'm going to hold up on even trying the ones here" if it wasn't Sebastian than she rather wait till she went off to muggel college with Deviant. They have been talking about that lately. "So how's your classes? I'm sort of stuck with the language here. Kind of annoying"
Sebastian nodded as she thanked him. He knew how it felt to be new here, and knew how cruel and mean some of the students could be, but he also knew Deme was tough even without her brother and that she'd be just fine. He also knew that whether she liked it or not, he'd be her personal bodyguard. She was after all the sister of one of his best friends, and he couldn't just leave her to fend for herself.

It was odd to listen to Demeter talk about dating someone. He'd never really hung out with her when Dev wasn't also in the room, and he doubted she'd talk about dating anyone in front of him. He was too overprotective to sit by and just listen. "Aren't you too young to be dating?" he teased, knowing full well that she was just around his age.

"Me too. Just the other day I got bitten by a plant because I couldn't understand that the prof was telling me to get away from the stupid thing" Sebastian said as he lifted up his sleeve so she could see the bandage. It was feeling loads better than it had a few days ago when he'd gotten it. "You've gotta just practice at it though."
"Should I hurt you now or later" Demeter pushed him enough for Sebastian to step a few few inches away from her. She laughed seeing his face after giving him what he rightfully deserved. "That should teach you" she pointed her nose in the air and pretend to stalk away. She stop and turned around showing that she was only kidding. "You should have looked at your face. Deviant would so clown you right now" she giggle growing red while covering her lips with the palm of her hand.

"Oh wow" Demeter stop laughing when she got a good look at his wounds. "Let me guess Herbology class the Venus flytrap?" Demeter did not like herbology. In Salem she got away without taking it for a while. It was filled in with study hall. That's where most of the notorious pranks happen in Salem. In study Hall. Demeter wonder if Sebastian remembered. She still couldn't believe Dev and him have been friends for so long. Deme would never want them break apart, its what makes them both. Even if Sebastian was a lot more reserved than Deviant. "You should really put some kind of ointment. Looks pretty disgusting" Demeter teased him.
As he was pushed away, Sebastian chuckled after a brief moment of being startled. When she stalked away though, Sebastian was shocked. He had thought she would know he had been joking and wasn't expecting this. He reached out to grab her before she could fully walked away and was surprised when she stopped again. Bas's face turned red as she began laughing at him. "No way. I knew you were joking" he lied, trying to play it all off.

"Oh yea...You have to take Herbology now, right?" he asked, remembering how much she hated the class too. Deme had been lucky enough to get away with not taking it, but Sebastian had been forced to since he had tried his best to avoid Astronomy. That was why they had been in study hall together. He pulled the sleeve down again to cover the gross wound. "Wanna kiss it and make it better?" he teased and then turned red as he realized what he'd just said. Sebastian was suddenly reminded of what he and Deme had done in study hall that one time. "Uh...I've got to go. I'm actually getting tutoring in Herbology. Gotta go meet up with my tutor" he rambled as he started down the hall. "I'll...uh...see ya around Dem" he said, waving as he jogged off.
Demeter sighed. "Boys are so complicated" she spoke out loud to no one else. She sweared he was one of the weirdest one she met. "See you around S-B" she turned around and headed back to the girls dormitory.

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