Open A Rattling Good Time

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Isaiah Thompson

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OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Blackthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
11/2040 (21)
Isaiah was absolutely stoked for the school's halloween party. His family had always told him how much fun the parties at hogwarts were and after last year he had definitely agreed with that. It isn't a surprise that he had been looking forward to the halloween feast for a little while now, glad the time had finally arrived. He was especially curious about all of the costumes, having noticed last year that there was a definite difference in how much effort people put into their costume. Personally, he had put more effort into painting his face than he had in his actual outfit which was just a lot of black. Black jeans, black shirt, black jean jacket. All black. He figured it'd fit the skeleton paint on his face though so all together he was still pretty pleased with what he had come up with. As he made his way into the hall Zay could almost physically hear the snack table call out his name, but he had to admit the giant tent that seemed to home to some fun house mirrors looked even more interesting to him. So, trying his best to ignore the pull of the snack table he made his way over to the tent, laughing as he stood in front of one of the mirrors that made him look like a tiny, fat skeleton-man.
Julien was not much of an fan of dances and stuff, he was not an dancer and liked to watch from the sideline more than be in the spotlight himself. But it was interesting to see how people acted and to see which costumes they wore. And also his face was covered with an mask so people would not see it was him directly. That gave some confidence also. The blonde made his way through the crowd and grinned as an girl got scared of his costume. He than moved on and spotted the food an drinks table, but also the mirror fun house. He hadn't been inside of there last year so figured he could check it out this one. As he made his way he than spotted someone laughing at himself in an funny mirror. The person was dressed up like an skeleton it seemed from the paint on the face and he than spotted the person after that Isaiah the upside down man, as he got to know him in the student lounge. He went standing after him hoping he could scare him, he didn not know who he was ofcourse. '' You have eaten too less.'' He than said, hoping the boy could hear him speak. Talking about the small mirror thing and the fact he was an skeleton.
Isaiah had moved from mirror to mirror, laughing at how stupid all of them made him look, when his suddenly wasn't the only reflection he saw. "Jeez, dude!" He exclaimed as he jumped up, just barely managing not to stumble backwards into the other kid. Placing his hand on his heart as he caught his breath he turned around, looking at the person in front of him. "You scared the bejesus out of me!" Zay laughed now that he had gotten over his initial scare. It wasn't so much that he actually found the other kid's costume scary, but seeing it has a vague form behind his own reflection had definitely been enough to startle him. "Solid joke though." He grinned when he realized what the other kid had actually said whilst simaltaneously trying to figure out if there was any way he could see who was beneath the costume. "I reckon you'll be able to get quite some scares in before the night is over, huh?" He nodded approvingly as he got a closer look at the costume.
Elara was having a fun time at the Halloween feast with her friends. There seemed to be something going on in about every corner of the room, and the Gryffindor grabbed a snack before walking around the room where she almost ran into a few scary costumes. "Sorry! Oh wait, Zay? Is that you?" she asked, unsure who was behind the face paint. Seeing the other costume, she looked the person up and down and back at her housemate. "Who's that?" she asked, before taking a bite of her snack. She was used to a variety of costumes, and even though the mask was a little daunting, she wasn't going to scream or anything like some others might.
Julien grinned as Isaiah got scared. It was so funny that people didn't knew it was him. If he didn't got the mask he wouldn't easily dared to do this. So it felt kind of free to not think too much about stuff. '' Yeah, you are the second now.'' He than said. Than an girl walked at them and spotted an girl, which he had seen before. As she asked Isaiah who he was. But he would know. So he slowly took his mask off and smiled. '' Hello. I'm Julien.'' He than said friendly looking at the girl, as he tried to fix his hair an bit and than watched at Isaiah. '' Good to see you again. We keep meeting in different circumstances. But this time not upside down.'' he than said with an grin.
Isaiah laughed when the kid he was talking to mentioned he was already the second one that got a good scare out of the costume. He couldn't blame whoever was scared first though, the costume was pretty creepy. Especially when it was used to sneak up on people. "Nice." He nodded approvingly before grinning when Elara joined them. "El! You bet it's me." Zay laughed, casually leaning his arm on his friend's shoulder as he looked at the other kid. He was about to respond to her question by saying he wasn't sure either when the mask came off and Julien appeared. "Dude!" He exclaimed excitedly, not having thought for one second that the ravenclaw could be the one under the mask. "I don't know, I kind of liked the upside down thing more than you scaring me man." He joked, before looking back at Elara as he tried to figure out what her costume was. "What're you dressed as?"
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