Closed A Reunion of Sorts

Xiuying Huang

woolongong chaser | goofball 🤪 | 60' grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Veela Hair Core
21 (11/2041)
Xiuying had been playing quidditch professionally for a couple of years now and was loving every single moment of it. Even though her parents weren't exactly thrilled with the idea at first. Speaking about family, she hadn't seen her brothers in a while and thought maybe it was time to see one of her brothers. Sure she made sure to keep in contact with her brothers through letters and such but it wasn't the same compared to seeing them face to face. Xiuying made it to the place that Xinyi had told her, looking around to make sure she had the right address. She hadn't seen her brother in a while and she was excited. The chaser took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
Xinyi had fallen into his new routine- he loved being a father. Méiguī was the absolute light of his life, and the difficulties of her birth had made him even more protective of his girls. Rosie was out for a few hours, visiting her father and sister, and he and Méiguī were spending time together at home. He had her in a front baby carrier as he made dinner- chicken parmigiana. She was cooing, her little fingers gripping and releasing his shirt. He kept a hand on the back of her head, enjoying the little contact, when he heard a knock on the door. He blinked- had he been expecting company? He was so tried, he'd probably just forgotten. Letting a few spells take over making dinner, Xinyi walked to the front door, bouncing Méiguī lightly. He opened it, lighting up with a smile as he saw his sister. "Xiuying!" He shifted so he could offer her a side hug. "Hi! Come in, come in,"
Xiuying smiled as she saw the sight of her brother, gasping a little when she noticed he was holding a baby. “Hello!” Xiuying says happily with a smile, as she went for his side for a hug. “And who’s this little one” Xiuying says in a slight baby voice, as she pulled away from the hug to get a closer look at the baby. It was one of if not the cutest babies she had ever seen.
Xinyi blinked, surprised when Xiuying pulled back and spoke. "Xiuying, do you not read my letters?" He asked, clearly confused. He knew she'd been away on a tour or something when she'd been born, but still... "This is Méiguī. My daughter. Your niece?" He spoke slowly, a little hurt. He knew she'd been busy, but he didn't realize she'd been so busy she'd forgotten what was possibly the most important event of his entire life to date. "She's four months old, Xiuying."

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