A Proposition

Eleona Bexley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4 Essence of a Dragons Heartstring
Eleona was utterly and truthfully not in a good state of mind, nor was in a wonderful mood. Why? Well in honesty she just had too much weight on her shoulders to bear. There was the situation of moving in with a new family, and then also, Bella White breathing down her neck about an ex that in all honesty she could care less about. Well that wasn't true; she did still care about him, but not in the sense of being jealous of his relationships. All that mattered was that he was happy, and it seemed he was. No matter what the situation or what was going on, the one constant she always found solace in was the Hogwarts Garden. It had just the right amount of happy things to relax her, and the smells were nothing short of inciting. Basically, it helped her think about things easily.

She sat down on a bench and observed some of the flowers, one, still budding but beautiful. Its petals were purple with soft traces of pink and a little bit of green, and the flower itself was just starting to open up. The smell of it was sweet as well, but it was almost clearing her head in the sense that she didn't think about the other problems going on. Now all she needed was some company, then it would be the perfect de-stresser and she could possibly take a breather.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it's kinda bad. :erm:
It was that time of year again. The air outside was still cold as ever as it raced across the castle grounds, but even its biting chill couldn't bring down Raffaelo's spirits. The badger knew that soon enough the weather would be warming up and all the trees would once again don their leafy apparel in greeting to the spring, and with spring of course came Quidditch.The popular wizarding sport was a favorite of the fourth year's and it always had been. Before practicing ,Raffaelo decided to have a short calming stroll around the garden.

At times he could reminisce how they and Sui Chin would stroll around her side to side but now that was quite over. He haven't heard from her since. The last news he heard was that she was out of school for a couple of months due to her family. She will be back, he hoped. Upon wandering around the garden she noticed a Hufflepuff student like him. Raffaelo saw her somewhere the school that made her face familiar to him. "Good Day." was all he could say to the girl as she stood there inches away from her.
Eleona blinked at the sudden company and looked at the boy. He did look older, but not by much, and it was clear that he was in the same house as her. Her mind drew a blank on whether or not they had seen each other around school before, but the probable answer was that they passed in the hallway or the common room at some point. Although it was chilly the puff could care less, after all it was starting to warm in the air and that would be soothing soon enough. Warm weather was always her favorite, it reminded her of the beach and fun family vacations.

"Um... Hello." She smiled at him, not sure of what else to do. Would she seem weird if she asked him to sit with her? Well she did want company, if he thought her weird than so be it. The bench was clear of anything to prevent him from sitting, so she just gave a motion to the empty space as an invitation to sit. Maybe she could even make a friend out of this run in.
Clasping his arms behind his back,RaffaeloT took in the sight and feel of the gardens. His mind wandered off as he began to walk around with a vacant look in his eyes. He was actually contemplating the move and feel of the wind around him. He had been studying a sort of elemental magic and he was attempting to become more attuned to the ones he did not understand; air being one of them.

"Hey, mind if I join you?" he asked with a friendly smile. It was quite lonely after. He stood there waiting for the girls reply. Wandering his eyes around the place he could see different peers playing tag some snuggling behind the trees. He smiled, he was used to with that view living in Italy people seems to be in love all of the time.
"Sure." Eleona gave her signature smile to him and then patted the seat next to her yet again. He seemed like a nice guy, and it wasn't like she was stuck up and didn't want anyone to sit with her. The third year was actually a friendly person usually, unless you got onto the wrong foot with her. If that happened, well, she wouldn't be nice to you unless it was sarcastic. It was a skill her father taught her, to fake being nice, or to defend yourself and your honor.

The puff rubbed the back of her head and her smile melted into a grin, "I'm Eleona, call me Elle." There was a pause as she fixed her ponytail, but then she realized that she hadn't asked about the other. "Who're you? You look sort of familiar, actually." The couples around them seemed to make Elle dread her situation even more.

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