A pretty picture for a professor please [C]

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Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
I would like anyone to fill my request.

Banner Request Form
Character's Name: Elvera Le Fey
Banner Type: whatever fits
*Banner Size: whatever works
Celebrity you're using: Amy Lee
Images on banner: any from this shoot
*Background Image: whatever
*House Crest/Dark Mark: none
Text on banner: Professor Le Fey, Divination years 5 & 6, don't be afraid of the shadows it only means that there's a light nearby
*Fonts on banner: whatever looks good, maybe something cursive or flourished
*Colour Scheme: anything maybe purple
*Border colour/size: whatever works
*Other: please may you make one eye green and the other purple (like in my current signature)

Avatar Request Form, if you want, not necessary
Character Name: Elvera Le fey
Image(s): te same as above
Text (if any): her name if it fits
*Font any
*Font Colour: any
*Border up to you
*Other: please may you do the eyes like above.
thats really nice thanks. may it be possible to decrease the contrast on the image on the left a little please. but other than that its amazing.
thats brilliant thank you very much.
can you close it please xD
Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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