A Plot Regarding Numerous

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Adam Bomonti

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alright so here is the thing.

Melodie Lowe and Adam Bomonti had two childrens named Aiden and Lucas. Now it's a fight between I belive Adam Bomonti, Derek Lowe, and Izaak Finch to see whom gets custody over the children. Since Melodie is in a unstable mental state of mind, she can't keep the kids for her own.

What I Needz

1 Judge

8 Jury Members

Lawyers For Adam, Derek, and Izaak(However they can choose whom the want so yea. Whether they want to make a lawyer account for themselves or something like that)

Friends & Family Spectators

For the lawyer, judge, and jury peoples, feel free to use your account (Preferably your 19+) or make a different account. However please notify me Adam Bomonti(Tim) before doing so so I can put your name on the list of peoples. You must have a little bit of sense on how each Character position works. Like the basics of a lawyer(objection!) or the basics of a judge(Silence!) or a jury member(Interesting...)

Anyways if you have any questions please contact me here and via PM
Omfg. I'm making a lawyer right now. I swear.

5 Ace Attorney games have to count for something, right? :p
Can Abby cause a scene at the trial? 'I'm her cousin, give the kids to me!' Seeing as she fostered out Jay and Laani for a while. Shes lonely!
Erm, can we have Abathyn take Izaak's place? Cause seeing as he's only a friend I'm fairly sure that realistically he'd have a slim to nil chance at winning custody. o_O

Besides, he just got himself engaged so he definitely wouldn't want to become the guardian of twins ;) I could offer him up as a witness though in regards to his opposition at letting Adam have custody.
Not sure that Abathyn would be a good candidate atm. She gave up her own kids ( :r ) so I don't think she could take more. But.. As long as its over by the 18th, I'm up to join in fighting for custody.
If no-one else thinks they need Miles, and if we agree that Abathyn is going to try and get custody, then I might say yes.
Izaak that's perfectly fine. It was just a thought by Brittany. So Abathyn you will be the Candidate next to Derek Lowe and mysefl.

Miles I really appreciate your consideration here. And I thank you very much.
So i guess then you'll be Abby's LAwyer

Izaak, would you like to be a jury member? Seeing as you hate both Derek and Adam.

Still Require 1 Judge and now 4-5 more Jury members.
Oooh exciting! Brittany and I wil be together tonight (we're gonna try and pull another all-nighter!) so we can do lots of planny-ness. And she has a computer in her room, so we should be able to use it!

Now, back on topic without getting too over-excited.

*yusss* Abby gots a lawyer! 'T'all sounds good to me ^_^
I can actually make a Lawyer account for Adam soo I guess all we need is one for Derek Lowe which if Brittany wants to make one for him or if she'd like to find one.

Then the matter of a Judge (Which I am trying to get Nick to be) and 4-5 Jury members.

And good luck with the all nighter ;)
Sorry >.< Sorry
Tendicy to call people by their Character's name.

Anyways I have you on a list of people to notify so I'll notify you when we will begin.

Again sorry Camilla
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