Closed A Prim-Rose?

Rose Edogawa

daddy's girl🌸asthmatic🌸most like mum🌸panicky
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 11 Inch Whippy Cherry Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
These corridors were so confusing, Rose never quite knew where she was going whenever she tried to go anywhere, because sometimes the stairs moved. No one had prepared her for that, and one time she had been standing right on the top of it, about to step into a corridor and then the stairs moved away, and she'd ended up completely over the other side of where she'd been intending to go and had to walk all the way around again, which she hadn't been happy about, because it meant she'd been late to class. She'd learned very quickly that she couldn't just expect the stairs to be where she thought they should be, since they seemed to have a mind of their own. Which was probably why she was lost now. She'd been intending on heading to the Hufflepuff common room to see if either of her siblings or even her cousin were in, but she might have stepped off too early because she'd been wandering around for ages, and then she'd found the opening to the common room, she thought but it was the wrong door. But now that she wanted to head back to the Gryffindor corridor it was hard to do that too because she wasn't even actually sure which floor she was on in the first place. All of this was just making everything even more confusing and she was about to stomp her foot in a huff when she suddenly reeled back as she seemed to have walked straight into someone in her momentary lapse in paying attention to her surroundings. "Oooph!" she said, stumbling back and rubbing her forehead with a grimace.
Primrose was so sure that this was where she was supposed to be. They had come along this corridor for sure, after the sorting ceremony. But Prim just could not find the Common Room. And where were the stairs?! The castle was so big, the new Hufflepuff student was very surprised that they weren't given maps, or even a companion to help them find their way around. Prim was too nervous to ask anyone for help. She didn't want to bother them - they were probably all going about their own days, with their own issues to worry about, and didn't need a lost First Year to bother them. She was starting to feel frustrated though, and was hoping that a Professor or Prefect would come by soon or else she'd be stuck there forever. Prim paused, looking around, trying to find something she recognized when a force pushed into her back and she stumbled forwards, before quickly turning around and seeing a girl rubbing her forehead. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Primrose asked, moving closer to the girl.
"Uhm, yes... I... I think so?" she says hesitantly, not really quite sure of that. It seemed like she'd be fine, but she did think she might have been getting a little dizzy. That was probably just the lack of sleep though. She hadn't been sleeping well since she'd gotten to the castle because she was always too busy worrying about what her siblings were doing when they weren't with her, and since they were never with her, that meant that they were probably always getting into trouble. "Are you okay?" she quickly asked both to be reciprocal and because sometimes things hurt even when you didn't realise they did. "My dad works here, I can take you to him if you need it?" Did she need it? She didn't think so, but she might have a concussion, so maybe she should check to be on the safe side?

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