Closed A Pitcher of Pumpkin Juice

Miroslav Petrov

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Boomslang venom Core
11/2049 (12)
Miroslav wasn't sure why breakfast needed to be so early in the day. He hated it. Hated having to get up early, hated having to eat so early and with everyone else. it was horrible. He'd sat down at the first available spot, wearing the first clothes he'd found, not in uniform like so many others were, and there was so much conversation, why was everyone at Hogwarts a morning person. He pulled up his hood and just tried to grab some foot. for once accidentally knocking over a pitcher of pumpkin juice, though it thankfully spilled away from him so he didn't get dirty, just someone else did.
Hazel loved the morning and loved breakfast at Hogwarts. Every morning was just a new chance to make a great day, and she liked sitting around all her classmates as everyone ate. She enjoyed looking around at other students, seeing what they were wearing and overhearing what they were chatting about. Sometimes she sat at the Ravenclaw table with her best friends, but today she was just hanging out at her own table, enjoying a breakfast of toast and jam. Well, she had enjoyed one bite before her toast was drowned in pumpkin juice from a pitcher that fell over. Hazel shrieked and scooted back on the bench, watching in horror as the juice dripped off the table and onto her robes. "Ugh!" She looked up to see who had knocked it over, recognizing the boy immediately. "You again?!"
This being an accident, he watched the pumpkin juice as it spilled and then landed on to a girl, who maybe managed to avoid some of it. He met the girl's gaze as she spoke, very accusingly towards him. "It's you," he replied, not bothering to say that this had been an accident, he didn't care if it had and was sure she wouldn't believe him. "I was just helping, your robes are dirty," he retorted with a sigh, and a yawn, the yawn because he was actually tired and wasn't just pretending for the sake of this moment.
Hazel frowned as she tried to stop the pumpkin juice from spilling on her more, though it was sort of a lost cause. As she reached for a napkin, her sleeve fell into the puddle, making her sigh. "They are now." She said, annoyed. "Did you do that on purpose? I have to go change before class now." She said, annoyed. At least the Slytherin common room was relatively close, but she hated having to run around before class to make it on time. She had some time to finish her breakfast first, but knew she'd have to rush later.
Miroslav shook his head. "They were dirty before," and then laughed loudly. "Yeah I did, I saw you, and then just thought, I'm going to spill pumpkin juice all over her," he was saying it a little mockingly, but also did not actually say he didn't do it on purpose. He hadn't meant to really, but what did that matter, he had, and it was done.
Hazel bristled at the boy’s lies about her robes. She was pretty easygoing usually, but once someone said something about her appearance, she got mad. She was proud of how she looked and put a lot of her energy in it. “You’re lying.” She snapped. “Why are you such a jerk? Still mad I told the prefect about you?”
Miroslav laughed lightly at her tone. "Why would I be mad about a prefect?" he replied with a scoff. "They're useless suck ups, I don't care about house points or anything like that." he laughed lightly as he spoke. He reached for another jug of pumpkin juice. "Will you tell on me if I spill this on you?"
Hazel frowned and shrugged, throwing up her hands. "I don't know! But why else are you targeting me?" She asked him angrily. He called prefects useless and said he didn't care about house points. Honestly, Hazel didn't care that much either, but she did care about getting in trouble. Her eyes widened when he grabbed another jug of pumpkin juice. She reached for her wand. "Yes." She said firmly. "Becaue that's not spilling- that's- I don't know, assault!"
Miroslav shrugged at what she said. "I'm not targetting you, you're just always there when I do things," he countered. Given that this had actually just been an accident, then of course he hadn't been targetting her. However, he looked down at the pumpkin juice that he had in hands. "Oh, I wouldn't want to assault you," he said, putting it down, but then very purposefully, knocked it so it would spill over the table and her.
Hazel frowned when the boy said he didn't target her but she just happened to be there when he did things. She highly doubted that. She sighed in relief when he put the pitcher down again, but then yelped as he knocked it over. "You SUCK!" She yelled, whipping out her wand. "Repello!" She yelled, waving her wand at the pumpkin juice. It didn't really help, it mostly caused it to go in unexpected directions. She was glad to see some of it splashed back on the boy.
Annoying this girl did almost make up for how much it sucked that he had to get up early. There really wasn't much worse than having to do that. He was tired, but making her frustrated was enough. He watched as she tried to repel the juice, and had to turn a little to avoid it getting in his eyes, not that he would've minded if it had got in his eyes. "Wow, congrats, you made a bigger mess," he teased.

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