A Nudge in the Right Direction

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Cyndi stepped into the diner and looked around, glad to be among strangers. Right now, she wasn't in the mood to run into anyone she knew and if she'd stayed in Obsidian Harbor that very thing would have happened. It would have been nearly impossible to not run into a neighbor or someone who'd seen her out and about during the winter. And it would have been infinitely worse if she'd run into him or his girlfriend. Australia seemed a much safer place to avoid any mention of Riley, and she'd been to this diner before, a long time ago when she and Estrella had gone on vacation together just before they'd graduated.

As she slid the small box into the seat before settling herself in beside it, Cyndi thanked her lucky stars that she hadn't run into Riley in their apartment. His door had been closed and she had made quick work of getting what she needed and getting out just as fast, not even bothering to check whether he was home as well. The young professor was still not ready to see her roommate and although she knew she couldn't avoid him forever, it seemed to be as good a plan as any for now. Not that Cyndi was afraid of the inevitable confrontation. She just wasn't ready for it...yet.

Letting out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding, Cyndi listened to the waitress rattle off the diner's specials as she slipped a menu onto the table. "A hot chocolate for now please" she said, a brief smile flickering on her face. As soon as the lady left, the smile dropped off and Cyndi absentmindedly opened the menu up.

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