A Queer Situation

Aeon Summers

Husky Animagus ☼ Menagerie Owner ☼ Dog Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Pliable Mahogany Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
August 11, 2010 (49)
Morning came to the Summers household, and unlike most mornings, this one was accompanied by the presence of a splitting headache, thundering painfully within Aeon's skull like an overly enthusiastic drummer performing their own lengthy solo and not quite sure knowing when to end it. With a groan, Aeon's eyes reluctantly opened, an action the wizard immediately regretted as the harsh sunlight filtering through the bedroom window painfully burned through his vision, leaving bright spots to dance across the back of his eyelids when he squeezed them tightly shut again in an effort to block them out. It did little to help relieve the pain. He needed some sort of soothing potion as soon as humanly possible, and could only hope they had one pre-prepared somewhere. After a brief moment trying to extract himself from a tangle of bed sheets, the man eventually managed to roll himself out of the comfort of his bed. The very act of standing brought a new wave of unpleasantness. His brain felt like it was being crushed by an anvil, whilst his stomach performed championship worthy somersaults. The animagus hadn't felt this way in some time, not since before Ellie and Lysander were a thing he had to be responsible for, but his inability to recall how he'd even gotten to bed the previous night told him he'd likely had too much to drink. His memory from dinner to waking up was no more than a blank space. "Urgh." He groaned again, stumbling over to the drawer to change into some fresh clothes. Buckling his trousers, Aeon searched around for a shirt. Instead, to his surprise, he found a dress thrown to the ground in a crumpled heap, which definitely didn't belong to either he or Brodie. Reaching down to pick it up, the wizard turned back to the bed to make a comment, only now realising he and his husband weren't alone in the room. "Dallas?" He asked, confused by the additional presence of his best friend. The red-headed woman had, apparently, stayed the night. In their bedroom. His mind could give him absolutely no explanation, his memories adamantly blacked out from what he could only assume was imbibing a little too much. "I- we didn't?"
Normally waking up was a peaceful experience, but not today. Dallas steamrolled into consciousness, and instantly felt like her head was splitting open. The light from the windows was hitting her eyes in just the right angle so that she couldn't fall back asleep if she tried. She scrunched up her eyes, and let out a long breath as another wave of pain raced through her head. The woman couldn't remember much of what had happened last night except for bits, and pieces. A glass of wine here, a shot there. Honestly she couldn't remember the last time she had drank so much. As she woke up more, and more Dallas realized that she was holding onto someone. Someone definitely not her miniature pet dragon. Opening her eyes Dallas saw that the person was none other than Brodie Summers. The loving husband of her best friend. The woman quickly went to move away, but that brought on a wave of nausea so bad it reminded her of pregnancy. So she decided to stay there draped over the still sleeping man. Truth be told it was rather comfy. Slowly memories started coming back to her, and she remembered a vague conversation about being way too drunk to go home. She was hoping for just a bit more shut eye when she heard Aeon's extremely confused voice ask if they had... Suddenly she bolted up right. More memories were coming back to her, and her cheeks flushed bright red. "Well technically we didn't. I think we high-fived at one point though." Dallas reassured him. The very thought of Aeon sleeping with a woman was hilarious. "I mean you gagged when I took my dress off. If you weren't about two drinks from passing out I would be offended." Dallas looked over to the other man though, and couldn't say the same. "Well if I had known that was an option having the twins would have been much more fun." Dallas quipped. They hadn't exactly preplanned last night so she wasn't sure how to proceed. "Mind throwing me my dress?" she asked. The sooner she was up, and with a strong cup of tea the sooner she would feel better.​
Brodie had not had that much to drink since his days as a construction worker. In fact he usually didn't really drink that much at all anymore, but last night Dallas, and Aeon had convinced him to let loose a little. Ellie, and Lysander were spending the night with Arisa so he had finally given in, and done shots with them. Judging by his splitting head ache, and sore stomach he had done quite a few. Still even when he had drank this much he didn't remember ever having a hangover like this before. He let out a groan when Aeon shuffled around, and out of bed. He needed cuddles if he was going to feel better anytime soon. He was about to complain when he realized that even though his husband was standing right in front of him there was still someones arms wrapped around his torso. Brodie looked down, and was shocked to see the bright red hair of Dallas. He opened his mouth to say something, but instead looked up at Aeon with wide eyes, lost for words. Had last night actually happened? He thought it had all just been a rather embarrassing dream. He wasn't really sure what to say. Clearly something had to be said."So, um. Breakfast?" Brodie asked sheepishly. Nana could whip them up something for sure, but he wasn't sure he could look her in the eyes. They had hardly been quiet. Brodie tried to stand up, and put some fresh clothes on himself, but the second he did he felt dizzy, and had to steady himself on the bedside table. "Merlin when did I get so old." He asked as he managed to straighten himself out.
Aeon breathed a small sigh of relief at Dallas' reassurance, though he wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it. It was different. At the very least, he was still gold star gay, and he very much intended on keeping it that way. The whole situation was definitely not an idea he'd ever entertained. Perhaps with a red-headed man, but never someone like Dallas, with all her...ugh, parts. Gagging at the very mention of her other options, and immediately regretting it as the previous nights alcohol threatened to come up, the wizard tossed the redhead back her dress, continuing to find a clean shirt. "Yeah, nooo. Bleurgh. Not from me at least. We'd be stuck with just Lysander and none of my fantastic genes. What a waste that'd be." He pouted, finally finding something to throw on. After a moment struggling to fit his arms through the right holes, he turned back to the two in bed, neither of whom had gotten up yet. At hearing Brodie's comment on age, Aeon frowned in mock insult, his expression one of exaggerated offense. "Really. I'm older than you and that's what you choose to say. Tsk." They were still young, particularly by wizarding standards, but the thought of getting any older was one he hated more and more with each passing year. He missed his twenties already. "Besides, I'm not sure age has anything to do with those weak knees. After last night, I bet someone's going to have trouble walking today." Summers smirked and whistled to himself as he turned to leave the room, hoping Nana would already be preparing them something to eat in the kitchen. He was absolutely starving, but first things first was finding a hangover cure if he wanted to stomach anything he ate.
"Please don't let the kids ever hear you say 'stuck with just Lysander' the therapy bills would be huge." Brodie responded to Aeon's remark. Of course he knew Aeon loved both of their children equally, but young kids didn't always understand that. After Aeon's other comments Brodie wasn't really sure whether to roll his eyes, or to blush. He turned to Dallas, and said, "Someone sure is grumpy this morning." making sure it was loud enough for his beloved husband to hear. Brodie quickly got dressed, and followed Aeon down the stairs. He could already smell Nana cooking something. No doubt the elf already knew Dallas was here. Nothing ever happened in the Summers' house without Nana knowing about it. Just as they reached the bottom of the stairs Brodie ran ahead of his husband, and into the kitchen so that he could pull out his chair for him. "Your chair, sir" he said making sure to exaggerate the fancy butler voice.

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